7 ways to make money and scale your business with Amazon

 Amazon can be a great place to build your business, whether you want to sell a few products as a side hustle or are thinking about adding an online sales channel to your existing business. From choosing a product to building your own brand, explore some of the different ways you can make money with Amazon.

7 ways to make money on Amazon

1. Choose a product type or specialize in a niche

Choosing a product to sell can be a challenge. Start by thinking about your interests and hobbies, allowing you to draw on your strengths and capitalize on knowledge you might have about a particular industry. Other times, inspiration can strike when you least expect it.

You might try selling a single product, or source a variety of items from different product categories. You might find yourself gravitating toward one category, like clothing or toys. You may want to expand your catalog, or narrow it down to a handful of products—maybe even just one top seller.

Check out this guide to find product ideas, and get inspired by this list of successful online businesses.

Use Product Opportunity Explorer in Seller Central to identify popular product categories and niches.

Keep an eye on purchases, and let sales analytics guide your decisions.

2. Sell handcrafted items

If you’re a pro at sewing, woodworking, or another skill, turn your expertise into an ecommerce business. Amazon Handmade is an online community of artisans selling unique goods to a global audience. This program comes along with a fee waiver for a Professional selling plan, plus other perks for artists and creatives who want to share their work with the world.

Learn how other artisans turned their handmade passions into a business in the Amazon store.

See how you can easily list your first handmade product.

Explore how Amazon Lending can help you fund your business.

3. Create and distribute merch

Maybe you have a great idea for a funny T-shirt or coffee mug. Bring your ideas to life with Amazon Merch on Demand. This program allows you to design custom apparel and accessories on a print-on-demand basis. Products print after each sale (so you don’t have to worry about unsold stock) and ship through Prime so customers can receive orders quickly).

Have an idea but need someone to bring it to life? Amazon’s Merch Collab is a licensing program where brands collaborate with qualified designers and manufacturers to create branded merchandise.

Keep in mind considerations for selling clothes online and running an online clothing business.

Learn more about requirements for brand names and logos in the Amazon store.

4. Sell to businesses

Amazon Business provides a suite of features and tools that can help you connect with business-to-business (B2B) customers. Business customers often buy in larger quantities and return items less—which means you can sell more with less time and effort. Reach business customers with customized prices, bulk selection, certifications, and other B2B features.

Use certifications and a business profile to help your products stand out to procurement professionals and other B2B customers shopping on Amazon Business.

Understand and manage your B2B sales in this B2B Central overview.

Get B2B product and pricing recommendations using Business Discount Insights.

5. Earn passive income by recommending products

You don’t need to sell products to make money with Amazon. Amazon’s affiliate marketing program, Amazon Associates, lets you monetize traffic through social media and other channels by recommending products for sale in the Amazon store. This affiliate marketing model allows you to earn up to 10% in commissions. Interested in earning passive income?

Associates Central has resources for reporting, payments, account information, and more.

Associates use easy link-building tools to direct audience to recommendations.

If you have a following on social media platforms, you can also join Amazon’s Influencer Program. You can monetize your social media content by recommending Amazon products and earning commissions on qualifying purchases.

6. Sell books online

Selling books online can be a great way to generate some extra income. Whether you want to resell children’s or comic books, list rare collectibles, or self-publish a book you wrote, selling books online can help you reach readers around the globe.

Secondhand books are generally easier to find, cheaper to acquire, and can be more profitable if you find good deals locally or online. Learn about Amazon’s condition guidelines for books.

Have you written the next great novel or play? Self-publish through Kindle Direct Publishing, which allows you to maintain control of your rights, set your prices, make changes anytime, and earn royalty on sales.

Book prices depend on variables like type and condition. It can be a good idea to monitor the prices of other booksellers and adjust your prices accordingly to make sure they’re competitive. Amazon’s Automate Pricing tool lets you automatically adjust prices based on pricing rules and preferences.

7. Resell, wholesale, or dropship products

Rather than creating your own product or establishing a brand, other ways to make money with Amazon are by reselling, sourcing wholesale, or dropshipping products.

Resell products: Amazon can be a great channel to resell for a profit. Just be sure to follow Amazon’s selling policies and code of conduct for sellers.

Source wholesale: If you’re planning to move lots of inventory, work with a wholesaler or a manufacturer to set up a supply chain and get products into the hands of as many customers as possible.

Dropship or print on demand: Don’t want to invest in procuring and storing inventory until the product sells? You can work with a dropshipper to send orders directly to customers after they place purchases. You might also use a print-on=demand solution like Amazon Merch.

You can start out with just one of these strategies, or try a combination. Get inspired and learn more with this guide to inventory management.

Strategies to drive ecommerce sales

Once you’ve decided how you want to make money in the Amazon store, there’s a range of ecommerce strategies you can use to grow your business.

