When it comes to how to do social media marketing, success doesn’t happen by accident. It’s all planned.

But without some guidelines in place, it’s difficult to know what you’re working towards.

Which is where a social media checklist comes in.

Rather than throwing every strategy at the wall hoping one will stick, you act with intention.

This helps guide the direction of your online presence and everything you post.

If you’re ready to learn how to do social media marketing and better manage your daily social media to-do list, this checklist is what you need. 


Before we get to anything, we first need to think about our content.

It won’t come as news to you that creating valuable content is key to building trust with your audience.

Sharing the right kind of content helps you to:

Show potential readers that you are the “go-to” resource.

Build trust which translates into trust for your brand as a whole. If you sell products or services it also makes you a top choice when people decide to invest in you or your competition.

Attract visitors to your site and achieve more conversions. If new visitors like your content, they will subscribe and share it with others. Both are key to growing a loyal following and successful online presence.

But you can’t just share any old content. Any old content doesn’t get great results. You need to share the type of content that converts.

This could include:


Video tutorials


Case studies



White papers

Blog content


What you want to do is brainstorm the kind of content you could create for each. You also want to consider:

The type of content you have already created that could be repurposed into new media.

The type of content your audience is already engaging with. Look at your most popular content in Google Analytics and determine how you can update those posts.

And the type of content that you want to be known for. Choose 2-3 topics that align with your brand and message.

Don’t make it difficult for your audience. You need to make your content easy to access.

This will not only help you build your brand, but it allows consumers to connect with you too.

Now let’s take a look at how you can start to put together a great social media marketing strategy.



Go online and search for relevant keywords.

Do the same in Pinterest.

Look through your favorite blogger’s articles .

Follow your favorite bloggers on Twitter and curate their articles from there.


Your audience makes decisions in an instant. Will they stop and read or move on? Will they create conversation and engage with your brand or your competition?

The average lifespan of a tweet is less than 18 minutes so given that, grabbing attention fast is important.

Without attention, opportunities can be lost forever.

That’s where visual marketing comes in.

You don’t have to be an expert to know that visual marketing is highly effective. Visuals capture audience attention, increase engagement, and boost traffic. So how do you start?

 8 major forms of visual content that you can integrate into your social content:

Attention-grabbing, artistic photography – Think styled stock photos.

Screenshots – Useful if used right, e.g. taking shots of helpful images to go alongside your content.

Infographics – Come in handy when you want to convey a meaty or super long message in an easy, bite-sized and informative manner.

Comics – Make a long story short, captivating and humorous with relevant cartoons.

Data visualization – Present facts, figures and statistics in a simple and visually stimulating manner through standalone graphs and charts.

Memes – Use trendy memes tailored to fit the context of your updates or posts.

Miscellaneous graphics – Think of diverse images that complement your content.

Visual note taking – Think of casually designed layouts of ideas.

Try and incorporate each one across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and more in unique and channel specific ways.


This is nothing new.

Video is on fire right now.

Creating several videos (produced and live) that support your social media strategy is a must.

Here are a few starting points:

Take key points from evergreen content and break them down into a simple bulleted list.

Show your audience how to do something or make something better – fix their problem.

Your video scripts don’t need to be long and complicated!


People read content they like and invest in products/services they like. But they also buy from the brands they love. That’s something you can’t ignore.

People invest in and buy from brands that represent their own values and beliefs.

Of course, what you’re creating is really important. But how you market your content and build a community is just as important.


Now you’ve had a think about what you’re going to post, it’s time to figure out the steps you’ll take to increase engagement, traffic and sales.

This is your daily social media checklist. It’s an easy to follow list of steps to take each day.

Your daily social media tasks should take you no more than 30 minutes. I recommend you do them at the beginning and end of your day.

I get that you think you might not have that kind of time. If so, you need to check out time blocking.

These tasks are critical to help build your social media presence.

So now it’s your turn. Read through the version here and then download and save the complete checklist at the bottom of the post.


Reply to all comments (remember the three g’s: be grateful, generous and giving).

Thank anyone that’s shared your content (keep track of this).

Like and comment on 3-5 relevant Page updates (leave a thoughtful reply of five words or more).

Share relevant content to niche-specific groups (don’t be spammy or too self-promotional, instead be helpful and valuable).


Monitor mentions via keywords and respond to any questions, needs or concerns.

Choose 3-5 influencers to interact with. Be genuine with your replies and interactions – people will notice!

Make 10 new high value connections (use Twitter’s Advanced Search for this).

Schedule 3+ posts to share throughout the day.

Thank people for retweeting your content.

Thank 3-5 new followers.


Check incoming messages and respond to any necessary.

Approve all invitations to connect that are a benefit and make sense to you and your brand.

Share a relevant industry article or your latest blog post to your profile.

