Reddit for Business: 6 Effective Ways to Build Your Brand

 The internet has revolutionized how we communicate, transact business, and drive engagement. With its growing popularity, the digital space has become a prime opportunity for businesses to build their brand.

Reddit is a potent tool in this regard, as it offers businesses a platform of engaged users who can find value in the services and products they offer. However, utilizing Reddit for business requires careful consideration of strategy and tactics.

This article will explore ways businesses can use Reddit to establish their brand, increase customer engagement, and grow their business.

Reasons You Should Use Reddit for Business

Reddit was never the top choice for businesses to use as an online marketing tool. But, as it has grown in popularity and reach, marketers are realizing that Reddit is a valuable platform that can be used to drive traffic, increase brand awareness, and generate sales

Here are some of the reasons why you should use Reddit for business:

Reach a Broad Audience

Reddit has over 430 million active users and is a great platform for reaching a wide variety of demographics. By crafting compelling content, businesses can tap into Reddit’s vast user base and engage with users from all walks of life.

Get Valuable Feedback and Insights

Customers are the key to success–businesses must listen to what customers have to say about their products and services to make necessary adjustments. Through Reddit, businesses can easily get direct customer feedback on improving their brand and what aspects are working or not. 

Additionally, by utilizing Reddit’s vast network of users, companies can gain valuable insights into industry trends and customer preferences, which can be used to shape future marketing plans.

Connect With Potential Customers

You can never have enough customers as a business. Facebook and Instagram are mainstream platforms for reaching out to customers; however, nowadays, they’re no longer enough. 

This is where Reddit comes into play. As a business, you can use this platform to connect with potential customers willing to engage in conversations about various topics and interests. This opens up the possibility for businesses to interact directly with customers about their products, services, and brand. 

6 Ways to Use Reddit for Business

The following tips and tricks can help businesses maximize their use of Reddit for increased engagement, lead generation, and brand recognition.

Research Your Audience

Reddit can be an invaluable resource for businesses for audience research. By researching the most relevant subreddits to your business, you can better understand what resonates with your target audience and which topics they’re discussing. 

You can also use Reddit to explore what kind of content gets the most upvotes and comments and use this data to create content that resonates with your audience. 

Leverage Reddit Ads

Advertising on Reddit can be a great way to reach new audiences, build awareness of your brand, and drive traffic to your website. When leveraging Reddit Ads, you should focus on setting realistic goals, targeting the right people at the right time, and creating engaging ads.

Be sure you are familiar with Reddit’s policies and guidelines as well since there are some restrictions on the type of content you can advertise. We also recommend checking out Reddit marketing examples to better understand what works and what doesn’t.

Invest in Reddit SEO

Reddit SEO can be highly effective if you’re looking for ways to improve your online presence and reach more potential customers.

Here are some tips on how to use Reddit for business:

Identify relevant subreddits: Start by researching subreddits that are related to your niche and the topics you want to cover.

Create engaging content: Once you’ve identified your target subreddit, create interesting and valuable content to Redditors.

Engage with other Redditors: Participating in conversations and responding to questions is a great way to build relationships with other Redditors. This will help you build trust and establish yourself as an expert in your field.

Be consistent: Consistency is key when it comes to Reddit SEO. Post regularly and respond quickly to comments, questions, and messages. This will help you stay top of mind for your target audience.

Curate Excellent Content

Quality content can convert, engage, and retain customers, so ensuring you have something notable to share with the Reddit community is important.

Redditors appreciate well-crafted content that is both informative and engaging. It’s best to avoid generic, promotional content – this won’t go down well with the Reddit community.

Instead, create content that solves problems and adds value. You can use Reddit’s upvote and downvote system to gauge opinions on content topics or ideas and use this to inform your own content strategy.

Be sure to use visuals, as they make content more interesting and engaging. Redditors also love humor and stories, so don’t be afraid to get creative.

Promote in Subreddits

Don’t be afraid to promote your business on Reddit. Promoting your business in subreddits is a great way to increase brand awareness and get more people interested in your offer. Before promoting, make sure that the subreddit you’re targeting is relevant to your business so that its users will receive your content well.

However, be mindful of the community guidelines and ensure you follow the rules. Engaging with other users is also important before promoting your business. Commenting on other posts and starting conversations can help build relationships with people in the subreddit and make them more likely to accept your promotional content.

Create an Engaging Community

One of the great things about Reddit is that it provides entrepreneurs a platform to build an engaging community. By creating a subreddit specifically for your business, you can invite customers and other interested people to participate in discussions about your products or services.

Once the community is established, use it to ask questions, get feedback on ideas, or simply share your business updates. You can also offer exclusive discounts and promotions to members of the subreddit. Doing so will build loyalty and encourage more people to join the community.

Key Takeaways

When used correctly, Reddit can be a powerful tool for businesses looking to grow their reach and engage with potential customers.

By following these tips, you can use Reddit SEO to ensure your content is seen by the right people and increase visibility for your business.

Research your audience to understand the content that catches their interest.

Run Reddit Ads to get your content in front of more people.

Create compelling content that engages and adds value to the Reddit community.

Leverage Reddit SEO to increase visibility for your content.

Promote in subreddits that are relevant to your business.

Build an engaging community around your brand by creating a dedicated subreddit.

Branding Tips

 Wondering how a luxury brand like Louis Vuitton can charge thousands of dollars for a simple bag? How they keep raising their prices, and never offer discounts? And how they continue to be one of the most successful luxury brands in the world? If you want to know their secrets—and how to implement them into your own small business, then this blog is for you! We’re doing a deep-dive into one of my favorite luxury brands, Louis Vuitton—for 4 luxury branding tips you can use to help you build rapport, brand loyalty and a high-end clientele.