Build your own brand

Building your own brand takes effort and investment, but it can pay off in customer loyalty. Plus, Amazon offers a suite of brand-building tools and protection benefits through Amazon Brand Registry. From enhancing your product detail pages and increasing customer engagement, to generating customer reviews and protecting against counterfeits, the program takes the guesswork out of brand management.

Build your brand with tools that help grow awareness for your brand, improve customer consideration, increase conversion, and build brand loyalty.

Protect your brand with programs and tools like Transparency and Report a violation to give you peace of mind.

Make strategic decisions to grow your business based on aggregated customer data with Amazon Brand Analytics.

Set competitive prices

Do you have a pricing strategy? If not, researching the competition for products you’d like to sell can be helpful. This is especially important when you first list products, but sales can benefit in the long run if you set up a system to conduct pricing research on a regular basis.

Dedicate some time to analyzing prices for similar products in Amazon search, or use our Automate Pricing tool to automatically set prices across your portfolio based on current demand.

Optimize listings to connect with more shoppers

To connect your offerings with more potential customers, use SEO best practices to help product listings rank in search results. Basic search engine optimization involves targeting specific keywords in product titles, bullet points, and product description.

The Listing Quality Dashboard on Seller Central can help you identify ways to improve the discoverability of your products by recommending product attributes and other details to add to your product listings. This can improve the customer’s experience and fix time-sensitive issues that may result in your listing being hidden from search results.

Cross-sell, advertise, and offer special deals

Depending on the products you’re selling and your ideal audience, trying new sales and marketing tactics can be a great way to boost your bottom line. Here are a few ideas for driving sales on Amazon:

Cross-sell or up-sell: Cross-selling is where you help the customer find products related to the one they want to buy. For example, someone purchasing a phone might also want a phone case. With Virtual Bundles, you can combine two to five complementary products from your enrolled brand on a single product detail page. Up-selling is where you recommend a premium version of a product or an upgrade, such as an add-on. Use comparison charts in A+ Content to subtly cross-sell or up-sell.

Advertise: Amazon offers cost-per-click ads to help you reach current and future customers, including Sponsored Products and Sponsored Brands. Reach customers outside of Amazon by using Sponsored Display.

Offer deals and coupons: You can entice customers with digital coupons and promotions. Two common types are Lightning Deals (random deals that appear throughout the day) and Best Deals (short-term promotions where an item is featured for a limited number of days).

To land on the Amazon Deals Page, try promoting your offers with seasonal sales, or run deals for holidays and shopping events such as Prime Day. Learn more in this guide to ecommerce marketing.

Experiment with A/B Testing

What content works best? With A/B testing, you can find out by comparing different versions of titles, images, and other parts of a product listing.

lofi illustration of AB testing campaign results

Experimentation can increase sales by up to 25%. Run A/B tests (also known as split tests) on Amazon product content to optimize for conversions using the Manage Your Experiments tool found in Seller Central. Learn more about how running A/B tests can help your bottom line.

Engage your audience

Engaging with your customers can be a key part of creating customer loyalty. You can do this a few ways.

After a customer purchases a product, you can follow up with them via email and invite them to leave product reviews. Amazon offers email templates to help you shape the customer journey to improve sales.

If your customers spend time on social media, it might be worth investing in social media marketing. You can hold contests, post trivia, and use other interactive ways to show people products and channel traffic to visit your online store. If you want to take it to the next level, social selling through a destination like Amazon Live is a way to do product reveals in real-time, give customers tailored product suggestions, and more.

Tools and program to help you scale

Signing up for Amazon’s Professional selling plan comes with access to a host of programs and tools to benefit your business—whether you’re already established in ecommerce or considering selling in the Amazon store for the first time.

Take advantage of fulfillment solutions

The fulfillment process—picking, packaging, shipping orders, and handling returns—can consume valuable time and resources, especially as you scale. But you have several fulfillment options based on your specific needs: fulfill orders on your own, outsource fulfillment, or do both.

Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) lets you outsource order fulfillment to Amazon. Once you send your inventory to Amazon’s fulfillment network, we store, pick, pack, ship, and provide customer service and returns. The program can help you increase sales and stay focused on growing your business.

You can also use FBA’s Multi-Channel Fulfillment (MCF) program to outsource fulfillment for purchases made on your own website or another sales channels.

Streamline operations with ecommerce automation

Amazon provides sellers with automated technology for inventory management, tracking sales and orders, responding to customers, and other essentials. Simplify and automate daily tasks to keep your business running smoothly, such as marketing workflows and analytics reporting.

Automating your business can save you time, improve customer satisfaction, maintain a consistent brand presence, and help you gain valuable business insights.

Process payments

Payment processing is a key part of providing customers with a seamless shopping experience. Amazon Pay offers shoppers the trust and convenience of Amazon for your online store, while Amazon Currency Converter in Seller Central lets you sell globally and get paid in your local currency.

