Become A Client Attraction Magnet

 For first four months of my online business, I maybe would sign up a random friend or my mom. That was it. And for quite awhile after that, I would still get just a mishmash of people. It wasn’t my ideal client. It wasn’t the person that I knew how to serve best. Inside my private online business group, it was not a tribe community. It was really just an assortment of people who had all of these different problems, and I was running around trying to serve everyone.

The other day, I’m like, “I don’t know what to do. I can’t find anyone who wants to pay for my services. When I look inside Facebook groups  struggle , it’s just a really negative space.  Everyone’s just throwing a pity party, and I don’t know what to do. I can’t find my dream clients. I don’t know if they exist!”

I said, HOLD UP.  

Number one: These groups are negative spaces that your ideal client would not be frequenting.

The person who you’re trying to attract is probably not going to go and spend her time around other people who are feeling sorry for themselves; who are convinced there are no solutions.

Number two: You’ve got to watch what you say.

She’s saying these clients don’t want to pay for her services.  There were two women that she had on the phone who said they needed to save money.

But anyway: I told my client that her lack of belief in finding motivated clients is a mirror.  She’s on the same energetic frequency as those clients who believe they have no solutions. She’s believing that motivated clients don’t exist.

See how the energy is the same? She was getting the energy that she was putting out, because as humans we magnetize, manifest, and energetically attract what we put out into the world.

Let me say that again:

You magnetize, manifest, and energetically attract what you put out into the world.

There’s a great quote from Mother Teresa, and I think it’s so on point.  She says,

“I will never attend an anti-war rally.  If you have a peace rally, invite me.”

Why did she say this?  She said this because she understood that being anti-something was actually creating resistance. And since what you focus on expands, if you’re focusing on antiwar, what are you really focused on?  You’re focused on war. You’re not focused on peace. It’s okay to have contrast. It’s good to be able to use that as a tool to recognize, “OK this is what I don’t want. How do I then take the things that I do want and be really intentional with my words?”  

Be really intentional with your words and your focus.

Now, I get it. You guys have a lot of different objections that you come across; lots of limiting beliefs that your clients give you.  Let’s talk about one you hear all the time: money.

The biggest money objection that you hear all the time?  

I can’t afford what you’re offering.

But YOU KNOW that if they broke their phone tomorrow, they would be at AT&T buying a new one for $800 without blinking an eye. So, it’s really not an issue.

We had a student who we worked with and she was saying, “No one wants to buy my stuff.”  Funny enough: she was late on some of her payments. We said to her, “Hey buddy, you are a mirror for what’s happening in your business. If you’re not paying things on time, why do you think your clients are going to pay on time?”

You’re somebody that’s wanting to make six figures in your business, but you’re unwilling to uplevel.  You’re unwilling to invest in a coach, to get additional training, to get certain systems and/or a nice looking membership site.  You’re in a lack mindset!

You’ve got to ask yourself:

“Am I just not stepping up because I’m afraid the money’s not going to come?  Or am I actually preventing it from coming by not anticipating its arrival?”

Another one that I hear from a lot of you guys is, “Finding clients is hard.”  

“Everyone wants free coaching. No one wants to invest.  Everyone’s getting free coaching, because I just live in my inbox answering free questions and then no one buys my program or one-on-one.”

Well.  If that’s how you are showing up in your business, that’s the expectation that you’re putting out. You want to sign on high paying clients, but you’re not valuing your time, your energy, or your knowledge.

Well, they’re not going to, either.

They’re picking up your cues. They’re doing exactly what you’re doing.  They’re following your lead, so they’re not showing up as clients.

How many of you have had conversations that go “ghost”?

They seem really into signing up. You have this super long conversation with them, and then BOOM. They’re gone. They go ghost. You don’t know where they went. You followed up with them six times, you hear nothing.  You see them posting on social media, but they’ve stopped responding to you.

These are the mantras – and especially for network marketers:

“Signing on business builders is so hard!”

“Where are these people?  It’s like trying to find a yeti or a real life unicorn. These people don’t exist.”

“Women don’t take growing their business seriously.”

“No one on my team wants to really get to the next level.”

“I want to find 10 of me but I’m not sure that these women are out there.”

“How are these other people growing teams??”

I understand that you’re struggling, but we have to consider not just the strategy, but also the spiritual energy.

