How To Use Instagram To Attract Interior Design Clients

 “I wish my followers would become clients!” I’ve heard this time and time again on intake forms, during discovery calls, and from current clients. We’ve all been told that social media is a goldmine for finding people to work with you. But when it doesn’t seem to be happening for you (even though you’re posting allll the trending reels and spending hours studying Instagram tips and tricks), it can feel like all the social media experts are just talking a load of B.S. While some of the tips are cackapoo, I’m here to give you proven strategies for how to use Instagram to attract interior design clients.

This Is How To Use Instagram To Attract Interior Design Clients

There are 4 key components to a successful Instagram strategy (aka, one that increases awareness of your brand, build connections, and leads to clients). They are: profile optimization, strategic content, intentional engagement, and most importantly: not putting all your eggs in one basket.


In order to get clients, you need people to be able to find you. One of the easiest ways to do that (and what I see WAY too many interior designers missing out on) is to use highly searchable terms in your name field. Wasting that space on your business name means people who don’t know your business name yet are less likely to find you. So instead of saying “Brianna Michele Interiors”, think about what someone would look up when wanting to find a designer that offers what you do: Interior Stylist for Vacation Rentals. If you work in or are based in a specific location, be sure to add that to your name field as well!

They’re here – now what?

When a potential follower first lands on your profile, they’re going to make a decision about whether or not they want to learn more FAST. In order to make them stick around, you need to make sure your bio is set up to grab their attention and keep it.

First things first: Make sure it’s very clear what you do. Designing homes for families, Luxury interior design studio, etc. Don’t waste valuable profile space on quotes or quirky fun facts (save that for a feed post!)

Second: Add authority builders, if you have them. Mention years of experience, homes designed, or places you’ve been featured.

Third: Don’t forget to direct new followers to your website with a clear call to action. For example, “Download our service guide” or “Inquire about your project.” After all, your website is where they’re going to learn more about your services and inquire! (More on that later)

Optimization doesn’t stop with your bio. Next, they’ll see your highlights. Think of these as mini-web pages to cover the most important information someone would want to see when learning more about you. I recommend having the following:

  • a “Start Here” highlight
  • Your Services
  • Client Love/Reviews
  • Behind the Scenes
  • as well as a highlight for each project

And finally, consider which posts you’ll pin to your profile. Those three pinned posts will live on the top of your grid (ahead of new posts), and are a fantastic way to maximize traffic to important information. I recommend having a post that introduces you, a project you’re proud of, and one that explains how to work with you.


Hooray! Your optimized profile made that visitor hit follow. How do you keep them around?

With amazing content! When creating your posts, you want to speak directly to the type of person you are hoping to work with. Which means: avoid the DIY content! In order to use Instagram to attract interior design clients with the qualities and budget you want to see, speak to their concerns and what they’d want to get out of their work with you. Hint: it’s less “how to choose a paint color” and more “why working with an interior designer will save you hundreds of hours you don’t have.”

Don’t forget to show off your personality as well!

What if I don’t have a ton of content?

I hear this a lot from my clients who are newer interior designers. If you don’t have an extensive profile, it can feel overwhelming to try to create content. But that doesn’t mean you’re out of luck!

First, don’t be afraid of iPhone shots and behind the scenes! Your page doesn’t have to perfectly curated to attract clients.

Consider investing in professional brand photography for projects. You could include this in your design project fees to offload some of the cost!

And if you don’t have a ton of projects yet – a quality stock photo subscription like Haute Stock could be an amazing option to supplement! 

If you take one thing from this section, notice that I did NOT recommend reposting other people’s content to your page. Not only could this confuse your customers  and hampers trust-building with your audience, it also is an intellectual property violation (especially if the project was shot by a professional photographer). Instagram’s copyright rules are strict and you don’t want to put your account at risk! Same goes for downloading content from Pinterest. If you didn’t take the photo, or pay the photographer that did, don’t post it.


Posting content is one piece of the puzzle, but the way to truly see success on social media? Is to remember that it’s about being SOCIAL. When your focus is on building community, you’ll see a higher quantity and quality of leads coming your way.

How do you engage with ideal clients on Instagram?

There are two types of engagement on Instagram:

Inbound engagement is when you’re interacting with people you already follow or who follow you. Staying up to date on comments and messages ensures that people will continue to engage with you (after all, nobody likes to interact with someone who doesn’t give them the time of day!) This type of engagement is what creates a strong community.

