End of the day

At the end of the day, I just want to be proud of the

person I have become. I want to be proud of the love

I gave- of the way in which I risked my heart despite

being hurt. I want to be proud of the effort I showed

those I cared about; I want to know with a ruthless

certainty that I showed up as much as I could, that I

made people feel seen, that I made those around me feel

less alone in this chaotic world. I want to be proud

of my life – of the way I healed, of the way I made mis-

takes and learned from them, of the way I felt every-

-thing even when it wasn’t convenient or comfortable. I

want to be proud of the way I grew, of the way I let go,

of the way I pushed myself to be a better person. At

the end of the day, I just want to be able to say without

hesitation that I lived my life, that I did not just take 

a back seat to my pain, or to my flaws, or to whatever 

hardships came my way. I want to be able to say that I

am proud of the way I survived. I want to be able to say

that I did not take one dat for granted.


I hope you find what you’re looking for out there.

I hope you find the kind of happiness that exists on your own terms. I hope you truly take the time to figure out what moves you, what encourages your soul, what you deeply crave from life, and I hope you have the courage to chase that . 

I hope you have the courage to believe that you are deserving of everything you desire, that you are capable and worthy of curating the kind of life for yourself that sparks something within you.

You have a fire inside of you- I hope you never let convenience, or comfort , or the easiness of standing still put it out. I hope you show the world what you can do with all of there passion inside of you.

I hope you find the kind of love that makes you a softer person. The kind of love that makes you want to be a better man or woman, the kind of love that believes in you and supports you, that stands by your side. I hope you find someone who quickly becomes your favorite thing – someone who makes the fall less fearful, someone you can’t help but choose every single day, I hope you find someone who shows you just how deeply you can feel, just how deeply you can love. 

I hope you find something real, because nothing is more beautiful than loving someone who loves you back. Nothing is more beautiful than loving someone who builds you a home in their heart.