Here’s the deal: You are always in the process of deliberate creation.

You are always manifesting.

We have to understand we live in a complex universe, and this is very metaphysical. As soon as you have a thought, it has an energetic vibration that is attached to it.  That thought becomes a path of desire, and it’s sent out into a complex universe that is full of others’ desires and thoughts. Well, here’s the good news: we live in such a complex universe, you don’t think to yourself, “I hope I don’t get robbed” and then 10 seconds later someone robs you.  It takes time for thoughts to build momentum. For your manifestation to come into your existence, it takes time.

So if you’re  practicing some mantras that are not serving (“Nobody has money to pay for me.” “I don’t think I’m going to sign anyone up for my program.”), catch yourself.  Otherwise, you’ll lose motivation to sharpen your business.

You can’t necessarily catch every thought that you think, but you can recognize and be really in tune with how you’re feeling emotionally.

Don’t like what you’re manifesting? Choose again.

Don’t like the (lack of) money in your bank account? Choose again.

Don’t like the relationships in your life? Chose again.

Don’t like the clients that you’re bringing in?

Choose again, choose again, choose again.

Based on the beliefs we’ve just discussed, we have to shift them. Start removing vocabulary from your Rolodex.  


Here’s a few suggestions of what you can do… and yes, I want you to do homework today. I want you to take this seriously; really sit down, grab a journal, and actually write out new beliefs.  It’s a powerful thing for you to do.

I don’t want you to give your negative beliefs any more attention.

I don’t want you to give them any more focus.  

Instead, you can start writing out exactly what you do want.

I want you to write these out and I want you to really say these things out loud with emotion.  Why? Well, we can all sit and do manifestation visualization mantras in our heads, but it’s so much more powerful when you get up and use your physiology.

Use your physical body to get up, build that momentum, and build that energy.  Really get yourself into a peak state.

Here are some beliefs that will start magnetizing and attracting your ideal clients into your business.

I tried to keep them pretty specific, but also pretty flexible depending on the business that you have.  So, customize them for you!

I am so grateful that I have thousands of followers in my tribe who love support and appreciate the work that I do.

Every single day, I wake up with new messages and new e-mails from women thanking me for stepping forward to share my message unapologetically.

Hundreds of women invest in my programs and courses each and every month, ready and eager to change their lives.

I am blown away each and every day by the new, amazing results and testimonials my clients share with me and the rest of the world.

I am fine tuning my vibration to constantly, consistently and easily attract new clients into my business.

The universe works for me – effortlessly – delivering my message to women who need to hear it most. This all happens behind the curtain of time and space, and requires no additional effort from me.

This month, I easily make an additional $50,000 from clients who are so eager to pay in full for my programs and services.

My clients and team members are eager to get results. They are coachable, open, and ready to make changes in their lives.

It amazes me how many women (who have previously told me “no”) suddenly return in droves, ready to begin their coaching journey.


How did those mantras feel compared to some of the beliefs that you were previously holding? Some of these negative mantras are things that you were drilling in every single day.  So, every single day when you wake up, reflect on the business you want.

Check your thoughts, and start to choose again.

I understand that, for some people, this can be a little bit counterintuitive.  It can be a little bit even – dare I say – challenging. Some of you may face some resistance with this.  “Jen, you’re telling me to say all these things, but I’m looking around at my situation right now and I’m broke. I have no clients. No one wants to pay me. So how am I supposed to sit there and believe that I’m going to make an extra $50K this month? How am I supposed to actually sit there and believe that people want to pay for my services?”

Make this WORK for YOU.  If saying $50K, for example, is giving you anxiety and resistance, then just shift it! You certainly can think big picture, and you can put a wrinkle in time and space. There’s no limits to what’s possible. But, if you’re in a place right now with resistance that feels like having a gun; that it doesn’t feel right… that’s okay.

Find things that are just a shift in the right direction, and continually shift 10 more degrees.

Once you are able to manifest with total ease; saying your mantras to yourself every single day, getting excited about them, jumping around your house, wiggling your butt a little bit, and blasting some feel good music.  Once you get into that peak state and actually start putting that energy into your subconscious….

you’re going to be amazed at what happens.