Interact within 2-3 groups and see if you can offer any answers.


Post 1-2 times per day – a mix of blog posts, roundup tips, top tips, funny/inspirational and relatable posts.

Share an Instagram Story

Like one post from everyone that’s liked your content.


Pin 20-30 images per day, a mix of your content and other people’s.

Like 5 posts per day.

Repin 5 images per day.

Choose evergreen posts to pin to specific brand blog board.

Update boards or titles that need to be optimized.


Create a new video from existing blog content.

Clean up your descriptions, add keywords, your URL, and tags to older videos.


A lot of people think social media can be time consuming, but it doesn’t have to be.

The best way to get started now is to find 2-3 of the to-do’s listed above that will have the biggest impact on your brand.

Put them on your calendar and commit to them daily.

Once you’ve got those tasks down, add to them. You’ll build momentum as you go.

Make it fun, pay attention to your data and watch your engagement increase on every platform.

Love with Life

I want you to know what it feels like to
be in love with the life that you are living.
I want you to know what it feel like to
wake up in the morning and be grateful
for another day, every day. I want you to
have all of the energy you need to live
the life you want to live. I don’t want you
to be scared of the unknown–I want
you to see the unknown as a beautiful
puzzle that you will be able to build on
your own. You are capable of building
your dream life–one that you look back
on in the future and are completely in
awe of. I don’t want you to look back
and regret not making the move you
doubted you could do. You can do
anything. Start by believing in what you
don’t believe you are capable of. Start
by letting go of the strings attached to
your past. Start slowly. It won’t happen
all at once but it will happen as it needs
to. Please, don’t doubt yourself and
remember you don’t need anyone else to
believe in you for your dreams to come
true. You deserve to believe in yourself
and let that energy carry you through.

December 2

Before you demand anything from others, learn to be honest with yourself. Have the courage to accept that you were the one killing all your dreams. So by this year end , i have decided to do what i like most, things which makes me happy. 

     So on this 2 December with full of courage i decided to took part in random party , which have something like open theater and after party along with one of my friend because individual would be not good choice. But as always it turned out completely different that what i thought.

Deep down you always know what’s best for you, you can sense when to leave a person or place because you are just being used, you realize when you did wrong and when you were wronged yet just stay in your comfort zone and keep things as they are, your brain will play tricks on you. You will make great excuses to convince yourself not to start working, give a another chance.

  Because nothing happened as i imagined like to meet new person, spend time in different environment , create new memories. Yes memories, i created but that too of non stop blaming game that why it turned out this way with me.  

 My friend had some work that day , so we have been late at there around nine something and the first thing we encounter was nothing but a completely different zone. weird thoughts of being alien at there. Like we are thirties  and seeing twenties kids there. 

 But we acted like , nothing matters to us. We were just here to enjoy so keep going. But the first game they invited us to take part  “truth & dare”. With bit of hesitation and by silent consent to each other we just go with the flow. But just after a moment we become speechless. 

   There “truth task” includes relationship question and “dare” is to propose someone. And i opted is to “RUN”.

 Other activity was there is of  open theater . So i sighed and thought now everything would be on track. The selected movie is  Rockstar . My friend is not okay with this, as she have already watched it many times. She told me that its 2012 movie and thanks to my decision at last in year 2023 im watching it finally. Let me tell you that im not a movie person but at that time it was still okay for me. though i watched only half part.

 My main focus was to be there and to meet new people, but here also i disappointed my self and could not make effort to communicate even to person. There was a person who just sitting next to me on same bench but i cant make any effort. And the whole movie ended like this.

Stand tall against the lies your brain might want to throw at you. You will meet enough people in your life who will say one thing but their actions won’t match. You will meet a lot of people who are going to lie you. While you cannot control how others treat you, you can learn to be honest with yourself. 

Then at last i thought food would be good , but here they disappointed me . 

Dance , my whole survival is because of dance, so i thought this is point where i can feel proud about myself. at least with this activity i can enjoy and for sometime can forget everything what is going on in my life at present . The one activity which can help you heal your inner pressurize person. But with great disappointment i have to say that my friend dont like to dance, so i couldn’t . 

So with full of courage at one thirty of night we decided to get back to our home. That last no made me so powerful that i dont care we were girls and with taking risk with google direction decided to leave  place at this darkest hours of night . 

When we left the place everything was good and with attitude of bold females ever. But soon after we stared driving our whole thoughts get change. Because the road was totally dark and no one was there. and my friend was kept saying that she is scared and asking me how im feeling. But at that time i acted strong and says that whatever would be scene but will keep going , rather than my inner self was so scared and praying to GOD .

  Than after effort of half n hour approx. we find main road to city but again with good luck , it started raining heavily. But we were not in any situation to stop anywhere because of risk and time. So we decided to look for hotel , so in December month we can save ourselves.  