But outbound engagement is what introduces you to new potential members of your community – and it cannot be overlooked. Especially for a small business wanting to grow on social media organically, putting yourself in front of people you want to work with is SO important.

Not sure where to look? For interior design clients, many of them might be private or not as easily found as a public-facing service provider. I like to look through the followers of competitor & peer accounts, as well as the followers of related services – for example, local realtors or family photographers!

Most importantly, when you engage, remember to do so ACTIVELY. Scrolling through your feed and throwing out likes won’t get your ideal client’s attention. Be sure to leave meaningful comments (and stand out by actually responding to their call to action!) and start conversations.

Why Is My Reach So Low?

Ok, you say. I’m spending all my time on Instagram, trying all the tips – but my reach is TRASH 🗑

Before we dive into the fourth component of a successful Instagram strategy for attracting interior design clients, let’s do a quick recap of how the app works.


The Instagram algorithm is based on RELATIONSHIPS – meaning, how well the app can tell if you’d like someone’s content and vice versa, based on your interactions . This is why engagement is so important. If you’re wondering how to use Instagram to attract interior design clients, the key is to focus heavily on the connections you build and demonstrating to the app that those people enjoy your content!


If your reach is low, there could be a couple things going on:

first, look at if your quantity of content has changed. You have to look at analytics in context – if you went from 5 posts to 2 posts a week, it’s reasonable that your reach would go down.

It’s also worth reviewing your hashtags. While they’re not the be-all and end-all, hashtags can increase your reach by 11-12%. Be sure you’re using relevant hashtags (not those huge 1M+ hashtags!) and switching them up for each post.

Has your content gone stagnant? Posting the same type of content that you shared in 2020 simply won’t work the same.

Are you using your insights to inform what you post, and when? Posting without reviewing the data means you’re shooting in the dark

And finally: Instagram is a competitive environment, and it’s only getting harder and harder to stand out. This is why it’s worth it to work with a social media manager who can do that hard work for you!

You Can’t Only Depend On Instagram

Back to what it takes to attract clients with Instagram. And for this final step, we’re talking about why you need to go BEYOND Instagram.

I recommend thinking of IG of as a place to show off your portfolio and build a community around your brand. But it’s only one touchpoint along your customer journey. Once someone lands on your Instagram, where do they go next?

In most cases – your website. It’s so important to have an on-brand website that makes it easy to reach out to work with you.

And what happens after they’re working with you? Your client experience during the project will help you land referrals and expand your network if done right. My most successful clients have a robust referral network that not only act as social proof, but continually help send new traffic to their IG and websites through post sharing, recommendations, and more.

In Short: How To Use Instagram To Attract Interior Design Clients

Instagram is a powerful tool for building a community around your business, connecting with potential clients and peers, and showing off your portfolio. With a search-optimized bio, quality content, intentional engagement and a customer journey that extends beyond IG, you can use this incredible platform to attract new interior design clients.


 Let’s just admit it right here, we all get comparison-itis. Yes, it’s a condition where we look at other successful women in our industry and we compare, and we wonder why them, why not me? How did they become so successful? Why can’t I have that level of success? What’s their secret?

We All Want To Be Successful, But Comparing Your Beginning To Someone Else’s Middle Isn’t Gonna Do You Any Good.

In fact, after a year of following the best in my industry, studying their behaviors, subscribing to their lists, and basically stalking them 24/7, I saw three key things that each and every one of them has. It’s these three skills that have allowed them to become a successful girl boss.

It’s also something that I am trying to practice in my own business. The only person that can stop us from reaching the kind of life and success we desire is ourselves. So, let’s get out of our own way, change our mindset, and just start.

1 // Confidence

This one is the key to unlocking all the rest. Female entrepreneurs that are successful aren’t afraid to put themselves out there and promote their business every. single. day.

Lack of confidence is something I think we all struggle with at one point or another in our lives, and if left unchecked it can absolutely hurt your success as a female entrepreneur.

To put it simply, if you lack confidence in yourself it will reflect back as a lack of confidence in your business.

If you want people to believe in the services and/or products you’re offering, and ultimately hand over their credit cards, then you have to show up, give insane value, and be authentic, so they can get to know, like, and trust you.