Self-Improvement Tips That Will Change Your Life

 ‘’The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be’’

Having a self-improvement plan and daily self-improvement goal is a vital factor for success, it helps you tap into certain dimensions and level of growth because the more self-improvement goals you meet, the quality of your journey increases.

Self-improvement is the belief that you are worth the effort, time and energy needed to develop yourself, convert your goals and aspiration into reality.

Life is a series of problem-solving opportunities; the problems you face will either defeat you or develop you depending on how you respond to them, so you get to negotiate through the cost of survival by how much courage you have to make, develop and manage changes.

As one change in your life can lead to massive benefits, another can turn the wheels of survival to a frustrating route that is why we have to be in continually search to improve and develop ourselves so we can move and not remain in the same positions for life entails growth, if we stop growing, improving and developing the quality of our lives we are good as dead.

Hence it is mandatory that we cultivate, develop skills and tools that will take us into a higher level of growth.

Self-improvement is a major necessity in growth, simply put, self-improvement is expanding your potential as you are your best investment.

I refer to my mind, body, and soul as tools of survival hence they must be sharpened and improved daily to be efficient and this is what self-improvement thoroughly entails. You cannot dream yourself into a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one so you must be ready to pursue life-enhancing tools and tips.

Self-improvement and personal development are crucial factors to self-accomplishment that goes together and it is a life long process; you don’t just wake up and you are standing on the podium of success there are certain steps, rules, tips and resources to jingle around which I will be sharing with you.

The importance of self-improvement cannot be overemphasized as we need to know and value the purpose and need for growth and development.

Self-improvement is repeated habits to get you moving towards your goals and ambitions, creating a better version of yourself on a regular basis by effectively building improvements.

Investing in yourself is mandatory and it is the greatest investment you can ever make. It will not only improve your life, but it will also improve the lives of those around you so don’t miss out on opportunities or resources that can positively enhance your life.

There are so many things you can do to improve yourself, there is a vast range of self-improvement tips but I will be sharing a grouped collection that I employed into my life and have drastically and specially help me increase the quality of my life.

The first 20 self-improvement tips are mindset hacks and the last 15 are tactical things you can go out and do. They include;

I know this sounds a lot but you don’t have to feel overwhelmed by these steps. At the end of this article, I have attached a 30 day challenge you can embark on that is guaranteed to massively improve the quality of your life.

Mindset Hacks

1.  No person or amount of success will fill the hole inside of you, but doing what you love will. And remember, the only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.

2.  Ask real questions and deeply listen as everyone has a story that can change your perspective.

3.  Judgment is an easy and lazy thing, it takes far more strength to respond with love.

4.  Imperfections are the unique quirks that make someone truly beautiful hence character cannot be developed in ease and quiet, only through the experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened and inspired so do not fear failures.

5.  Every situation that comes your way is an opportunity to grow beyond patterns as success isn’t measured by what a man accomplished but by the opposition he has encountered and the courage with which he has marinated the struggle against overwhelming odds.

6.  No one has the answers; we’re all just making this up as we go, meditate, write and listen to your heart first!

7.  Enjoy the honest moments; a home-cooked meal with friends, the warmth of another’s skin against yours and the smell of the sea breeze. These are the simple joy of living.

8.  Be a new student to something.

9.  Between our first and last breath is the story we create; fall in love with the process, there is no finish line or point of arrival!

10.  What is meant for you will never miss you, surrender everything you think you know.

11.  Taking care of yourself is selfless. An empty well cannot give water to a village!

12.  What we want most is often what we fear most, but be vulnerable and do it anyways. Regret is a terrible thing best avoided by unapologetically going for it.

13.  Create art and live for the simple joy and fulfillment of it, not for everyone else.

14.  People will sing your praises and tear you down, both of which are a reflection of them; so stay in your lane.

15.  True joy comes from helping others, community is everything. Take care of your people, their wins are your wins!

16.  Have a sense of humor about yourself. We’re basically just consciousness walking around in advanced monkey suits.

17.  Give your mind a break; stop stressing, worrying and raising bars of comparison.

18.  Complain less.

19.  Try, learn, grow!

20.  Don’t let people tell you it can’t be done.

Tactical Habits

1.  Gratitude

On an average day, how much gratitude do you have? How thankful are you? If you don’t take out time to be thankful every day, it’s time to start because there is a vital connection between gratitude and well-being.