We are girls who never booked hotel in day time but circumstances turned out where we have to find hotel at this hours. Finally we find one hotel , but let me that scene was too memorable because when we reached hotel , even staff was sleeping . So when we knock them they all were glaring us like we had committed any crime.  

   Not even they but my inner soul was also in shock that what i have done. But soon after when we enter in our room i get relaxed because that’s how i am always . Completely messy n confused. 

There was tornado of thoughts, that why i have done this all. Can’t i be more practical to face the situation rather than running away from there. How would explain to mom and dad or its better to hide this all from them. But it wouldn’t be a good choice because they trust me a lot. How would i erase this all from mind . Because this is something which i should not done. This kind risk could end me in bad situation .

  I completely trying to get relaxed at the moment but mind was against that . It kept me busy with different thoughts without any break just one after another.

We are always busy like this. One task after another. One thought after another. One visual after another. The cycle never ends. We never take a pause to reflect on who we are becoming, what we are losing, what we are thinking, or what our thought process is. When you are just taking outside information without thinking about what you are consuming, you end up doing , thinking and becoming like surroundings . And then you complain about why you are like this.


The Secretary Bird Size is tall and large, and located in open grasslands and savannah of the sub-Saharan region. The Secretary Bird has a head like an eagle with yellow color around its eyes. This hunter bird has long legs covered with thick black scales to protect the leg from snake venom.


The Height Of The Secretary Bird varies between 4 m to 4.3 m, but their height can increase up to 4.9 m. With a weight of 2.3 kg to 5 kg, they have an impressive wingspan of 6.2 ft to 7.2 ft and 2 meters wide.

The wings protect the Secretary Bird from the snake bite while chasing. With the curved talons on their ends, the toes are thick and strong. The secretary bird has a lifespan of 10-15 years and in captivity, it can live up to 19 years. Around the eyes, there are thick feathers and have black feathers on the end of the wing and thighs. There are black crests on the back of their head, which looks like old quill pens in their head.


  • Crest: There is the crest on the back of the head of the secretary bird, which looks like a stock of old quill pens held by official secretaries.
  • Head: The head of the Secretary Bird is not large as an eagle, but has the structure of an eagle. Around the eyes, you can see the yellow and red colors and also has thick feathers. 
  • Wings: With a wingspan of 6.2 ft to 7.2 ft and wideness of 2 meters, the secretary bird looks big.
  • Tail: Tail varies between 57 to 85 cm and held upright. It helps to maintain balance when running fast and also in a time of the fight.
  • Feet: The feet of Secretary Birds strong and have thick soles, which help to stamp the snake to death.
  • Plumage: The plumages are in white color and the black in end.
  • Legs: The legs are long with covered thick scales to protect them from the snake venom during the chase.

A Star not Known

She had a language of her own,

Her own way to show her love and care,

She would meet people as if

It has been years to the bond they share.

Her eyes can touch the scars

You’ve been hiding for long,

She would cares the flaws,

As that made one strong.

She is a gorgeous mess,

Composed of the pieces broken down,

Her smile is starlit,

And there’s beauty even in her frown.

Some people started to envy her,

And tried to bring her to their size,

As it isn’t easy to appreciate someone

When you’re made up of endless lies.

They tried to compress her sky,

And condense her inner starlight,

But they couldn’t make her universe shrink,

And she shined brighter every night.

Soo she realized her own

World was enough strong

And she has been looking for beauty everywhere,

But it lies right where she belongs.


Sometimes i feel like i am simply being ‘passed into different hands.

We make homes out of people,

only to pack up our things

and move

and move

and move.

there is a lot of myself

still residing in cardboard boxes.

i am too scared to find a place for it.

i hover at your doorstep.

you look like exactly where i need to be

right now. but i’ve got a pocket full of old keys

to remind me to never overstay my welcome.

invite me in anyway.

there is something about you that

makes me want more than anything

to give all this another try.

Easy Steps to Share Your Instagram Reels to Facebook

 Instagram Reels have become a popular way to create and share short videos with friends, family, and followers. But if you’re looking to expand your reach and share your Reels with a wider audience, consider posting them on Facebook as well. 

Sharing your Instagram Reels on Facebook is a simple process that can help you reach new viewers and grow your following. In this article, we’ll walk you through the easy steps on how to share Instagram Reel to Facebook posts.

Whether new to the platform or a seasoned user, you’ll find this guide helpful and informative. So, let’s dive in!

How to Share Instagram Reel to Facebook

However, you can only share IG Reel to Facebook if your accounts are connected. This means that you need to sync your Instagram profile to your Facebook account first. 

If you’ve been sharing your Instagram posts on Facebook before, you don’t have to go to the Accounts Center anymore. Is this your first time posting your Instagram content on Facebook? 