Amazon Store 2022

 Being one of the most renowned eCommerce retailers with a massive seller and customer base at its marketplace, Amazon is indeed the best place to highlight your unique value proposition. Yes, of course, you can become a seller anytime there, but learning how to create an Amazon Store and set up your products there helps you to take your business to the next level.

Besides Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) & Amazon A+ Content being the norm (which you should have already implemented), your business can reach greater positions with Amazon Stores.

Through Amazon Stores, customers can unveil and learn about more brands as well as their product selections. A “Store” enables a brand to create a dedicated & rich shopping experience and increases engagement.

A brand can enhance its customer experience by enhancing its business-related metrics like traffic, sales, and engagement over time.

Let’s understand them in detail.

Quick Guide:

  • What Is Amazon Store?
  • Who Can Create An Amazon Store?
  • Why Should You Create An Amazon Store?
  • What Are The Key Features Of the Amazon Store?
  • How Do Stores Work?
  • How Do Amazon Stores Look Like?
  • How To Create An Amazon Store?
  • How To Get The Most Out Of An Amazon Store?
  • Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  • Conclusion

What Is Amazon Store?

Amazon’s in-store is one of the key features for brands to drive sales and increase shopper loyalty.

Amazon Stores is the new DIY (Do-It-Yourself) solution, which allows sellers & vendors to set up their own brand stores on Amazon.com. The feature is exclusively designed to provide customers with an immersive and rich virtual shopping experience.

In short, it is a free self-service product, which enables a brand owner to create and design multi-page stores to highlight their products, value proposition, and brands on Amazon.

Who Can Create An Amazon Store?

To set up an Amazon Store, you should have enrolled in the Amazon Brand Registry program. It is free and available for:

  • Sellers
  • Agencies
  • Vendors

Note that you don’t have to advertise on Amazon to create a store.

Why Should You Create An Amazon Store?

The main purpose of creating an Amazon Store is to drive shopper engagement. Since it is a created destination for buyers to learn about different brands and shop different products in one place, it makes it ideal as all as convenient for them to shop.

A “Store” provides an excellent brand-centric shopping experience on both Mobile and Desktop platforms.

Amazon Store elevates the experience of shoppers by:

  • Giving an enhanced mobile experience.
  • Capitalizing on both internal and external sources of traffic.
  • Boosting organic rankings on Amazon SERPs (Search Engine Page Results) and thereby, increasing the sales volume.
  • Providing an opportunity to popularize your brand to newer audiences.
  • Promoting your products to all the preexisting customers.
  • Amazon Stores is a perfect way to build customizable pages by showcasing a small or single group of items. You can include a slideshow containing photos, texts, videos, and other types of content. This makes it great for new product launches.

Why Are The Key Features Of Amazon Store?

Key features:

Unique Design: With Stores, you can pick your design from a wide range of templates with different store layouts as well as customizable features just to ensure that your brand looks its “best” to the shoppers.

Custom Curation: You can feature or highlight a handpicked/dynamic collection of products with optional and impressive multimedia content to improve the shopping experience of your customers.

Integrated Promotions: You are free to use its inbuilt social features such as social sharing buttons, connected with various promotional extensions like Headline Search Ads. This drives store awareness & traffic.

Multi-Pages: Amazon Stores lets you create multiple pages (3 levels maximum) for showcasing your brand as well as products. You can customize the shopping experience depending on what your business needs.

Self-service Builder: With Stores, you get a simple and intuitive builder, which inspires you to set up as engaging as it can be. The templates are simple and easy to use. They are available for free and can be simplified to create an extraordinary experience.

Rich Media: It helps in elevating the shopping experience by including rich media & content like images and text. A vendor can create his or her Amazon Store just by logging in to his or her Amazon Marketing Service account and select the Stores tab.

No coding required: Since it has a set of templates to choose from, you don’t have to know coding or programming to create one. You can use text, images, and videos to promote your brand and items for free on Amazon without writing a line of code.

How Do Stores Work?

The way Amazon Stores work is not rocket science. It is simple and easily understandable.

1. Showcase your products and brand story.

You can help shoppers to locate your product portfolio and its related items on Amazon easily.

Here is a good example of it:

2. Design your brand store the way you want. No coding skills are required.

With the help of pre-designed templates or drag-and-drop tiles, you can create a fully customized, enriched, and multi-page store, without coding skills.

3. Get your own web address on amazon.com.

You can drive shoppers to visit your Amazon Store via ads and other marketing activities outside Amazon by using an easy-to-remember and unique Amazon URL.

4. Utilize Store Insights for optimizing your ad campaigns.

Insights give you a clear understanding of your Amazon Store’s traffic sources and sales. When you have these metrics, you will know how to perform better and excel in them.

How Do Amazon Stores Look Like?

Amazon Store has multiple pages and every page comprises a header & footer surrounded by different content tiles.