People who are grateful tend to have less toxic emotions governing them, they feel good, sleep well and have the best self-esteem.

Gratitude serves as a way of taking negative emotions and converting them into a powerful catalyst for happiness. Gratitude will shift you to a higher frequency and you will attract much better things.

Developing an attitude of gratitude can be really easy all you have to do is consciously look for things you appreciate in life. Be thankful for support, healthy relationship, love, family, good food, clean water even the minimal things and the things you appreciate about yourself.

The key is to not just saying you are thankful, you need to really feel appreciation for them.

2.  Employ positive affirmations

Don’t let the negativity given to you by the world disempower you because you are the master of your fate and the captain of your soul, so take charge. Let go of limiting beliefs, do not worry about what you cannot control, shift your energy to what you can create and declare positive mantras and affirmations.

Affirmations are our mental vitamins, providing the supplementary positive thoughts we need to balance the barrage of negative events and thoughts we experience daily.

Take positive care of your mind and it would surely take positive care of your life.

In the course of adopting positivity, my words have been carefully selected, I use positive words like:

Self-improvement Tips That Will Change Your Life

‘’I will face whatever comes today with a positive attitude’’

‘’I will always find a way and a way will always find me’’

‘’I have all the power I need’’

‘’I contain multitudes’’

‘’I have the strength to succeed’’

‘’I will overcome every challenges and obstacle’’

‘’I believe in myself’’

‘’I am enough’’

‘’I am abundantly blessed”

“I have a purpose”

“I can unfold”

“I am grateful’’

‘’I am rare divinity walking in flesh’’

‘’I uniquely carry gold’’

3.  Quit being a perfectionist

It’s only after you’ve stepped outside your comfort zone that you begin to change, grow and transform.

Don’t aim for perfection, aim for better than yesterday!

4.  Mindfulness

Being more mindful is a great goal to cultivate, it changes your perspective,  thoughts, and process and can transform your mental health for the better.

Mindfulness is all about being more conscious of the present moment, focusing on what you’re doing, where you are and how you are feeling instead of focusing on stress. Surrender to what is, let go of what was, and have faith in what will be.

5.  Unplug

Take time out of your day to unplug and be by yourself every day; remove all stimuli- no phone, no laptop just you by yourself. This gives you time to reflect, meditate and discover things about yourself. Write, journal and reflect.

 6.  Set goals and crush them step by step be it long terms or short term goals.

Successful and unsuccessful people do not vary in their abilities, they vary in their desire to reach their potential. Make a success of living by seeing the goals and aiming for it unswervingly.

 7.  Organization

I struggled with keeping with my routines, plans, and goals at some point in my life.

My routines where inconsistent, I couldn’t meet up with deadlines,  I was behind my goals and plans, trust me, it was really frustrating and  I needed to fix this to get on top of my game so I learned to enhance my life by having an organization plan for my goals, schedule, house or whatever I did.

Organization includes keeping tracks of your commitment, planning, and scheduling; arranging everything in order and this is so vital for success.

Set a calendar to fill your plans, goals, deadlines and everything you need to do to be able to prepare for them. This can greatly contribute to your life and to your level of growth of success.

Use planners, timetables and set reminders- Be not afraid of growing slowly, be afraid only of standing still. If you don’t have daily objectives you qualify as a dreamer.

8.  Be proactive!

9.  Avoid procrastination.

10.  Eliminate distractions!

12.  Outline productive rituals.

13.  Be patient with yourself; self-growth is tender, it is holy ground. There is no greater investment.

14.  Face, accept and create new challenges.

Change equals self-improvement, push yourself to places you haven’t been before.

15.  Focus on the reasons behind seasons.

16.  Unpack the opinion of others.

I hope this list is able to enlighten you on the importance and relevance of self-improvement and you employ at least one tip at a time, daily and consistently to enhance the quality of your life.

Remember in this world you’re either growing or you’re dying, so get in motion and grow!

How To Manifest By Writing Things Down: 3 Step Formula

 Have you ever tried to manifest something so badly but still no matter the manifesting techniques you used nothing happened? No matter how hard you tried, visualized and persisted for days in your vision, never managed to attract it?

Are you too searching the secret of a dream life behind  The Secret Book?

Well it turns out there’s a solid way to get exactly what you want by using one simple formula!