Having many ideas and never following through with them because you don’t believe enough in yourself is something I had to overcome in order to find my own success.

You need to believe in yourself, know that you have what it takes to put yourself out there and go after your dreams. Get out of your own damn way and just start.

2 // Self-Discipline

There are times in my business when I am so motivated that I don’t want to stop working. I can’t sleep, and I just work like a madwoman. The passion I have for what I do creates the madness, but then some days I just don’t feel motivated to do anything at all.

Being your own boss is great. There’s no one we have to answer to. But this also means there is no one there to hold us accountable. This is where it pays to have a plan.

So how can you get more disciplined? Set some attainable sort-term goals.

List your goals for the next 90 days. Choose one main goal to focus on. For example, my goal was to get more subscribers on my list. Everything I focused on was list-building.  I created blog posts and was active on social media.

We can only achieve the results we desire if we buckle down and do what needs to be done, even when we don’t feel like doing it.

Self-discipline is the fastest way to success as a #girlboss.

Another trick I found is by setting deadlines with my audience. It holds me accountable and keep’s me from putting things off.

For example, I wanted to do a live webinar for the last 3 months and I just kept putting it off. Well, I just decided to announce it to my audience 5 days before we go live. Now there’s no procrastinating on that. Oh shit, I better get to work!

3 // Get Visible

The only difference between you and the other people in your industry who are crushing it… They’re all in. They put themselves out there, every single day. They pushed through their doubts and fears, and just went for it anyways.

This is where your self-discipline and confidence need to come into play. You have to show up and be consistent every. single. day. And you have to have a plan.

Visibility Tips:

  • Post in Facebook groups, and offer your help to those who need it.
  • Consider starting a group of your own on Facebook and invite your email subscribers to join.
  • Post daily on 2-3 social channels. I like Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram. Do live broadcasts with Facebook live or Periscope.
  • Host some webinars, do guest posts, and whatever else you can think of to get yourself in front of your ideal audience.

I hope this post inspired you to become the best version of yourself. Go after those dreams ladies, and don’t ever give up.

Niche Blogs

 Why Your Blog Needs a Niche 

POV: You’re planning to start a blog that can generate a (full-time) income, but you have no idea what topics you want to blog about.

Or… you already have a blog, but you cover a wide range of topics, and you’re wondering if it would be valuable for your blog to choose a clear direction.

If either of these situations applies to you, then this is the right article for you!

In this post, I’ll explain why choosing a specific niche for your blog is incredibly important, and you’ll find a list of the 15 most profitable niches to choose from.

What is a blog niche exactly?

A blog niche is the specialized field that revolves around your website and/or blog. It’s the subject you focus on when publishing content for your readers. For example, a blog in the food niche will only write about topics related to nutrition and won’t cover parenting tips.

Why is choosing a blog niche important?

Choosing a niche is becoming increasingly crucial. In August 2022, Google introduced a significant update stating that websites with expert status will perform better than those that write about anything and everything.

Many bloggers have a lifestyle blog. I also considered starting one for a while because a lifestyle blog essentially covers all topics the blogger finds interesting. Sometimes I see a single blog covering topics like parenting, business, interior design, and travel.

That’s all great, but when it comes to organic traffic, Google prefers to see you demonstrate expertise in a specific subject. By covering too many topics, you don’t send a clear signal about what you truly have to offer.

And it’s not just about Google, right? Because even – or especially – for the ultimate reader, a niche blog is much better. When you go to a hair salon, you don’t expect to be able to buy fishing gear there too, do you?

And if you could buy both, does this hair salon truly have a passion for their field, and is it wise to expect expert hair advice? And will you ever come back as a customer in the future?

In short, choosing a niche is crucial if you want to establish a profitable blog, and as online competition continues to grow, your expert status will become increasingly important.

If you know a few things about “effective parenting” and write a few blog posts about it, you’ll always find professional parenting blogs that can provide much more comprehensive and superior information.

But how do you go about choosing a blog niche?

The formula for success is simple: your area of interest plus the topics within that subject that are frequently searched for equals your profitable blog niche!

Now, that may sound easier said than done, and the truth is, many bloggers end up selecting the wrong niche or choosing the right one but failing to write – about topics they can rank for or that have a demand.