Every Amazon Store can have up to 3 levels with various pages at every level.

Note: When you drive traffic to any new storefront page through Headline Search Ads, you can easily send shoppers to your home tab or any other category directly. Every page includes a unique link or URL.

Amazon Store enables you to select from 3 different templates (which are default tiles):

  • Product Grid
  • Highlight
  • Marquee

Amazon Store Manager involves 4 sections:

  • Page Manager: This allows you to select, move, create, and delete the pages from Amazon Store.
  • Tile Manager: This allows you to add, move, edit, and delete the tiles from Amazon Store.
  • Preview Window: This shows how your current page looks like when it is life.
  • Status Bar: Gives the Amazon Store’s current moderation status and shows the error messages.

How To Create An Amazon Store?

Creating an Amazon Storefront is not a simple task but also free, given that you are had enrolled with the Amazon Brand Registry program.

Here is the step-by-step process to set up an Amazon Store:

Step 1: Create a professional seller account

Everything begins by signing up for a professional seller account. Once you give your basic details like name, password, email address, payment information, and business contact details, Amazon allows you to pick the web store items and buy your online store.

To ensure that you are a real or legitimate business, Amazon will verify by calling you on the business contact number that you have provided. Therefore, always double-check if you have typed everything correctly.

Amazon is selective when it comes to the approval process and letting you sell on its marketplace. It has strict documentation and verification requirements. This protects the sellers and the customers by removing counterfeiters as well as sellers who try to manipulate organic rankings with several accounts.

To create a professional seller account, these details are required:

  • Your name (as per the income tax return)
  • Your full address
  • Your contact number
  • Your email address
  • Your business structure type (LLC partnership, sole proprietor, corporation)
  • Registration state
  • Your FTI (Federal Tax Identification) number

For identity verification, you need to keep these handy:

  • First & last name
  • DOB (Date of Birth)
  • Government-issued ID like driving license number
  • Country of issue
  • A high-quality image of the front and back part of your ID
  • Your bank account statement

For fee:

You need to give your credit card details so that Amazon uses it to charge your monthly fee, which is $39.99.

For payment:

  • You need a U.S. bank account number

Step 2: Register with Amazon Brand Registry

Now, once Amazon approves your professional selling account, the next step to create an Amazon Store is to apply for ABR (Amazon Brand Registry) program.

The ABR program offers different tools to guard and improve your brand on Amazon. This also includes:

  • Professional presentations
  • Access to even the “gated or restricted” selling categories
  • Enhanced marketing & advertising features

Note: Brand Registry tools aren’t accessible to resellers.

So, once you register your brand, you can create enhanced content for every product page like lifestyle images, brand messaging, and many other assets.

Remember that only a registered brand can control all its product pages. The Brand Services of Amazon will help eliminate counterfeit sellers/sellers who disobey your brand’s trademark.

Though a tool like Brand Analytics provides detailed insights and metrics on Amazon’s shoppers, one of the primary benefits of Brand Registry is its ability to create a branded storefront.

To apply for the ABR program, you need to provide these details:

  • Your brand name, as registered with the United States Patent & Trademark Office
  • Your brand’s serial number (USPTO registered)
  • List of countries where your products are manufactured as well as distributed
  • Your brand name’s image on your product
  • Your product label image
  • Your product image(s)

Step 3: Create your store’s homepage with an appropriate template

Once your brand is registered with ABR (Amazon Brand Registry), login to your Seller Central account or from Ad Console, go to Stores > Manage Stores. 

Once you do this, you will be shown a list of your brands that qualify for a Store creation.

Choose from the list and follow the additional steps that Amazon prompts you to do. This mainly includes designing your homepage by choosing a template.

Amazon will show you four different themes to choose from. Pick the right one based on your business needs.

Step 4: Build your store pages

After you establish your store’s homepage, it is time to create additional pages depending on your best-selling products, catalog categories, deals, discounts, and more.

You should build your store pages much similar to the one if you had your own eCommerce website.

Pay attention to even the tiniest detail while building the page. Ensure that the navigation is easy enough for shoppers to find exactly what they are looking for without much effort. A convenient shopping experience is key here. So, make sure that your pages are designed that way.

Step 5: Add the content tiles to every page

Once you have established a proper hierarchy of your pages (keep in mind that they should be customer-friendly with easy navigation), the next step is to add content tiles to every page.

adding content titles to every page

So, content tiles are basically the content that a customer can interact with on every page of your store. These include:

  • Images
  • Titles
  • Product grids (example: bestsellers)
  • Galleries
  • Video
  • Navigation

Step 7: Upload your products

Once you have the design layout of various pages ready, it is time to add your products. In each store, there is a product inventory, a wide collection of items for buyers to pick from.

So, your store is no exception. You will also have to stock your store with items that you want to sell.