High End Pricing

A common component of all luxury brands is their premium pricing. They just charge more and Louis Vuitton is no exception. Known primarily for their handbags and small leather goods, Louis Vuitton purses range from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars.

In fact nearly all of  their “entry level” bags are priced at over $1,000. And here’s the thing—Louis Vuitton regularly raises their prices, and they never offer sales or discounts.

By unapologetically selling at a premium price Louis Vuitton is saying, “we’re worth it. And if you want it, you’ll pay for it. Period.”

Louis Vuitton never competes on price.


As a solopreneur and service provider, I don’t think you should either. Many small businesses owners try to compete on price because they think it’s their only competitive advantage.

But to those people, I’d argue that they’re actually just not confident enough in their brand to charge what they’re really worthCompeting on price is a no-win situation, a race to the bottom, and a guarantee for burnout.

And contrary as it may seem, competing on price is a good way to lose great clients. 

Luxury Brands are Exclusive

Louis Vuitton creates exclusivity in their brand in several ways. The first, as I just mentioned, is price. The thing is not everyone can afford or wants to spend several thousand dollars on a handbag. And it’s certainly not something that most people do ‘on a whim.’

Simply by embracing a ‘high-end’ pricing model, Louis Vuitton creates exclusivity for their brand. Another way that they create exclusivity is by limiting the availability of their products.

For some of their most popular items, Louis Vuittion will create exclusivity and demand, simply by offering a very (VERY) limited supply. For example, one of their most popular cross-body bags, the Pochette Metis, is almost never available.


When I was trying to buy my Pochette Metis last summer, the website kept saying “out of stock” for weeks.

Then I came across a post about how another woman was able to purchase hers because she simply kept refreshing the page (for hours) and finally it came in stock. She seemed to think that the “stock” would become available for just a few mins every 24-hours.

So I tried it myself, refreshing the browser several times throughout the day and guess what! The bag finally became available.

Is Louis Vuitton really unable to keep these highly desirable purses in stock because they just keep flying off the shelves?

I don’t know, but I doubt it!

Instead, my guess is that they’re intentionally creating more desirability for the bag by making the supply incredibly low. This of course is creating a somewhat false sense of exclusivity which creates a higher demand.

And it’s genius—because it works!


So, how can you apply this lesson to your own business? As a coach, consultant, or online entrepreneur, you might think that you can’t create this sort of demand simply because you don’t sell products.

However, remember, if you’re selling one-on-one services, your product is your time. Even if you’re selling group coaching programs or memberships, your product is still your time. And you need to treat your time with the reverence it deserves!

You wouldn’t believe how many life coaches I work with who make themselves completely available to their leads and clients!

I see them offer free consultations at all hours of the day, every day of the week! And same goes for their one-on-one coaching sessions. If you’re doing this too, you need to stop. It’s time to play a little ‘hard to get’ with your clients.

By leaving your schedule is completely open, you might think you’re being ‘flexible’ for new leads and clients, but instead, you’re sending a very clear message that you’re simply not in demand, don’t have anything better to do, and are probably a little desperate.

Instead, try offering a limited number of consultation spots each week. If a new coaching client really wants to work with you, they’ll make one of those times work and even better, they’ll feel a real urgency to book with you!

Build a Luxury Brand Legacy

Just like all great luxury brands, Louis Vuitton celebrates their heritage and legacy. Louis Vuitton, the man, began making trunks in Paris during the Industrial Revolution. He was then hired as the personal trunk maker and packer for the Empress of France.

The Louis Vuitton brand celebrates this history—and you can see how this legacy continues to influence product design to this day.

This includes the abundant use of their Damier Canvas pattern—which was originally used on their trunks. Louis Vuitton also sells exclusive purses and products that hint at their history as trunk makers. And they still sell their infamous trunks, some of which retail for over $180,000.

This is important because the casual consumer doesn’t really care about a brand’s legacy. But a true brand disciple does.


Someone who just wants a Louis Vuitton bag—because it’s expensive, and they want the social status they associate with that—doesn’t necessarily care about the brand’s history or heritage.

However, there is a small subset of a brand’s consumers, who don’t just want the bag, but become obsessed with the brand. These are collectors, and brand disciples. These are the people who always want the next ‘it’ bag and are on the edge of their seats for the launch of each new collection.

Even though this group is a small percentage of a brand’s entire customer base, I would argue that they are the most important. These are the loyalists who love the brand and their legacy, and like all good disciples they share their deep devotion with those around them.

These are the people who get other people excited about a brand.

All successful brands have this small group of devout followers who get the word out to other consumers.

Just think about some of the biggest coaches in the industry—don’t they also have a loyal core of followers who are always talking about them?


Now let’s talk about another brand, Apple, and those Apple fanatics who will have owned every version of the iPhone (and probably still has all the boxes they came in too!), and they can tell you Steve Jobs life story as well as the history of the company.

The average iPhone user doesn’t actually care about all of that.

However, we all turn to ‘those’ people when we’re ready to make our next big Apple purchase because they’ll sell us on it better than an Apple store employee could!

Your legacy is the story behind your brand—including your Why and your brand values. And when shared the right way, loyal consumers will connect deeply with your story.

Brand Recognition through Logo Design

Wondering what a great logo can do for your business?

Look no further than Louis Vuitton—this brand has built incredible brand recognition through their iconic and timeless logo! In fact most of their products prominently feature that logo.

From bags, to shoes, to belts (and everything in between)—Louis Vuitton has mastered the art of selling their brand. And using their logo to do so.

People want the bags, the shoes, or the belts with that logo because they want to be a part of that brand and what it represents. And when they wear it proudly, they’re sharing that brand with everyone around them.

This is why luxury logo design is so important. Louis Vuitton has built their empire on their logo—and so can you!