Here’s how you can connect your Instagram and Facebook accounts:

1. To get started, go to your Instagram Profile page.

how to share instagram reel to facebook

2. Next, tap the menu icon on the upper right side of the screen. Then, select Settings.

3.Go to Accounts Centre. 

how to share instagram reel to facebook

4. Next, click Profiles.

share instagram reel to facebook

5. Then, select Add Accounts so that you can enter your Facebook details.

  1. can you share reels to facebook

Once your Facebook and Instagram accounts are synced, you can easily share any of your Instagram posts on your Facebook, including Reels.

Here’s how to post Instagram Reel to Facebook at the same time:

First, create a Reel. Then, once you’re done editing, tap Next.

share reels to facebook

Scroll down and look for Recommend on Facebook.

  1. can you share instagram reels to facebook

Turn the toggle handle on. Select if you’d like to turn sharing on to Facebook for all reels or only for this reel you just edited.

After that, tap the back icon and hit the Share button once your post is ready. Your Instagram Reel will then be automatically shared on Facebook.

How to Share an Instagram Reel on Facebook Story

You now know how to share Instagram Reel to Facebook feed, but there are other ways you can share your IG Reel on Facebook.

Can you share your reels to Facebook Stories? Yes! It’s a smart idea because more people on Facebook will likely view your reel. Short-form videos are also becoming more appealing, even on Facebook, so your reel shouldn’t be caged in your Instagram account.

Now, you can’t directly share your Instagram Reel to your Facebook Story, as you can only post it on your Facebook feed. But don’t worry. There’s a workaround for this. All you need to do is to save your Reel as a clip on your phone instead.

Here’s a quick step-by-step guide on how to post a reel from Instagram to Facebook Story:

1. First, open the reel you’d like to share on your Facebook. Then, tap the three buttons on the side.

2.Select Save to your device so your Instagram Reel will be saved to your phone’s gallery.

3.Now, open your Facebook App and tap Create Story with the blue plus icon.

4.Then, choose your saved Instagram Reel under Gallery.

5.At this point, you can add texts, sounds, music, effects, and stickers if you’d like to. If you don’t want to change anything, just hit the Share button, and you’re done!

how to share Instagram reel to Facebook feed

How to Share Instagram Reel to Facebook Business Page

Can you share reels to Facebook Pages? 

For sure!!

Facebook’s Business Pages are also great platforms where you can share your Reels, especially if you have a bigger following on an official page.

All you have to do is save your Instagram Reel as a clip and upload the video to your Facebook Page. But if you want your Facebook followers to be linked to your Instagram account, you can post your IG reels directly to your Facebook page instead.

Here’s how to automatically share your IG Reels to your Facebook page:

To get started, tap the menu icon on the upper-right side of your Instagram profile screen. Then, select Settings.

  1. how to share instagram reel to facebook business page

Next, click Account.

how to share instagram reel to facebook business page

Then, tap on Sharing to other apps.

how to share instagram reel to facebook business page

Select Facebook.

how to share instagram reel to facebook business page

After that, you’ll see the Facebook accounts you have synced to your IG account. Select the account you need.

  1. how to share instagram reel to facebook business page

Choose the Facebook page where you want your IG reels to be posted. Then, keep pressing the back icon until you see that your Facebook page is the default page where your IG reels will be shared.

After you create an Instagram Reel, tap Share to Facebook and turn on the Facebook Page share button. 

Once you’re ready to post with the right caption, hashtags, topic, etc., hit the Share button, and you’re good to go!

What A Ride!

Life should not be
a journey to the grave
with the intention
of arriving safely
in a pretty
and well preserved body,
but rather to skid in
in a cloud of smoke
thoroughly used up,
totally worn out,
and loudly proclaiming
“Wow! what a ride!”

It’s okay

‘It’s okay’

She whispers to herself.

‘It’s okay’

But is it?

She gave everything she had

to others.

She carved her own soul for

the people around her.

But now,

when she needs the same,

she has no one to turn to.

No one will rescue them.

So she sits on the floor,

telling herself

‘it’s okay’

knowing it’d not,

knowing it will never be.

Didn’t I tell you, my love?

You’re all alone.

Take Yourself on Date

Learn how to truly be yourself; go to lunch, get coffee, go and watch a movie, alone and understand that there is no
need to feel lonely . Take it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself. Fall in love with yourself and
romanticise everything you do. The way your voice changes when you ask a shopkeeper, cinema attendant,
waiter or any other person of vague authority for something. The way you bite the inside of your cheek when you are nervous.
They way you feel the heat in your cheeks rising with the cool sides of your hands.
Become enamoured with the little habits and idiosyncrasies that are only noticed by someone who loves you.