Let me break it down for you: almost any niche has the potential for profitability, but it’s undeniably easier to make money by promoting higher-priced products that offer generous commissions, rather than recommending a €20 book in every single blog post.

Furthermore, conducting thorough research within your niche is crucial. You need to identify which topics are consistently searched for and determine if you can establish authority and rank for them based on your domain expertise.

So, when it comes to choosing your niche, consider asking yourself the following questions:

  • What are your personal interests?
  • What subjects do you possess extensive knowledge about?
  • How competitive is the niche you’ve chosen, and how much time investment will it require to carve out your own piece of the pie in that industry?
  • Can you find enough beginner-friendly keywords that you can rank for in this niche?

And if you happen to have an online store, your niche is already defined. It’s crucial to align the topics of your blog with the products or services you offer in your shop.

15 Exciting Niches for Your Blog

Still uncertain about the perfect niche for your blog and in need of some inspiration? Look no further! Here’s a comprehensive list featuring a remarkable 15 profitable niches to choose from.


One of the most competitive yet highly rewarding niches at present is finance. It’s no wonder, as money is something everyone desires more of, regardless of the time of year. 😉 In today’s world, people are constantly searching for innovative ways to save, earn, and ultimately achieve financial freedom.

You don’t need a degree to dive into this niche, but Google does take into account your qualifications in this field. Possessing some background knowledge in finance is definitely advantageous, and if you don’t have it, you’ll need to establish yourself in this area.

Saving money

Frugal living


Affiliate marketing

Side hustle ideas


Debt repayment

Financial freedom


Will you be my direct competitor? 😉 Blogging is also a highly competitive subject , so be prepared. However, it aligns perfectly with the current trend of individuals seeking to learn how to earn money online.

You can write about anything related to starting, managing, and promoting a blog, and, of course, share your own blogging journey.

Starting a blog

Hosting providers

Monetizing your blog

Blog promotion (social media)



We live in a time when our dear Mother Earth is not in her best state, and sustainability is a topic that concerns nearly everyone. If you already lead a very eco-friendly and sustainable lifestyle, why not contribute even more by sharing your knowledge with others?

Sustainable travel

Ethical fashion

Green toys

Zero waste

Sustainable crafting ideas


This is the most popular niche, but it can also be the most broad and challenging for establishing yourself as an expert. If you choose the lifestyle theme, it’s better to select a sub-niche and focus your blog specifically on that.

Interior design and home decor

DIY projects



Gift guides


Dating advice

Relationship advice

Wedding planning

Living together

Valentine’s Day

Health and Fitness

Weight Loss

Healthy Foods for Weight Loss



Health Tips

Staying Fit During Lockdowns




Dogs / Cats / Fish, etc.

Pet Health

Pet Nutrition

Training Animals

Dog / Cat Sitting

Beauty and Fashion

Makeup Essentials / Tutorials

Favorite Beauty Products

Skincare Products

Skincare Routine

Outfit Ideas

Latest Fashion Trends

Hair Care

Nail Art



Travel Essentials

Budget Travel Destinations

Luxury Travel Destinations

Unique Airbnbs


If you love spending your weekends binge-watching Netflix and staying updated on the latest movies and series, you can share your honest reviews on your blog!

Celebrities / Gossip

Film/TV Show Reviews


Reviews Book Reviews


Starting a Business

All About Entrepreneurship

Bookkeeping / Taxes

Digital Marketing

If you have a background in digital marketing or experience managing social media accounts, share your knowledge and expertise on a digital marketing blog!

Instagram Influencing

Pinterest Marketing

Facebook Ad Manager

Instagram Tips and Strategies

Email Marketing

Social Media Marketing


Are you someone who loves cooking up elaborate meals, constantly experimenting with new recipes, and creating mouthwatering dishes? Then starting a food blog is perfect for you. People are always on the lookout for fresh recipe ideas, and food blogs are incredibly popular. And if you do start a food blog, make sure to share your posts on Pinterest, the go-to platform for every food blogger out there!

Explore different cuisines

Vegetarian / Vegan options

Delectable recipes

Organic food

Meal planning tips

Study and Education

Are you a student with some insightful hacks to share with your fellow students? Create a study/education blog and pass on your knowledge!