However, unlike other stores, the perk over here is that you can upload your entire product inventory in one go.

You just have to assign ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Number) or UPC Codes to every product. Then, it is only a matter of copy and paste.

Amazon makes this task straightforward because you can easily search the ASINs that you are selling on their Marketplace already.

Step 8: Submit your created store pages for review and then, publish

After you have designed all your pages properly, you do a quick review of them so that there aren’t mistakes. Click on the Store Preview option to check how your designed page is like.

Check for:

  • Grammatical errors
  • Spelling mistakes
  • Branding or image inconsistencies
  • Issues with navigation, product images, and content tiles

Now, submit the created pages to Amazon so that they can review them.

What metrics can you see through “Amazon’s Store Insights”?

Amazon Store Insights offers clear metrics related to your products, which include:

  • Daily visitors: This is the total number of unique devices or users who viewed your store page(s) in a day.
  • Views: This is the number of views that a page received during a specific time period. However, this also includes repeated views.
  • Views or Visitor: This is the number of unique pages (on average) viewed by a visitor on a daily basis.
  • Sales: This is the total estimated sales that your products received from the visitors within 14 days of their last visit.
  • Units sold: This is the total estimated units that store visitors bought within 14 days of their last visit.
  • Tip: Use the brand analytics tool from your Store’s main page.

Apart from the metrics mentioned above, there are 4 other sources of traffic that Amazon also measures, which include:

  • Organic Traffic: This refers to the traffic that you get within Amazon such as the brand’s detailed page links or search results (by ranking on page #1 of Amazon results page).
  • Traffic from Headline Search Ads: This is the traffic that your store pages receive through headline ads.
  • Tagged Sources: This is the traffic that is tracked via custom source tags. You can create your own source tags for multiple traffic channels.
  • Others: Other sources of traffic that aren’t categorized.

Additional Tips:

1. Use the Brand Analytics tool to measure your sales performance

Once you have published your branded storefront, you can start using the Brand Analytics tool to measure your performance. Many resellers & brands tend to buy third-party tools to gain insights into Amazon’s conversions, sales, search terms, and other different metrics.

But the problem with those tools is that besides paying so much, they fail to give you the exact data. They are rather “estimates,” and not actual data. On the other hand, Brand Analytics is a tool from Amazon, which is exclusively designed to provide real data to all registered brands. It shows the information on:

  • Top keywords or search terms that can help you get more conversions for respective products & categories.
  • Keywords of your competitors’ products.

Also, you can see the metrics of the top-performing keywords along with the top 3 items, which have converted to sales for every search term. Now, this is an important piece of information, which no third-party tool will be able to give.

It enables brands to know the exact keywords that customers are searching for and which can convert into more sales.

Brands can leverage this information to optimize their product pages as well as build better and creative ads.

Besides this, Brand Analytics provides data for product comparisons. It also shows the items that potential buyers compared to yours, and further shows if a compared product made a conversion.

This is brilliant information to build targeted ads and analyze your competitor’s ads. Undeniably, customer demographics (gender, income, age, education level, etc.) is one of the most vital data because it gives a 360° view of your product’s performance.

These details help brands to comprehend their customers better, which is important for targeting ads both on & off Amazon.

2. Target Amazon Ads to increase your product sales

Ads are one of the ideal ways to enhance your product sales. With an enhanced ad platform, anyone can give an ad on Amazon but the question is how optimized the ad is, to create better sales?

3. Highlight your products and reflect your brand’s story

It is important to follow a few best practices educating, helping, and inspiring potential shoppers to locate your brand as well as your products.

When it comes to your Store’s messaging, visual identity, and tone – be consistent.

Use engaging and rich content to highlight brand differentiators.

Make sure that your Store’s navigation can be easily explored and discovered.

How To Get The Most Out Of An Amazon Store?

These are a few tips that are important to make the most out of Amazon Stores:

Customize your store’s space

Just like no individuals are the same, no two stores can be the same— so, design yours creatively and make sure that the layout you design suits your brand.

Once you have set up your branded storefront, it is time to share it with your customers through a unique store URL (which is: https://www.amazon.com/your-brand).

Note that Amazon’s Store Builder tool helps brand owners to build their stores in a few minutes and get them live in 72 hours.

While designing, make sure that the design is simple and has easy navigation.

Use various templates for product categories, featured products such as new releases or top sellers, and sub-brands. Include impressive multimedia content to add colors to your brand.

Amazon Store offers you 3 preset templates to choose from. So, pick wisely and customize smartly.

1. Product Grid

This design template is a great way to showcase your product collection in a grid format.

2. Marquee

This is more like a curated item display with some extra space for imagery and text such as customer quotes and product descriptions.

3. Showcase

This design template type is great for brands who want that flexibility for creating a content-rich experience. It not only enables brands to feature their wide range of collections but also provides a good amount of space to feed the product information along with visual content.