In fact all you need to know are 3 easy to apply steps that have been proven to work and attract anything you want quickly.

And in today’s post I’m going to show you step by step how to actually manifest by writing on paper a manifestation list, how to instill new beliefs into your subconscious mind and also how to visualize effectively.

Finally you are going to learn how to disengage from what you want to allow it to realize.

If you‘re ready for a life changing lesson, let’s dive right in.

So What Actually Is Manifestation? Can It Actually work For You?

Well I have good news and bad news! To start with let me say this: The Law of Attraction is always working whether you believe it or not.

Manifestation is a “magic” process where you focus all your energy and intention to turn a goal or aspiration into reality.

And it actually works! It really does! And it’s magical!

According to The Law Of Attraction site, there are many different definitions of the word manifest, but the simplest would be that a manifestation is ‘something that is put into your physical reality through thought, feelings, and beliefs’.

Imagine having the power to turn everything you dream of into reality! To be able to manifest something or someone SPECIAL into your life by simply using your mind and energy!

It sounds simple right? Wrong!

To be able to manifest and attract your desires into your life, well it takes more than just thinking about them.

It takes energy, feelings, and of course beliefs! That’s why most people fail to attract their desire. Their thoughts, feelings, and beliefs are not in alignment.

In fact your beliefs are the deciding factor whether your thought manifests or not.

For example some goals, such as getting someone back into your life, are hard to manifest simply because of high-attachment, strong beliefs and lack of faith.

Fortunately, today you’re going to learn an easy, proven to work method, on how to manifest something by writing it down!

These are the exact 3 steps you need to follow to make manifestation work for you and attract everything you love into your life!

 How to Manifest By Writing Things Down Step-By Step

Step 1: Write Down Your Manifestation List and Your Exact Beliefs on Those Goals – Clear your Mind

how to manifest by writing things on paper

how to manifest by writing things on paper

Goal Setting

Ok, so to manifest something, anything at all, you obviously need to know what you want to manifest.. makes sense right?

Goal setting is so important in our lives! It motivates us and gives meaning to our lives.

If you feel you don’t have any goals in your life i suggest practicing some self work.

Self work is an important step into recognizing your strengths in order to develop them, and  your weaknesses and vulnerabilities in order to improve them.

Self work will connect you to your inner self and will guide you through finding your passion in life, your desires and goals.

 Get a New Manifestation Journal

To start I recommend getting a new notebook to use as your manifestation journal.

I like to keep it separate from any other journal I may use. In fact i have a separate journal for my self love prompts, another one for my gratitude affirmations and a third one for my financial affirmations!!

But i use a special one for my manifestations as this one is dedicated exclusively to writing about the things I wish to attract in my life.

Keeping it separate, creates an important trigger in my mind that this is the time to work for myself and create my dream life.

It makes me excited and motivates me to put in the effort needed for my desires to fulfill.

How to Write A Manifestation List

Now that you have your new manifestation journal, start by writing down your manifestation list. Include every goal that you have in your mind and excites you.

But how do you write your manifestations? Well simply start by brainstorming desires you have in life. What do you wish to accomplish for your life to be fulfilled?

Let yourself free to brainstorm and write down everything. Even if a goal seems too “big” for you, make yourself a favor and WRITE IT DOWN.

Remember: there is no big or small for the universe! Anything is possible. You could even manifest something overnight by writing it down.

Some manifestation examples could be attracting love into your life, buying a new house, loosing weight etc. By writing manifestations on paper immediately gives you a clearer picture of what you want from your life and helps you prioritize your desires.

Choose a Goal to Manifest

Ok so now that you‘ve got your manifestations on paper, you might choose to start and manifest a single goal at a time or many of them.

I’d start with a single one, the one thing most important for me, just to test the “how to manifest by writing things down” formula!

But that’s just me!! You can do as you like!

Either way, make sure to follow the process step by step.

Write Your Goal and Beliefs About That Goal Down

Once you’ve written your goal down, go ahead and write next to it, your exact beliefs on that specific goal. For example let’s say your goal is to manifest love into your life. Read this goal and then write what you think and how you feel reading this.

You might think I’m not worthy of love, every person I love betrays me, I’m not pretty/interesting enough for the person I love to love me back etc..

Write everything down to clear your mind and soul. This loads off one’s mind and makes you feel relieved.