Navigating independent living

Valuable study tips

Preparing for graduation

Choosing a major

Internship experiences (abroad)


New parents are constantly seeking tips and advice from those who have been there before—other parents! Personal anecdotes that resonate with new moms and dads are highly sought after. Moreover, you can provide reviews on the countless products available for each stage of babyhood!

Pregnancy guidance

Baby care essentials

Mom life / Dad life / Single parenting

Childcare advice

Remote Work / Digital Nomad

Embrace the digital nomad lifestyle

Becoming a digital nomad

Thriving in remote and location-independent work

Tax and administrative considerations for digital nomads

Discovering digital nomad destinations

In conclusion

Choosing a niche for your blog is incredibly important for achieving organic success in Google. Those who demonstrate themselves as true experts in their field are more likely to secure a spot at the top of the search results compared to those who only have a shallow understanding of various topics.

It’s actually quite logical when you think about it, but as a blogger, it’s important to be aware of this fact.

What niche will you choose for your blog? Let us know in the comments below!

How to genuinely promote your business every day

 As a solopreneur, selling our business essentially means selling OURSELVES – who we are, what we do, and WHY we do it – to the world. The truth is that if you run your own business, then whether you like it or not, you’re also a sales person.

The tricky thing is that we oftentimes can feel a little weird and maybe even “icky” about promoting ourselves.

We’ve all been there. We’ve all seen those people. You know who I’m talking about… the ones who pester their friends and family trying to sell that product. The ones who plaster their Facebook feed with promotions or send WAY too many emails when you don’t even really care about what they have to offer.

But there IS a way to promote your business in a way that makes the RIGHT people want to buy from YOU.

There is a way to capture attention and turn that attention into raving fans.

There is a way to get your business into the world and build genuine and authentic followers.

So how do you do this???

Well, I’m going to share 3 tips with you about how to promote your business every day in a way that is authentic and genuine to you.

1. You have to be filled up in order to pour out in a genuine and authentic way.

The most important thing about promoting your business every day is you have to be filled up in order to pour back out. You have to be able to approach your promotions from a place of overflow vs. desperation.

This is so essential to not sounding too “salsey” or “spammy”.

What makes you feel alive? What things do you LOVE doing? What are your hobbies outside of work? What makes you feel like you’re living your most intentional life? Get back to doing those things!

Maybe this looks like doing a morning workout, eating a healthy diet, or getting into scripture and prayer every morning. Maybe this looks like taking time to relax with your family and friends. Maybe this looks like getting a good night sleep and taking the time to get all dolled up and ready for the day each morning.

Whatever this looks like for you, don’t neglect it! Get back into the habit of doing things that light you up and make you feel alive.

Think about what feelings you desire to have in life. I mean… REALLY think about this.

Do you desire to have a freedom filled life? Do you desire to find and have joy in all circumstances? Do you desire to live abundantly? Or do you want to live each moment with peace in your heart?

Whatever feelings you desire to have, start working to incorporate these feelings into your life more.

What things or habits make you feel these feelings? The key is to do more of those things and less of the things that drain you. 

2. You have to promote in a way that is genuine for you.

Secondly, we have to think about HOW you are going to promote every day. Obviously, we don’t want to promote the same way every day; that would just be boring for our followers!

The biggest tip I can give you is to promote in a way that is genuine to you. Do this by following your creativity. Follow your passion.

So, what do I mean by follow your creativity and passion???

This means that if you are not feeling passionate or creative about something at the moment, then maybe it’s not the right time to do that task.

Look at your task list and the things that HAVE to get done today. What things do you want to do? What things are you feeling lit up about? What things do you have a passion to complete and get into the world?

Ok, there is a catch. Sometimes we DO have to do things that are not fun. Sometimes we DO have to get something done TODAY and it just can’t wait… but we don’t want to do it. UGH. I know the feeling.

The best tip I can give you for this is to make a list of things that HAVE to get done and give these tasks a due date. Assign different tasks to different days or times and make sure to get these things taken care of.

Then, we can attack all the left-over tasks in a way that we are passionate about.

For example, I think a LOT. I also really like writing. I oftentimes will find myself thinking about a certain topic for quite a while and mulling it over in my brain. When this happens, I know that RIGHT THEN is the time to get these thoughts out of my brain and down onto paper. This is the time to try to plan the live video I want to do on that topic.