Curate a proper shopping experience for the customers

One of the best things about Amazon Stores is that brands can handpick their product listings or utilize dynamic widgets to auto-populate various product displays depending on the shopper insights (individual) like:

  • Best-selling product
  • Keyword search
  • Recommendation history

Note that these widgets update your store’s pages automatically whenever you add a new listing.

Promote your store pages both on & off Amazon

Come up with an effective marketing strategy so that you can boost engagement and brand awareness for your store.

Here’s what you can do:

  • Leverage Headline Search Ads (noticeable ad placements that appear above the search results) to promote your store products to a qualified audience.
  • Include a unique store link on all your marketing activities – both on & off Amazon.
  • Make sure to link your branded store on the product’s detail pages.
  • Share your store’s link on all your social media channels.
  • Use inbuilt reporting tools to optimize and measure your store performance for a higher number of views.

Create Branded Amazon Store

 Being one of the most renowned eCommerce retailers with a massive seller and customer base at its marketplace, Amazon is indeed the best place to highlight your unique value proposition. Yes, of course, you can become a seller anytime there, but learning how to create an Amazon Store and set up your products there helps you to take your business to the next level.

Besides Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) & Amazon A+ Content being the norm (which you should have already implemented), your business can reach greater positions with Amazon Stores.

Through Amazon Stores, customers can unveil and learn about more brands as well as their product selections. A “Store” enables a brand to create a dedicated & rich shopping experience and increases engagement.

A brand can enhance its customer experience by enhancing its business-related metrics like traffic, sales, and engagement over time.

So, what exactly is Amazon Store, and how can it help you increase sales?

Let’s understand them in detail.

Quick Guide:

Why Should You Create An Amazon Store?

What Are The Key Features Of the Amazon Store?

How Do Stores Work?

How Do Amazon Stores Look Like?

How To Create An Amazon Store?

How To Get The Most Out Of An Amazon Store?

Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Amazon Store

Amazon’s in-store is one of the key features for brands to drive sales and increase shopper loyalty.

Amazon Stores is the new DIY (Do-It-Yourself) solution, which allows sellers & vendors to set up their own brand stores on Amazon.com. The feature is exclusively designed to provide customers with an immersive and rich virtual shopping experience.

In short, it is a free self-service product, which enables a brand owner to create and design multi-page stores to highlight their products, value proposition, and brands on Amazon.

Why Should You Create An Amazon Store?

The main purpose of creating an Amazon Store is to drive shopper engagement. Since it is a created destination for buyers to learn about different brands and shop different products in one place, it makes it ideal as all as convenient for them to shop.

A “Store” provides an excellent brand-centric shopping experience on both Mobile and Desktop platforms.

Amazon Store elevates the experience of shoppers by:

Giving an enhanced mobile experience.

Capitalizing on both internal and external sources of traffic.

Boosting organic rankings on Amazon SERPs (Search Engine Page Results) and thereby, increasing the sales volume.

Providing an opportunity to popularize your brand to newer audiences.

Promoting your products to all the preexisting customers.

Amazon Stores is a perfect way to build customizable pages by showcasing a small or single group of items. You can include a slideshow containing photos, texts, videos, and other types of content. This makes it great for new product launches.

Why Are The Key Features Of Amazon Store?

Key features:

Unique Design: With Stores, you can pick your design from a wide range of templates with different store layouts as well as customizable features just to ensure that your brand looks its “best” to the shoppers.

Custom Curation: You can feature or highlight a handpicked/dynamic collection of products with optional and impressive multimedia content to improve the shopping experience of your customers.

Integrated Promotions: You are free to use its inbuilt social features such as social sharing buttons, connected with various promotional extensions like Headline Search Ads. This drives store awareness & traffic.

Multi-Pages: Amazon Stores lets you create multiple pages (3 levels maximum) for showcasing your brand as well as products. You can customize the shopping experience depending on what your business needs.

Self-service Builder: With Stores, you get a simple and intuitive builder, which inspires you to set up as engaging as it can be. The templates are simple and easy to use. They are available for free and can be simplified to create an extraordinary experience.

Rich Media: It helps in elevating the shopping experience by including rich media & content like images and text. A vendor can create his or her Amazon Store just by logging in to his or her Amazon Marketing Service account and select the Stores tab.

No coding required: Since it has a set of templates to choose from, you don’t have to know coding or programming to create one. You can use text, images, and videos to promote your brand and items for free on Amazon without writing a line of code.

How Do Stores Work?

The way Amazon Stores work is not rocket science. It is simple and easily understandable.

1. Showcase your products and brand story.

You can help shoppers to locate your product portfolio and its related items on Amazon easily.

Here is a good example of it:

2. Design your brand store the way you want. No coding skills are required.

With the help of pre-designed templates or drag-and-drop tiles, you can create a fully customized, enriched, and multi-page store, without coding skills.

