
I’ve always admired roses

But not for their color

There’s something about them

That I haven’t yet discovered

Yet everyone tells me

That I’m looking into deep

That it is just a flower 

Just a little prize you can keep

But yet there is something special

About the roses that you see

And It’s not about the petals

It’s about the thorns to me

It puzzles me how something

So beautiful and rare

Can cut you so deep

And you wouldn’t even care


I don’t know much about 

how to label the things i feel.

all i know is that

when i look at the sky,

i see freedom.

when i look at the dirt,

i see breakthrough.

when i look at the ocean,

i see serenity.

and when i look at you,

i see everything.

Loving You With Everything

I’m going to love you in your weakest moments to your strongest ones.

 I’m going to love you when you’re happy and I’m going to still love you the most when you’re sad. Don’t you understand? I’m here, and I’m not going anywhere I want to love you, each and every piece of you. I want you with your imperfections as much as I want you for you. 

And I’m always going to be here loving you with everything.

Finish Line

When i was little, i used to watch raindrops sliding down the care window. i thought that perhaps they were racing to get across the finish line. i noticed the way the idle droplets were rescued by their brothers colliding into them and propelling them forward.

now that i’m older , i watch people . and i wonder why we are all still pretending that we don’t need others to nudge us to keep moving forward when we get a little stuck along this journey we call life.

Know Yourself

Don’t aim to be understood by others before you understand yourself. People may never understand your intentions. You know them. They never understand why you do what you do or say what you say. You know the reasons. They may never understand why you treat them the way that you do,  or why you treat others the way that you do. You know why . 

They may never understand the words that you say or the language your eyes speak. You understand these languages because you create them. They many never understand the strength it takes to be the way that you are. You know your weaknesses and your struggles, and you are the one who works so overcome them, so your strength means more to you than it could ever mean to anyone else.

It really isn’t about what they understand by just looking at you. It’s about what they want to understand, and if they really want to, they won’t assume. They will ask.

I know Why The Caged Bird Sings

The free bird leaps

on the back of the wind

and floats downstream

till the current ends

and dips his wings

in the orange sun rays

and dares to claim the sky.

But a bird that stalks

down his narrow cage

can seldom see through

his bars of rage

his wings are clipped and

his feet are tied

so he opens his throat to sing.

The caged bird sings

with fearful trill

of the things unknown

but longed for still

and his tune is heard

on the distant hill

for the caged bird

sings of freedom

The free bird thinks of breeze

an the trade winds soft through the sighing trees

and the fat worms waiting on a dawn bright lawn

and he names the sky his own.

But a caged bird stand on the grave of dreams

his shadow shouts on a nightmare scream

his wings are clipped and his feet are tied

so he opens his throat to sing

The caged bird sings

with a fearful trill

of things unknown

but longed for still

and his tune is heard

n the distant hill

for the caged bird

sings of freedom

I was born to fly free

I was never meant 

to be kept in a 

cage or anything

that resembles one.

I was never meant 

to be trapped or

enslaved by anything.

including my fears

or my addictions.

I am not just meant 

to fly…I am

meant to soar.

I must remember to 

never let anything 

enslave me. My life

is too important.

I am brave girl

I was born to fly free.

I never truly lived

So many people walk this earth,

With purpose in their eyes,

But in their heart of hearts they know,

What they’re living is a lie,

The alarm goes off at 6am,

Like every other day,

So they can walk into a job they hate,

Because they need the pay,

All time does is take from them,

But it never seems to give,

Always waiting for the day to come,

When they finally start to live,

I’m all too scared that one day soon,

I’ll become just like the rest,

Only walking with crowd,

Because my dreams have been oppressed,

That one day I’ll look back on life,

At the opportunities that I missed,

And realize I never truly lived,

All I did was just exist.

Amazon A+ Content

 Are you taking full advantage of your Amazon product detail pages? As a vendor, one of the biggest factors to increasing conversion rates on your product detail page is the inclusion of Amazon A+ Content. Amazon’s own research and analytics shows that A+ Enhanced Marketing Content increases product sales by an average of 3-10%, giving brands a big advantage in a competitive retail space.

