Love with Life

I want you to know what it feels like to
be in love with the life that you are living.
I want you to know what it feel like to
wake up in the morning and be grateful
for another day, every day. I want you to
have all of the energy you need to live
the life you want to live. I don’t want you
to be scared of the unknown–I want
you to see the unknown as a beautiful
puzzle that you will be able to build on
your own. You are capable of building
your dream life–one that you look back
on in the future and are completely in
awe of. I don’t want you to look back
and regret not making the move you
doubted you could do. You can do
anything. Start by believing in what you
don’t believe you are capable of. Start
by letting go of the strings attached to
your past. Start slowly. It won’t happen
all at once but it will happen as it needs
to. Please, don’t doubt yourself and
remember you don’t need anyone else to
believe in you for your dreams to come
true. You deserve to believe in yourself
and let that energy carry you through.

Yourself are your true mate

The sky is so tragically


It is the graveyard of stars;

It doesn’t hurt but it leaves the


Not just on mind but the whole

human soul

Not just it control, but the heart

that it stole.

Maybe that’s what life has to 


But this should not stop you to


Cause without pain,

How would you know joy;

It builds you up and just believe,

that it does not destroy.

All you need to have is faith,

Cause once it was said that life

is ‘fickle finger of fate’,

Believe in yourself because you

yourself are your true mate.

don’t leave just yet

i wish i could sit with you

and show you the beauty of this world

despite its mess.

we could watch the falling leaves

and i could explain

how they are a metaphor for




i could trace the edges of the leaf,

trace the clouds in the sky.

but what i really wish i could do

is trace your hand

and show you your beauty

despite your mess.

show you that you too

can be a symbol for




don’t leave just yet.

it might be chaos

but there is harmony in nature

and i believe that one day

you will find it in yourself.

she was not the flower

They thought she was delicate

Like a pretty, little flower

But she is so much more than that

She holds extraordinary power

They thought they could crush her

Like a daisy in their hands

Yet there is something about her

That they do not understand

she is wildflower

The type you cannot tame

The girl who brings the sun

There is venom in her blood

and danger in her eyes

But she hides her power well

You couldn’t find it if you tried

They did not believe in her

Because they thought she was weak

But she was not the flower 

She was the snake underneath

The In between

Oh I would live a sweet forever

Inside the moments after waking,

Where fragments left by dreams

Take just a little too long breaking.

For I’ve heard that there are realms

Trapped in those seconds in between,

Where life is a collision

of reality and dream.

What a wonder to have nothing

More or less than you believe,

To live within a world

Of what your sleep filled mind conceives.

But it breaks a heart to know

It lasts no longer than a yawn,

For with one rub of tried eyes

Into reality I’m drawn.

Time Heals Everything

     I don’t believe time heals everything.

              It helps, it does.

After a while you won’t cry about it all the time.

   It won’t consume your every thought anymore

              You do get better.

                You’ll laugh,

                 And smile.

   You’ll even have a lot of great days.

            But it’s still there.

        You just learn to live with it.

           This is how things are now.

            So you get used to it.


    That doesn’t mean it ever goes away.

       It’s still deep in your soul.

Still stops you in your tracks when something

              reminds you of it.

          You’ll have those moments

       Where your heart hurts really bad.

      I don’t think time heals everything

              Sure it gets better,

      But it’s a scar that never goes away.

A broken bone that still aches oon rainy days.


I’ve always admired roses

But not for their color

There’s something about them

That I haven’t yet discovered

Yet everyone tells me

That I’m looking into deep

That it is just a flower 

Just a little prize you can keep

But yet there is something special

About the roses that you see

And It’s not about the petals

It’s about the thorns to me

It puzzles me how something

So beautiful and rare

Can cut you so deep

And you wouldn’t even care


I hope you find what you’re looking for out there.

I hope you find the kind of happiness that exists on your own terms. I hope you truly take the time to figure out what moves you, what encourages your soul, what you deeply crave from life, and I hope you have the courage to chase that . 

I hope you have the courage to believe that you are deserving of everything you desire, that you are capable and worthy of curating the kind of life for yourself that sparks something within you.

You have a fire inside of you- I hope you never let convenience, or comfort , or the easiness of standing still put it out. I hope you show the world what you can do with all of there passion inside of you.

I hope you find the kind of love that makes you a softer person. The kind of love that makes you want to be a better man or woman, the kind of love that believes in you and supports you, that stands by your side. I hope you find someone who quickly becomes your favorite thing – someone who makes the fall less fearful, someone you can’t help but choose every single day, I hope you find someone who shows you just how deeply you can feel, just how deeply you can love. 

I hope you find something real, because nothing is more beautiful than loving someone who loves you back. Nothing is more beautiful than loving someone who builds you a home in their heart.