3. Get your own web address on amazon.com.

You can drive shoppers to visit your Amazon Store via ads and other marketing activities outside Amazon by using an easy-to-remember and unique Amazon URL.

4. Utilize Store Insights for optimizing your ad campaigns.

Amazon Store Optimization

Insights give you a clear understanding of your Amazon Store’s traffic sources and sales. When you have these metrics, you will know how to perform better and excel in them.

How Do Amazon Stores Look Like?

Amazon Store has multiple pages and every page comprises a header & footer surrounded by different content tiles.

The picture shown below is an example of how your products can look on the Amazon Store.

Amazon Store Basics

Every Amazon Store can have up to 3 levels with various pages at every level.

Note: When you drive traffic to any new storefront page through Headline Search Ads, you can easily send shoppers to your home tab or any other category directly. Every page includes a unique link or URL.

Amazon Store enables you to select from 3 different templates (which are default tiles):

Product Grid



Amazon Store Manager involves 4 sections:

Page Manager: This allows you to select, move, create, and delete the pages from Amazon Store.

Tile Manager: This allows you to add, move, edit, and delete the tiles from Amazon Store.

Preview Window: This shows how your current page looks like when it is life.

Status Bar: Gives the Amazon Store’s current moderation status and shows the error messages.

How To Create An Amazon Store?

Creating an Amazon Storefront is not a simple task but also free, given that you are had enrolled with the Amazon Brand Registry program.

Here is the step-by-step process to set up an Amazon Store:

Step 1: Create a professional seller account

Everything begins by signing up for a professional seller account. Once you give your basic details like name, password, email address, payment information, and business contact details, Amazon allows you to pick the web store items and buy your online store.

To ensure that you are a real or legitimate business, Amazon will verify by calling you on the business contact number that you have provided. Therefore, always double-check if you have typed everything correctly.

Amazon is selective when it comes to the approval process and letting you sell on its marketplace. It has strict documentation and verification requirements. This protects the sellers and the customers by removing counterfeiters as well as sellers who try to manipulate organic rankings with several accounts.

To create a professional seller account, these details are required:

Your name (as per the income tax return)

Your full address

Your contact number

Your email address

Your business structure type (LLC partnership, sole proprietor, corporation)

Registration state

Your FTI (Federal Tax Identification) number

For identity verification, you need to keep these handy:

First & last name

DOB (Date of Birth)

Government-issued ID like driving license number

Country of issue

A high-quality image of the front and back part of your ID

Your bank account statement

For fee:

You need to give your credit card details so that Amazon uses it to charge your monthly fee, which is $39.99.

For payment:

You need a U.S. bank account number

Step 2: Register with Amazon Brand Registry

Now, once Amazon approves your professional selling account, the next step to create an Amazon Store is to apply for ABR (Amazon Brand Registry) program.

The ABR program offers different tools to guard and improve your brand on Amazon. This also includes:

Professional presentations

Access to even the “gated or restricted” selling categories

Enhanced marketing & advertising features

Note: Brand Registry tools aren’t accessible to resellers.

So, once you register your brand, you can create enhanced content for every product page like lifestyle images, brand messaging, and many other assets.

Remember that only a registered brand can control all its product pages. The Brand Services of Amazon will help eliminate counterfeit sellers/sellers who disobey your brand’s trademark.

Though a tool like Brand Analytics provides detailed insights and metrics on Amazon’s shoppers, one of the primary benefits of Brand Registry is its ability to create a branded storefront.

To apply for the ABR program, you need to provide these details:

Your brand name, as registered with the United States Patent & Trademark Office

Your brand’s serial number (USPTO registered)

List of countries where your products are manufactured as well as distributed

Your brand name’s image on your product

Your product label image

Your product image(s)

Step 3: Create your store’s homepage with an appropriate template

Once your brand is registered with ABR (Amazon Brand Registry), login to your Seller Central account or from Ad Console, go to Stores > Manage Stores. 

managing amazon store

Managing Amazon Store

Once you do this, you will be shown a list of your brands that qualify for a Store creation.

Choose from the list and follow the additional steps that Amazon prompts you to do. This mainly includes designing your homepage by choosing a template.

Amazon Store Product Themes

Amazon will show you four different themes to choose from. Pick the right one based on your business needs.

Step 4: Build your store pages

After you establish your store’s homepage, it is time to create additional pages depending on your best-selling products, catalog categories, deals, discounts, and more.

Amazon Store Settings

You should build your store pages much similar to the one if you had your own eCommerce website.

Pay attention to even the tiniest detail while building the page. Ensure that the navigation is easy enough for shoppers to find exactly what they are looking for without much effort. A convenient shopping experience is key here. So, make sure that your pages are designed that way.

Step 5: Add the content tiles to every page

Once you have established a proper hierarchy of your pages (keep in mind that they should be customer-friendly with easy navigation), the next step is to add content tiles to every page.