Amazon A+ Content is available to first-party (1P) vendors and allows them to add high-quality images and comparison charts to their product descriptions, boosting conversions with more detail, and persuasive content that goes way beyond text on a page. Third-party (3P) sellers using Seller Central can take advantage of high impact content through Enhanced Brand Content.

.Advantages of Amazon A+ Content

Everyone knows that pictures are more persuasive sales tools than simply text on a screen, but there are some unique advantages of Amazon A+ Enhanced Marketing Content:

Enhance your brand. With Amazon A+ Content, your product detail pages can be more visually consistent with your brand, and reflect more of your brand messaging. Bringing your branding to your Amazon product pages increases recognition and brand loyalty, and it’s an important benefit of using A+ Enhanced Marketing Content.

Create comparison charts. Amazon often adds a product comparison widget to product pages, helping consumers make the right product choice for them. With A+ Enhance Marketing Content, you can create your own comparison charts to help educate and inform consumers yourself. Your charts cannot compare your product with the competition, but it’s a fantastic way to showcase your related products and feature comparisons within a single ASIN. Charts can help consumers choose the right product within your brand family. This often prevents customers from navigating to another brand’s product page.

A+ Content – Comparison Chart

Stay competitive. If your competition is selling their products with slideshows, and interactive charts, it’s a good idea for you to step up and do the same.

Is Amazon A+ Content Right for You?

Before you begin adding A+ Content to all your ASINs, it’s important to consider how each product fits into your overall marketing strategy, and evaluate your needs accordingly.

Do you qualify?

In the beginning, A+ Enhanced Marketing Content was only open to Amazon vendors (1P), not sellers (3P). However, Amazon has significantly expanded the program since its inception, and the rules have changed. Today, Amazon offers A+ Enhanced Marketing Content for first party vendors on Vendor Central and Enhanced Brand Content for third-party sellers on Seller Central. A third-party Amazon seller is only eligible if they’re brand-registered. Vendors and sellers have different levels of enhanced content available to them, with different numbers of modules and content types.

Do you have the right ASINs?

Creating Amazon A+ Enhanced Marketing Content takes time, and might even cost you money if you need to create new content and material for your A+ detail pages. This is an investment in your product, your brand, and your position in the minds of Amazon shoppers. It’s important that you invest in the right products for your Enhanced Content, to make the most of the program.

Choose a product with the right margin. Depending on your production costs to create high-quality enhanced marketing content, you will be investing in marketing each ASIN. Assuming you can boost conversions by 3-10%, how long will it take for A+ Content to pay for itself on that ASIN? Assess your existing marketing assets along with the costs (internal and external) to create new content. This will help you figure out which products make the most sense for the budget.

Choose a product with the right features. An ASIN with strong differentiators, complex features, or a compelling story lends itself to enhanced content. A simple product that doesn’t require detailed explanation, zooms or exploded images, or doesn’t lend itself to feature comparison probably isn’t the best choice for A+ Enhanced Marketing Content.

Choose a product with the right traffic. Amazon A+ Content may offer a slight uptick in SEO, but shouldn’t be relied upon to boost traffic. Choose an ASIN where you can focus on converting the traffic you already have, and where your channel marketing efforts will pay off the most.

Planning Your A+ Content

Your A+ Content is as important and visible as any other marketing content you create, and therefore should be treated as such. Here are some things to keep in mind when gathering assets for A+ Content.

Look after the details. With Amazon A+ Content, you don’t have real-time control over your product pages. It can take Amazon a week or more to correct Typos, omissions, and mistakes you catch after publishing your A+ Enhanced Marketing Content. Be thoughtful and plan carefully. It’s a good idea to have multiple people proofread and double check your content before publishing. Also, don’t forget to optimize A+ Content for mobile.

Design to spec. Whatever template or module you use, Amazon provides resolution, dimensions, and other guidelines that should be followed closely. Read and review the guidelines carefully. This ensures that your marketing assets look as good on your Amazon pages as they do on your monitor.

Closing Thoughts

Amazon A+ Enhanced Marketing Content can be a powerful way to increase sales and revenue through Amazon. But it’s not just about boosting conversions; it’s also about boosting your brand. With enhanced detail pages, you can more effectively communicate your value proposition and your brand identity. As a result, you will turn Amazon shoppers into your loyal customers. These incredible tools should be used thoughtfully and strategically to make the most of your relationship with Amazon and your customers