Now, you are ready to proceed to the most important step and instill new beliefs in your subconscious mind!

Step 2: Write and Instill a New Belief For Your Desired Goal – Time to Re-Program Your Mind

manifest something by writing it down

Question and Transform Your Negative Beliefs Into Positive Statements

What I want you to do next is go ahead and work on your manifesting blocks, question these negative beliefs that you’ve written before.

And then transform every one of those negative beliefs into positive statements.

In our example our negative belief was: I’m not worthy of love.

Let’s question this: Love isn’t something that depends on a measurement like worthiness. To connect with love, you must be willing to give love and receive love. It’s

willingness, not worthiness that controls love.

So now we’re going to transform this statement into: I’m willing, and happy to give and receive love.

Write down Your Positive Statement Many Times  – Experience the Feelings

Write on paper your new transformed affirmation many times and repeat it until you feel really comfortable with it. Feel the intensity, feel the energy this affirmation brings.

Every time you write your affirmation, visualize as if your desire has already manifested.

How would you feel if the desire you so longed for had finally manifested? Piece, fulfillment, happiness, excitement?

Actually there’s an easy method for you to apply when writing your manifestations  and I’m introducing it below.

369 Manifestation Writing

The 369 manifestation writing method is actually super popular. It all started with a TikTok video and soon after this manifestation formula is taking social media by storm.

But what actually is this method?  Well the 369 method is based on the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6 & 9 and is really simple to apply. According to the inventor Nikola Tesla “If you only knew the magnificence of the numbers 3, 6 and 9, then you have the key to the universe.”

The number three is a direct link to the universesix is strength we have within, and nine helps let go of negativity and the past.

Here’s what the 369 manifestation writing suggests:

  • As soon as you wake up write down what you ‘d like to manifest 3 times!
  • Then, during the day write your manifestation 6 times
  • Finally write your goal 9 more times in the evening.

Simple isn’t it? The method is definitely worth a try as it’s super easy to apply and it helps you remain consistent with writing your manifestations and changing your feelings and beliefs.

However you need to do a little bit more than just writing down your manifestation list. You need to feel the exact feelings of accomplishment. And to get those feelings you need to visualize!


Visualize yourself accomplishing your goal! You are already there! Your desire is already yours. How does that feel?

Feel that exact feeling and keep visualizing images that produce this feeling. Try to vibrate with your vision. Vibrate with happiness, excitement, relief! Hold that feeling!

I recommend doing your visualizations mainly before sleep because then it’s easier to get your subconscious to accept your desire and accept that you have conquered your goal.

Continue with this process every day to ensure that your affirmation is part of your life and your subconscious mind doesn’t question it any more.

Write and repeat your affirmation daily without worrying about how it will happen.

With repetition and disciplined practice you will achieve a feeling of certainty for your desired result. That’s when you know that your subconscious has accepted your desire.

Step 3: Detach from your Desire To Allow It to Happen

Finally what you need to do is to detach.

Detachment is trusting the process and not trying to control how your desire will manifest. Stop worrying and stressing about your desire.

Just know it will happen.

Imagine ordering something online. You choose the product, fill in your info, pay for it and that’s it. You expect it to arrive!

You don’t doubt that you’ll receive it. You are certain you will.

When you detach, you do not detach from your desire. Instead you only detach from the HOW and WHEN, feeling certain that you’ll receive your desire.

When you can successfully detach, you will be able to overcome even the greatest doubts.

Detachment brings with it the peace, serenity, and confidence you need to let go and let the universe do what it needs to do to bring about your desires.

If you believe you can have something, your subconscious mind will show you how to change your actions and habits to become the kind of person who has those things.

This is the only How that is actually your job. You need to become the person that has already reached your BIG desire. To take action and – act as if – you already have what you want.

Why Do You Need To Write A Manifestation List

So a big part of manifesting is to create your manifestation list.

A lot of people ask me how I’ve been able to manifest so many things in my life.

The answer is simple: I have a manifestation list. A manifestation list is a list of all the things that you want to happen in your life.

It can be anything from getting a new job, to finding the love of your life, to traveling the world.

When you write down your goals and dreams, you are putting yourself in a position to make them happen!

Writing down your manifestations is the first step to making them happen.

It’s a way of putting your desires and intentions out there into the universe.

