What to Work on When You Have Little to No Clients

 You’ve hit a slow period and you are very tempted to lay on the couch and Netflix it up but then you realize that’s probably not the best idea.

So, what do you work on? Below are some ideas to keep your productivity levels up and your business thriving.

Clean up the back end of your business. I don’t know about you but I’m always behind on cleaning up my books. So I like to take some time each month to clean up my books and upload any invoices or receipts that I have. I also keep a budget spreadsheet so that I can keep track of my goals. I’ll take that time to update that as well.

Update your website. It’s good practice to keep your website updated regularly. You could be rereading your copy to make sure that it still makes sense for your ideal client. You could be updating your client testimonials section. You could be updating your portfolio page.

Work on blog posts. Blog posts are important for gaining traffic to your website. I love to crank out a handful of blog posts in a couple of hours and create all of the graphics so that they are ready to go!

Work on a new freebie for your ideal clients. Freebies have been the number one way that I have been able to grow my mailing list. Freebies are something that you create for your ideal clients, usually a PDF, that gives them free knowledge. For example, I have a free welcome packet template and a free branding checklist that people can receive once signing. If you need help with coming up with an idea, ask your audience on social media.

Brainstorm new offerings. Being an entrepreneur means that new ideas are probably flowing through your head on a daily basis. Take this slow time to build off of those ideas and maybe create a plan of action.

Work on social media posts. When I’m busy with clients, posting to social media is the last thing on my mind. So during slow periods, I like to plan out my content. Sometimes I get ambitious and plan out a whole month’s worth of content. Along with planning out my Instagram feed, I also plan out what I’m going to talk about on Insta stories, Insta lives and in my free Facebook group. You can easily write a month’s worth of content in two-three hours!

Work on your email marketing. Work on a couple of emails and schedule them out. Work on any email automations that your email system offers. I.e. workflows when someone opts into your freebie. 

Work on automations. There’s possibly some other automations that you could be setting up in your spare time to make your life easier. For example, I have automations set up when I on-board a client so that my system automatically sends them the invoice, contract and welcome packet. Check out with your CRM system has to offer so that you can spend less time in your email.

Clean up your email. This one may seem obvious but I didn’t start implementing a folder system for a long time and now that I have one, I feel way less stressed and overwhelmed when I open my email. As soon as I have an email resolved, I move it to its appropriate folder location.

Clean up your desktop/folders. I am always in such a rush when I’m working in design files and then exporting them, that my folders can get super messy and I end up having too much storage on my laptop. When I have free time, I’ll move useless or older documents to a separate hard drives and maybe delete any redundant files.

My biggest tip for you is to not get down on yourself when you have little to no clients. Everyone goes through slow periods in their businesses, even the people who you look up to and seem so wildly successful. Take this period and try to make the best out of it and in no time, you’ll be booked up again!

I’m the kind of girl

Who is quiet in large groups or around

people I don’t know; you only see the real

me if we’re close. I smile and laugh a lot

especially at the most inappropriate times.

   I’m a hopeless romantic.

I trip over air, up stairs and over 

people’s feet. I am the hardest person to

offend, but it is all too easy to make me

feel horrible. I hate telling people about

my problems; they don’t need

      to worry about me.

I’m the one who listens to other people’s 

problems. I believe people should not be

judged before one takes the time to get to

   know them, yet I am guilty of doing

        that exact thing.

I love to think rather than talk.

I’m awkward, clumsy, shy, starnge….

  but this is me. Take it or leave it.


I think I’m dead

Or maybe I’m not

But I feel like a flower

Shriveling in its pot

Like the gleaming stars

That disappear in the day

I’m dissolving bit by bit

While losing my way

My fingertips are snapping

Like the icicles at the pole

I cannot see any footsteps

I can never feel whole

I’m number thirteen on the clock

I’ve been thrown out of existence

The time has killed my passion

Along with my persistence

Destroy me one the battlefield

For my years are running low

In this belligerent world

I’m like a fire in the snow

Take Yourself on Date

Learn how to truly be yourself; go to lunch, get coffee, go and watch a movie, alone and understand that there is no
need to feel lonely . Take it as an opportunity to learn more about yourself. Fall in love with yourself and
romanticise everything you do. The way your voice changes when you ask a shopkeeper, cinema attendant,
waiter or any other person of vague authority for something. The way you bite the inside of your cheek when you are nervous.
They way you feel the heat in your cheeks rising with the cool sides of your hands.
Become enamoured with the little habits and idiosyncrasies that are only noticed by someone who loves you.

