How to Update My Import Export Code (IEC) Registration in India

What Is the Import Export Code (IEC)?

Import Export Code (IEC) is an unique identification number assigned to importers and exporters in India. It is mandatory to maintain IEC registration with the Central Board of Excise and Customs (CBEC) in order to trade in goods and services between India and other countries.

To update your IEC registration, follow these steps:

Login to the official website.

Click on ‘Registrations’ tab.

Select ‘Import/Export’ from the main menu and then click on ‘Registration Details’ from the sub-menu.

On the ‘Registration Details’ page, under ‘Import Export Code (IEC)’, you will find the ‘Update IEC Registration Form’ link. Click on this link to open the form.

Complete all fields on the form and click on the ‘Submit’ button to submit it.

Your IEC registration will be updated automatically after submitting the form.

Why Do I Need to Update My Import Export Code (IEC) Registration in India?

Import Export Code (IEC) is a unique code assigned to a company which allows the Customs authorities of different countries to track the imports and exports of that company. The code is mandatory for all companies who engage in international trade, whether for goods or services. In order to keep your IEC registration current, it is important to file an annual update application with the Indian Customs. Failure to do so could lead to penalties and delays in customs clearance. 

The benefits of keeping your IEC registration current include: 

Reduced time spent on customs documentation 

Improved accuracy of customs declarations 

Increased safety when engaging in international trade

Fill Out Your New Information

By updating your IEC registration, you will help ensure that your business is compliant with current regulations and meet the expectations of customers and partners.

To update your IEC registration, you will need to submit the following information:

Your company name

Your company address

Your company phone number

Your company email address

Your company website URL (if applicable)

The type of business you are in (import/export)

What to Do if I Have an Expired IEC Registration Certificate

If you have an expired IEC registration certificate, there are a few things you can do to update your registration. You can either visit an IEC authorized agent or mail in the renewal application. 

If you visit an IEC authorized agent, they will be able to update your registration for you. You will need to bring your expired certificate and the renewal application. 

If you mail in the renewal application, you will need to include your expired certificate and the renewal application form. You will also need to provide your full name, date of birth, business name, address, and telephone number.

Where Can I Find More Information on Import Export Code (IEC) Registrations?

Import Export Code (IEC) registrations are a necessary part of doing business in India. There are a few resources available to help you with your IEC registration. The official website of the Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion offers a step-by-step guide for registering your IEC. Additionally, the website has a searchable database of registered IECs. 

If you need more help than the online resources can offer, you can contact the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry. They can provide guidance on how to register your IEC and provide other support services to its members.

How Many IEC Codes Are Allowed in India?

In India, there are a maximum of 10 IEC codes that can be registered with the Export Promotion Council of India. These codes represent specific types of exports that India is interested in promoting. To register an IEC code: you must first contact the Export Promotion Council of India and submit a registration application. After your code has been registered, you can use it to apply for export promotion programs and support from the Indian government.