When you write down what you want, you’re also getting clear on what it is that you want.

And when you’re clear on what you want, the universe can help to make it happen for you.

Can you Manifest Without Writing It Down?

Sure you can! There’s only one problem: You need extra effort to control and direct your mind and your thoughts.

Manifesting on paper can be very helpful in the beginning because it helps you focus on your goals and desires. When writing your manifestations on paper, its easier to prioritize them and focus your energy and efforts.

However if you want to try and manifest without a paper, the most common ways are by meditating what you want, visualizing desires in detail, and of course repeating affirmations.

Either you choose manifesting by writing things down or without paper always remember: The real power behind the Law of Attraction is in the mind that believes in it.


Ok so now you know how to manifest things by writing them down! You are absolutely ready to apply the 3 step Manifestation formula and attract all you desire in life.

Believe me when i say: Manifesting is real, I’ve seen it happen. Write down your manifestation list, acknowledge and transform your negative beliefs.

And then work to instill those new positive beliefs into your subconscious mind! Be persistent, visualize and feel the exact feelings you’d feel if your desire realized.

Finally detach! Stop worrying about how your goal is going to manifest and when this is happening. Be certain it will come, feel the mazing feeling of expectation and act as is your dream goal has already been achieved!

That is a “magic” formula that always works!

Happy manifesting!!

3 Mindset Habits of Successful Entrepreneurs

 What mindset habits do successful entrepreneurs have that set them apart?

Habit #1: Always know what you’re working towards (Most important of the mindset habits!)

According to science, visualization is a powerful way to get what you want.

Close your eyes and imagine your dream business and life scenario.

Get very specific: Where are you waking up in the morning? What is the first thing you see when you open your eyes? How do you feel? What is the first thing you do when you get out of bed? What do you eat? Who are you with? WHERE are you? And what does the rest of your day look like?

How much work are you doing? How much money are you making? And how do you feel about your life?

The reason this is so important is because at the end of the day…

Every minute of your life is a decision. What you’re saying, working on, eating, wearing, feeling, loving, hating, and doing. You decide.

And where you are in your life is the result of each of those decisions.

Once you’re clear on where you want to be, then, you can control each and every decision so that it helps brings you closer to your end goal. It all starts with you deciding on what you want, keeping it in mind, and knowing that every action you take is bringing you one step closer.

So do this right now, and enjoy visualizing what you want. It’s your life, and you get to choose what it looks like.

Habit #2: Maintain only beliefs that serve you

What you believe is your reality.

Literally. A belief is a thinking pattern you’ve developed over the years that has formed your image of what you perceive to be the truth. As far as your mind is concerned, your beliefs are your truth. A classic example of this: Here in the U.S., being tan is considered attractive. However, in other cultures, the reverse is true, and the paler you are, the better.

So place the same fit, tan woman in front of someone from the U.S. and someone from China, and the first will consider her highly attractive while the second will consider her the exact opposite. The physical reality of this woman’s appearance is exactly the same, but because of each viewer’s perception, what is “real” for each of them is completely different.

This applies to all beliefs. What you perceive to be true is—for you—the only truth.

That’s why your beliefs define you—who you think you are and what you think you can do.

Think about it this way…

If you are a coach and you think, “I can’t sell my coaching program for $x, I’m not worth $x, why would anyone want to pay me that?” What do you think is going to happen?

Do you think someone else is going to say, “No, you ARE worth that, let me pay you right now?”

Probably not. And you probably wouldn’t even bother ever asking for $x, in which case, you’ll never be paid that. And because of that, you’ll continue believing that you’re not worth $x. It’s a vicious cycle.

So take a few minutes and write down what are you’re thinking about your ability to succeed as an entrepreneur and your worth and ability to sell at a certain price.

You’ll probably be surprised at some of the thoughts. That’s GOOD, because once you recognize them, THEN, you can start training yourself to re-program those thoughts into ones that actually serve you.

Habit #3: Consistently exercise…your mindset

Now, you might try these two exercises I just shared and start realizing some aha’s, BUT, we’re talking about mindset habits here, not just exercises.

Because your mindset is like a muscle: You don’t exercise it just once and then expect that it’ll stay in shape forever. In fact, having a daily mindset routine is one of the most important things you need to do to succeed in business. According to research, mental practices are almost as effective as physical practice.

