3 Mindset Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

 What mindset habits do successful entrepreneurs have that set them apart?

Habit #1: Always know what you’re working towards (Most important of the mindset habits!)

According to science, visualization is a powerful way to get what you want.

Close your eyes and imagine your dream business and life scenario.

Get very specific: Where are you waking up in the morning? What is the first thing you see when you open your eyes? How do you feel? What is the first thing you do when you get out of bed? What do you eat? Who are you with? WHERE are you? And what does the rest of your day look like?

How much work are you doing? How much money are you making? And how do you feel about your life?

The reason this is so important is because at the end of the day…

Every minute of your life is a decision. What you’re saying, working on, eating, wearing, feeling, loving, hating, and doing. You decide.

And where you are in your life is the result of each of those decisions.

Once you’re clear on where you want to be, then, you can control each and every decision so that it helps brings you closer to your end goal. It all starts with you deciding on what you want, keeping it in mind, and knowing that every action you take is bringing you one step closer.

So do this right now, and enjoy visualizing what you want. It’s your life, and you get to choose what it looks like.

Habit #2: Maintain only beliefs that serve you

What you believe is your reality.

Literally. A belief is a thinking pattern you’ve developed over the years that has formed your image of what you perceive to be the truth. As far as your mind is concerned, your beliefs are your truth. A classic example of this: Here in the U.S., being tan is considered attractive. However, in other cultures, the reverse is true, and the paler you are, the better.

So place the same fit, tan woman in front of someone from the U.S. and someone from China, and the first will consider her highly attractive while the second will consider her the exact opposite. The physical reality of this woman’s appearance is exactly the same, but because of each viewer’s perception, what is “real” for each of them is completely different.

This applies to all beliefs. What you perceive to be true is—for you—the only truth.

That’s why your beliefs define you—who you think you are and what you think you can do.

Think about it this way…

If you are a coach and you think, “I can’t sell my coaching program for $x, I’m not worth $x, why would anyone want to pay me that?” What do you think is going to happen?

Do you think someone else is going to say, “No, you ARE worth that, let me pay you right now?”

Probably not. And you probably wouldn’t even bother ever asking for $x, in which case, you’ll never be paid that. And because of that, you’ll continue believing that you’re not worth $x. It’s a vicious cycle.

So take a few minutes and write down what are you’re thinking about your ability to succeed as an entrepreneur and your worth and ability to sell at a certain price.

You’ll probably be surprised at some of the thoughts. That’s GOOD, because once you recognize them, THEN, you can start training yourself to re-program those thoughts into ones that actually serve you.

Habit #3: Consistently exercise…your mindset

Now, you might try these two exercises I just shared and start realizing some aha’s, BUT, we’re talking about mindset habits here, not just exercises.

Because your mindset is like a muscle: You don’t exercise it just once and then expect that it’ll stay in shape forever. In fact, having a daily mindset routine is one of the most important things you need to do to succeed in business. According to research, mental practices are almost as effective as physical practice.

You have lots of options for what exactly you do, and I’m going to share some of them with you. 

One option is to use affirmations, to consistently re-program your thoughts with ones that serve you.

You can also practice visualization, where you visualize the exact outcome you want to achieve.

Or, you can use journaling to get clear on exactly what you are thinking and want to be thinking.

These are just a few options to help you get started.

The most important thing when it comes to mindset habits, like with physically working out, is to just get started. Then, as you figure out more what you like and what works for you, you’ll naturally settle on the most powerful daily practice for YOU.

Finish Line

When i was little, i used to watch raindrops sliding down the care window. i thought that perhaps they were racing to get across the finish line. i noticed the way the idle droplets were rescued by their brothers colliding into them and propelling them forward.

now that i’m older , i watch people . and i wonder why we are all still pretending that we don’t need others to nudge us to keep moving forward when we get a little stuck along this journey we call life.

Feel Alive

I remember sitting on the swing in our backyard when i was eight years old, thinking about how strange it was that i wouldn’t remember that exact moment in a few months. Eleven years later & perhaps the irony of it all is how clear that memory still is for me.

i think about it often not sitting on the swing but just the messiness of memories and how at any given time, we can exist in a thousand different places just by brushing up against other lives.

it’s a scary and beautiful thing, don’t you think? there are things we have said and done that are so easily forgotten, but somewhere, in some mind, they are remembered.

i wonder about all the things i am. how in some stories i may be the conflict and in others, the resolution. how i might be nothing more than the girl who ordered a flat white with one sugar but even still, i exist outside of this body and isn’t that incredible?

we are not just living , we are painting memories . how could we not feel alive?

I Can Feel Your Picture

Its almost 786th  time or may be more…

I can spend every second of day while just watching your picture. 

 I cant explain how i feel when i see your picture. Not just the regular one which we have at our home on walls and in our albums but every   new picture you send to me . I can not resist my self to look it again and again. I know it would be more good , if we stayed together always. You cant change situtation but  i cant even explain my happiness of having you in my life.

When in morning you drop me a picture of yourself, receiving award for excellence in work . The picture was very simple and and you too were looking very elegant in that but i was lost in moment that i didn’t even realize that i should congratulate you.

My stupid love aura break when you call me and ask me that why i didn’t reacted , just like always . And that time i understand that you never mention but you too like to hear me. It could be anything but you want me to reply you. You expect my reply . You expect me to talk with non stop routine so that you can ask me to stop, which have unsaid exclamation to never stop. 

You never speak much and specially i wont dare to compare you with me. Because im a non stop train who once start there is no ending point. But you like me in this way and i love our this pattern . Where only i say and you here me without any interruption . Due to our this one side conversation ritual i start communicating to  your picture. 

 You dont even believe that what i become these days. Whole day i feel like you are standing near me or walking with me, so im saying and you are just hearing me as usual. It does not matter im standing in our bedroom or living room i just kept on talking with pictures of you which are hanging on wall.

I can feel that if im talking than you are hearing me. If im crying than you will just come from there and embrace me tightly in your arms.

If im singing than you are seeing with full of love. 

I can feel your picture.