So, content tiles are basically the content that a customer can interact with on every page of your store. These include:



Product grids (example: bestsellers)




Step 7: Upload your products

Once you have the design layout of various pages ready, it is time to add your products. In each store, there is a product inventory, a wide collection of items for buyers to pick from.

So, your store is no exception. You will also have to stock your store with items that you want to sell.

However, unlike other stores, the perk over here is that you can upload your entire product inventory in one go.

You just have to assign ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Number) or UPC Codes to every product. Then, it is only a matter of copy and paste.

Amazon makes this task straightforward because you can easily search the ASINs that you are selling on their Marketplace already.

Amazon Product Grid

Step 8: Submit your created store pages for review and then, publish

After you have designed all your pages properly, you do a quick review of them so that there aren’t mistakes. Click on the Store Preview option to check how your designed page is like.

Check for:

Grammatical errors

Spelling mistakes

Branding or image inconsistencies

Issues with navigation, product images, and content tiles

Now, submit the created pages to Amazon so that they can review them.

What metrics can you see through “Amazon’s Store Insights”?

Amazon Store Insights offers clear metrics related to your products, which include:

Daily visitors: This is the total number of unique devices or users who viewed your store page(s) in a day.

Views: This is the number of views that a page received during a specific time period. However, this also includes repeated views.

Views or Visitor: This is the number of unique pages (on average) viewed by a visitor on a daily basis.

Sales: This is the total estimated sales that your products received from the visitors within 14 days of their last visit.

Units sold: This is the total estimated units that store visitors bought within 14 days of their last visit.

Tip: Use the brand analytics tool from your Store’s main page.

Apart from the metrics mentioned above, there are 4 other sources of traffic that Amazon also measures, which include:

Organic Traffic: This refers to the traffic that you get within Amazon such as the brand’s detailed page links or search results (by ranking on page #1 of Amazon results page).

Traffic from Headline Search Ads: This is the traffic that your store pages receive through headline ads.

Tagged Sources: This is the traffic that is tracked via custom source tags. You can create your own source tags for multiple traffic channels.

Others: Other sources of traffic that aren’t categorized.

Additional Tips:

1. Use the Brand Analytics tool to measure your sales performance

Once you have published your branded storefront, you can start using the Brand Analytics tool to measure your performance.

Many resellers & brands tend to buy third-party tools to gain insights into Amazon’s conversions, sales, search terms, and other different metrics.

But the problem with those tools is that besides paying so much, they fail to give you the exact data. They are rather “estimates,” and not actual data.

On the other hand, Brand Analytics is a tool from Amazon, which is exclusively designed to provide real data to all registered brands. It shows the information on:

Top keywords or search terms that can help you get more conversions for respective products & categories.

Keywords of your competitors’ products.

Also, you can see the metrics of the top-performing keywords along with the top 3 items, which have converted to sales for every search term. Now, this is an important piece of information, which no third-party tool will be able to give.

It enables brands to know the exact keywords that customers are searching for and which can convert into more sales.

Brands can leverage this information to optimize their product pages as well as build better and creative ads.

Besides this, Brand Analytics provides data for product comparisons. It also shows the items that potential buyers compared to yours, and further shows if a compared product made a conversion.

This is brilliant information to build targeted ads and analyze your competitor’s ads. Undeniably, customer demographics (gender, income, age, education level, etc.) is one of the most vital data because it gives a 360° view of your product’s performance.

These details help brands to comprehend their customers better, which is important for targeting ads both on & off Amazon.

2. Target Amazon Ads to increase your product sales

Ads are one of the ideal ways to enhance your product sales. With an enhanced ad platform, anyone can give an ad on Amazon but the question is how optimized the ad is, to create better sales?

3. Highlight your products and reflect your brand’s story

It is important to follow a few best practices educating, helping, and inspiring potential shoppers to locate your brand as well as your products.

When it comes to your Store’s messaging, visual identity, and tone – be consistent.

Use engaging and rich content to highlight brand differentiators.

Make sure that your Store’s navigation can be easily explored and discovered.

If you’re stuck, in this video you’ll learn 6 Strategies to Build your Brand on Amazon:

How To Get The Most Out Of An Amazon Store?

These are a few tips that are important to make the most out of Amazon Stores:

Customize your store’s space

Just like no individuals are the same, no two stores can be the same— so, design yours creatively and make sure that the layout you design suits your brand.

Once you have set up your branded storefront, it is time to share it with your customers through a unique store URL (which is: https://www.amazon.com/your-brand).

Note that Amazon’s Store Builder tool helps brand owners to build their stores in a few minutes and get them live in 72 hours.

While designing, make sure that the design is simple and has easy navigation.

Use various templates for product categories, featured products such as new releases or top sellers, and sub-brands. Include impressive multimedia content to add colors to your brand.