Portfolio Video

 Portfolio videos aren’t just restricted to certain industries and jobs anymore. They’re catching on and rightly so, considering video is one of the most engaging mediums of content consumption. Over 59% of marketing executives say they would rather watch a video than consume the same information by reading. 

So, if you want to stand out in the professional space, it is a good idea to present your work experience and achievements in the form of a video rather than relying on a resume alone – this is called a portfolio video. 

And if you’re wondering how you can go about creating a portfolio video without spending too much time or having the technical know-how to edit a video, then this article will help. We will take you through the step-by-step process of creating a stunning portfolio video online, using an intuitive video editor , even if you have no prior video editing experience. 

Here’s what we’ll cover: 

1. Planning your portfolio video

2. Picking out videos for your portfolio

3. Finding a template: Our top recommendations

Let’s get into it! 

1. Planning your portfolio video 

The very first step is planning out what your portfolio video will look like. Usually, when you’re sending this to potential clients and employers, they don’t have a lot of time to go through lengthy videos and websites. Keeping things as interesting and concise as possible is important if you want to get noticed and in order to do that you need to plan. 

One way to do that is by narrowing down your portfolio video to a specific niche that you offerAsk yourself what kind of gigs you’re trying to land and what are the skills that will help you get those. But if you’re someone with more than one skill and you’re offering a variety of services, you can always make more than one portfolio video!  For example, if you’re a photographer, you may want to work for niches like wildlife photography, food photography, wedding photography, etc. It would be best to have separate portfolio videos for these niches because you’ll most likely have different clients for different niches and sending them a lot of information might not help you land the gig. 

Starts with introducing the name of his business and states the object and then goes on to showcase all the different video editing skills he has to offer – and he does all of this in under a minute. 

You can also create a stunning portfolio video like this one using one of the hundreds of portfolio video templates . But before you begin creating, here’s how you can plan what to include in your video: 

1. Shortlist the information you want to showcase: Your potential employees or clients will want to know more about you, your background, the skill set, your strengths and how to get in touch with you. So ensure you include information about your work experience, your skill set, your education/training, and your contact details. 

2. Create a short script: Creating a script is a great way to plan out everything your video needs and also keep it short. If you don’t know how to create a script. 

3. Select your best work: You want to showcase some of your best work to your potential employer. So select 7-10 project samples to showcase and keep them ready. 

4. Decide on a Call to Action: What do you want the potential client or employer to do after they’ve seen your video? Should they email you for more information or can they directly call you? Plan out these details. 

5. Decide on the design of your portfolio: Plan out what kind of look you are going for and accordingly decide your fonts and color palettes. Make sure that they are not too flashy or too boring.  

Once you have a rough plan for how to make your portfolio video, the next step is reviewing all of your work or samples and then putting together the best of your pieces for your portfolio video.  

2. Picking out videos for your portfolio 

Once you’ve planned out what your portfolio video should look like, you now want to go ahead and finalize all the clips and images you want to include in your portfolio video. 

The first thing you need to do is make sure that you’re showing your best work. The purpose of your portfolio video is to impress your potential employers and clients, so putting your best foot forward is the way to go. Next, you have to make sure that you include work that highlights your unique style. In a sea of potential employees, you must have a USP to stand out and be the one that lands the gig! The last thing you need to do is add projects that you enjoyed the most, because those are the type of gigs that you would want to be hired for again. 

Some pieces of work you can include to show your range and capabilities are:

– A project that generated notable ROI metrics

– Your favorite project 

– A challenging project that had a short deadline

– A project that garnered industry accolades

– A project that shows specific industry experience (healthcare, retail, or finance, for example) that relates to the work or position you’re pursuing

The pieces should not only be an excellent representation of what you have done in the past, but also what you want to focus on in the future. 

3. Finding a template for your portfolio: Our top recommendations 

Now that you have planned your portfolio and selected the pieces that you want to showcase, the next step is to head over  to find a template that best suits your needs. Here are our top 5 recommendations: 

1. Multipurpose 3D Slideshow Portfolio Video Template

If you are not someone who is comfortable shooting video, this 3D slideshow portfolio video template is a great tool because you can use images to showcase your work experience and strengths. The animation of the images helps make it more compelling and dynamic. Simply replace the stock images with your own, change the text and switch up the music to make it your own. 

2. Minimalist Portfolio Video Template  

This is a great design for anyone in the media or video-related fields with its animated graphics and bright color palette. The best part is that it’s just 41 seconds, which means you can use it to showcase your best work and keep the viewer’s attention throughout. 

3. Multimedia Portfolio Video Template 

In addition to using images or videos, if you want to use the magic of motion graphics to tell your story, then this is a great template to use. With animated elements, bright colors and clean fonts, this template can really help you put your best foot forward. You can add an image of your final projects, and you can even add a video of you at work or leading your team! These things leave a lasting impression on employers and clients, especially when you can fit everything into a bite-sized video. 

4. Simple Portfolio Video Template

Keep things simple and clean with this text-heavy portfolio video template that uses simple images, animated text and graphics to create an impactful video that will immediately engage your potential clients and employers. What is great is that despite being text-heavy, this video keeps everything readable and easily consumable, which is very important if you want to convey a large chunk of information in a short span of time. You can of course change the pink and white color palette and also tweak the fonts to make it suited to your needs

5. Animated Statistics Portfolio Video Template  

If you work in a field that relies heavily on data or numbers, you don’t necessarily have to share boring charts and CVs to showcase your skill. Use this animated statistics portfolio video template instead. Simply tweak it slightly to suit your exact use case and you’re ready to go.