You have lots of options for what exactly you do, and I’m going to share some of them with you. 

One option is to use affirmations, to consistently re-program your thoughts with ones that serve you.

You can also practice visualization, where you visualize the exact outcome you want to achieve.

Or, you can use journaling to get clear on exactly what you are thinking and want to be thinking.

These are just a few options to help you get started.

The most important thing when it comes to mindset habits, like with physically working out, is to just get started. Then, as you figure out more what you like and what works for you, you’ll naturally settle on the most powerful daily practice for YOU.

5 Supportive Rituals For Feminine Energy

 When you’re first learning to tap into your feminine energy, it can be hard to know how to begin your journey. Because feminine energy isn’t about striving or proving your worth, the path to femininity isn’t always direct. While I can’t tell you what you should do to connect to your inner femininity, I can share some simple, peaceful rituals that have been supportive for me. Consider trying any idea that feels inspiring to you.

TeaMy morning cup of tea is one of my favorite parts of the day. The scent of tea leaves and bergamot rising into the air. The taste of cream and vanilla. The heat permeating my hands. Everything about making and enjoying tea encourages us to slow down and pay attention – two skills that are essential for connecting with your feminine energy. As someone who never developed a taste for coffee, tea gives me a little gentle caffeination to start my morning (or in the case of herbal teas, something soothing to wind down with in the evening). Drinking tea feels gentle and unhurried – a tranquil way to care for myself and enjoy the present moment.Morning RoutinesWhen I take the time to get clear on my desires, quiet my mind, and move slowly into the day, everything works better. You don’t have to create a complicated morning routine. Just set some time aside for yourself to be still and reflect. I like to journal about what I’m grateful for and what I desire in the mornings. I know from experience how hard it can be to prioritize time for yourself in the mornings. Whether you’re preparing for work, trying to get your family fed and started with their day (or both), mornings can feel like the beginning of an infinite thread of obligations. And if you’re tired in the mornings, waking up earlier than normal to make time for yourself feels punishing. There’s no one right way to approach your mornings. I would encourage you to remember that if you aren’t feeling good, no area of your life is benefitting from your full magic. I’ve found that, even if it feels selfish at the moment, focusing on my needs first allows me to be the best version of myself for the people around me. I like to integrate into my own mornings, including gratitude, manifestation, affirmations, and journal prompts. BodyworkIf you exist as a woman or feminine person in the world, chances are you sometimes feel like your whole existence is about giving to others. For me, treatments like massage are an incredible ritual for connecting with my body and allowing myself to be cared for. The experience of intentionally receiving care from someone else can be deeply healing. As I’ve manifested more abundance in my life, I’ve committed to having monthly massages as one of my self-care practices. I am so grateful to the talented and supportive massage therapists who help me to relieve stress and feel like my highest self. Of course, massages and other bodywork can be expensive. It’s definitely not a service I’ve been able to afford at every stage in my life. But I’ve found that I can often find local businesses that offer reasonable rates on bodywork services if I do a little research. I’ve also learned that prioritizing caring for myself makes my life more abundant in all ways.JournalingJournaling is one of my favorite and longest-standing feminine practices. I’ve been journaling in some capacity since I was five years old. Whether I’m making mood boards or reflecting through writing, journaling allows me to be creative while processing my feelings and building dreams for the future. If you’re new to journaling, you might find inspiration by using journal prompts. I offer free journal prompts on my resources page. Even after years of journaling, I still use journal prompts to direct my thoughts and encourage deep reflection in my practice.MeditationAs someone who was raised in a spiritual community, meditation or silent reflection has been a practice I’ve engaged in for most of my life. In my childhood and teenage years, this took the form of private prayer and devotional time. As I’ve gotten older, I tend to meditate on my favorite affirmations or desired feelings. While there are endless ways to approach or understand meditation, I think of it as clearing the waters of my mind. If you’ve ever stood in a muddy river or pond, you know that moving around in the water stirs up silt and debris and that the more you move, the more opaque and cloudy the water becomes.When I’m going through life this often feels like the perfect metaphor for my brain. All the thoughts, activities, and planning in my head stir up my mind until I feel overwhelmed. Meditation allows me to still the waters and let the debris sink to the bottom. Stillness gives me space to connect with my authentic self and clarify what I truly want.