If I write the topic down and then decide that I will write that blog post later or do that live video later, then I often won’t be as passionate about it and I will have to take twice as long to get back into the “flow” of that topic. And if you’re a creative, I think you know what I mean.

So, when you find yourself in the “flow” of creativity and passion about a certain subject, topic, or task… attack that thing right then and there! Use that creativity and passion to create your daily promotion about that subject!

3. You have to promote with perseverance and tenacity.

If we approach promoting our business with timidity and shyness, we will never make the impact we dream of. We have to be brave, we have to be bold!

So, once you are filled up and know what your promotion is… attack that thing with perseverance and drive! Don’t let yourself shrink back out of fear… but step out in faith! Step out in obedience to your calling! Step out and be brave.

This may mean being awkward or maybe even annoying someone. But here’s the thing, you will get rejected. You will have people who don’t jump on board… and that’s OK! That just means that they either aren’t your ideal client or it’s not the right time. When this happens it’s important to know when to back off and when to keep pushing.

Remember, your dream deserves to be promoted. How can you impact lives and change the world if you don’t share it? The key here is to believe in your dream to the point of not being able to keep quiet about it.

And if there’s anything I’ve learned over this last year, it’s that you NEVER KNOW who might be interested in buying from you. There have been times I’ve almost not shared about my business because I start to think “they won’t want it” or “I don’t think they will be able to afford it”… and then those are the very people who want it most and actually CAN afford it.

Never disqualify someone is fits your ideal client persona before talking with them and sharing your business with them, you might be surprised when they say they are interested in buying from you!

Well, those are my 3 tips for you today. Make sure to watch the video above and share your thoughts in the comments below! I’d love to hear from you!

Always cheering you on,

promote your business every day

How to Sell on Instagram and Start Seeing Results

 So, you’ve put your offer out to the world on Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn even… what about Instagram?

Maybe you’ve already tried but you just aren’t seeing the results you’d like. A platform that just hit one billion monthly users, you’d expect to make some sales, right?


Well, you’re half-right. 

The thing about Instagram is you have to know how to work it so that it, in turn, works for you. Instagram’s algorithms change every day, so while it can be difficult keeping up with all of the newest updates, there are still some tried-and-true steps you can take the next time you’re ready to put your offer on Instagram.

Using these selling methods paired with your newly optimized business account will allow you to k-i-l-l it so that you can finally start seeing the results you want.

Get a Few Things in Check First

If you haven’t checked out our blog post about how to use Instagram for business, we highly encourage you to go check that out. Everything we talked about will come into play here, but for the sake of ease, we’ll briefly go over the absolute most important steps you cannot miss out on.


Do this now if you haven’t yet. Converting your Instagram account to a business profile will unlock all the insights you need to guide your posts. You’ll be able to know your audience’s demographics– what age and gender they are, where they live, when they’re online– as well as how often your profile is visited, how many link and button clicks you get, and how many interactions you get on your posts on what days. We can’t stress enough how key all of this, especially when you’re ready to start paying for ads.

All you have to do is go to Settings > Account > Switch to Personal Account, and all you’re all set! Your insights will appear once you make your first post upon switching.


Hashtags are the biggest way to start seeing organic leads on Instagram. We know the term “hashtag research” may seem daunting, but it’s super valuable and not as hard as it seems. Browse around on other pages in the same or similar industry as you and make a list of hashtags you see them using. Add to that list some keywords that relate to your industry, and put yourself in your customers’ shoes to add some things they would also search. Then, search your hashtags and throw out any that have more than 500k or less than 100k posts using them. When you search your keywords, hashtags that include that word will start to pop up. Filter through those just the same as the others. You want to make sure you’re choosing hashtags that aren’t oversaturated with posts but that are still being used enough that you’re likely to be seen. 

Not only do you get overall page insights, but you also get insights for each individual post. Part of that includes showing you where your followers who viewed the post are coming from. (I think you know where we’re going with this.) How many views are coming via hashtags is also included in that list, which is perfect for getting an idea of how your hashtags are performing so that you can start testing which ones are doing the trick.

Get Intentional with Ads

That pretty “Promote This Post” button sure does look tempting, but we beg you to resist the urge. The options are very limited, and you won’t able to target a specific audience. Linking your Instagram account with your Facebook business page will allow you to use their Ads Manager and give you tons of different options. You can choose to only run your ads on Instagram, or you can have them run on both platforms. This is where your profile insights will come into play. Instagram basically already tells you who you should be targeting, and you can play around with the other options to target those users with certain interests as well.