You’re just as important as those you love

It’s time to start putting yourself first and believing you deserve it.

Isn’t it exhausting to always calculate your actions

based on other people’s opinions of you? Isn’t it

exhausting to always put others first while you suffer,

just to please them or to show them that you care?

Doing what feels good to you doesn’t mean you lack

love for other surround you. It simply means you also

love yourself just as much. learn how to invest in you

and pursue all the things that make you happy and 

fulfilled. Even if it’s just taking yourself on a two -day

trip or saying NO to going out with friends because you 

prefer a quiet night at home or working less and taking

some time off for you mental health. Remember that 

you’re just as important as those you love.

I Wish

I wish I wrote the way I




With maddening hunger.

I’d write to the point of


I’d write myself into

nervous breakdowns.

Manuscripts spiraling out

like tentacles into abysmal


And I’d write about you

a lot more

than I should.


You try hard to catch your shadow

but it moves much too fast.

it jumps on the walls and ceilings,

begging you to revisit your past.

nostalgia is a powerful state

and your memories give you fight.

you remember the instruction—

” second star to the right…”

here nothing is lost,

you still have every single friend

and on the morning horizon,

you see your innocence suspend.

but oh, remember now

you have far different dreams

and it’s okay for life to not be the same

because we’re growing up, it seems.

i hope your life is still an adventure—

one that’s wild and grand.

but i think it’s time to live it here,

i think it’s time to leave neverland.

My Heart

If you have a big heart it gets heavy,

as if a stone hangs from your chest,

that was put there by the people

who lied and said they’d give their best.

If you have a big heart you’ll get tired

of all the things you’ve left unsaid,

for there are words you could have spoken

that would have filled your heart instead.

If you have a big heart you’ll feel burdened

by all the hopefulness you hold.

You’ll grow weary of compliance

but still do everything you’re told.

If you have a big heart it gets heavy,

and you may feel it weighs a ton.

There will be times you feel defeated,

but having a big heart means you’ve won.

To Autumn

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,

Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;

Conspiring with him how to load and bless

With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;

To bend with apples the moss’d cottage-trees,

And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;

To swell the gourd, and plum the hazel shells

with a sweet kernel; to set budding more,

And still more, later flowers for the bees,

Until they think warm days will never cease,

For Summer has O’er-brimm’d their dammy cells.

Who hath not seen thee oft amid thy store?

Sometimes whoever seeks abroad may find

Thee sitting careless on a granary floor,

Thy hair soft -lifted by the winnowing wind;

Or on a half-reap’d furrow sond asleep,

Drow’d with the fume of poppies, while thy hook

Spares the next swath and all its twined flowers:

And sometimes like a gleaner thou dost keep

Steady thy laden  head across a brook;

Or by a cyder-press, with patient look,

Thou watchest the last oozings hours by hours.

Where are the songs of spring? Ay, where are they?

Think not of them, thou hast thy music too–

While barred douds bloom the soft- dying day,

And touch the stubble-plains with rosy hue;

Then in a willful choir the small fnats mourn

Among the river sallows, borne aloft

Or sinking as the light wind lives or dies;

And full-grown lambs loud bleat from hilly bourn;

Hedge-crickets sing; and now with treble soft

The red-breast whistles from a garden-croft;

And gathering swallows twitter in the skies.

Poem of life

Life is but a stopping place

 A pause in what’s to be,

A resting place along the road,

    To sweet eternity.

We all have different journeys,

Different paths along the way,

We all were meant to learn some things,

   But never meant to stay…

Our destination is a place,

Far greater than we know.

For some the journey’s quicker,

For some the journey’s slow.

And when the journey finally ends,

We’ll claim a great reward,

And find an everlasting peace,

Together with the lord.