Don’t feel like you need a humongous budget for this. A small budget can work, as long as you’re intentional with your targeting and testing your ads. You can do this by setting up 3 campaigns that are all pretty much the same, but just tweak a few things between them. So, the second ad may have a different picture but the same copy, and the third may have the same picture but different copy. Once you see which one performed the best over a period of time– say, 3-5 days– you can then go on to use that ad, but switch up the targeting and so forth. 

Use the Shopping Feature

If you sell physical products, Instagram’s shopping feature is a must. You know how when you tag a friend in a post and when you tap on the post, their username pops up? Think of your products as that friend. When users tap on your post, the product name and price will pop up. Once clicking on that, they’re taken to product details page, which has the description, a button to view the item on your website, and more products that you’ve added. You can even add other items to the page that might go with that product. It’s a win-win and such a huge opportunity for physical product-based businesses to see some sales increases.

Don’t Be Afraid to Reach Out

Physical product sellers can, of course, reach out to influencers or celebrities to pay for product promotion or send free products in exchange, but service-based businesses can do something like this as well.

Remember your free work stage when you just wanted to gather a few testimonials to help get your feet off the ground? It’s time to use them, babe. Post them everywhere. Have a dedicated Story Highlight on your profile just for testimonials, post about them in your feed, remind everyone that not only do you think you’re the shit, but others do, too. 

If you haven’t already, get a testimonial from past clients as well as your current ones. It can also be worth it to ask if they could even make a post promoting you and your services. The worst they could say is no, and if they say yes, that’s even more exposure you’d be getting.

Showcase Your Offer in Stories

Last but not least, post to your Stories regularly about your offer– every day, at least. Once that 24-hour timeframe has passed, up goes another one! Add CTAs and engagement stickers (we went over those in this blog post, too!) to encourage your followers to engage, click, swipe, etc. Create a sequence with your Stories. One to show the offer, one to tell what it’s about, another for testimonials, etc. You want it to flow seamlessly so your followers can easily tap and read.

December 2

Before you demand anything from others, learn to be honest with yourself. Have the courage to accept that you were the one killing all your dreams. So by this year end , i have decided to do what i like most, things which makes me happy. 

     So on this 2 December with full of courage i decided to took part in random party , which have something like open theater and after party along with one of my friend because individual would be not good choice. But as always it turned out completely different that what i thought.

Deep down you always know what’s best for you, you can sense when to leave a person or place because you are just being used, you realize when you did wrong and when you were wronged yet just stay in your comfort zone and keep things as they are, your brain will play tricks on you. You will make great excuses to convince yourself not to start working, give a another chance.

  Because nothing happened as i imagined like to meet new person, spend time in different environment , create new memories. Yes memories, i created but that too of non stop blaming game that why it turned out this way with me.  

 My friend had some work that day , so we have been late at there around nine something and the first thing we encounter was nothing but a completely different zone. weird thoughts of being alien at there. Like we are thirties  and seeing twenties kids there. 

 But we acted like , nothing matters to us. We were just here to enjoy so keep going. But the first game they invited us to take part  “truth & dare”. With bit of hesitation and by silent consent to each other we just go with the flow. But just after a moment we become speechless. 

   There “truth task” includes relationship question and “dare” is to propose someone. And i opted is to “RUN”.

 Other activity was there is of  open theater . So i sighed and thought now everything would be on track. The selected movie is  Rockstar . My friend is not okay with this, as she have already watched it many times. She told me that its 2012 movie and thanks to my decision at last in year 2023 im watching it finally. Let me tell you that im not a movie person but at that time it was still okay for me. though i watched only half part.

 My main focus was to be there and to meet new people, but here also i disappointed my self and could not make effort to communicate even to person. There was a person who just sitting next to me on same bench but i cant make any effort. And the whole movie ended like this.

Stand tall against the lies your brain might want to throw at you. You will meet enough people in your life who will say one thing but their actions won’t match. You will meet a lot of people who are going to lie you. While you cannot control how others treat you, you can learn to be honest with yourself. 

Then at last i thought food would be good , but here they disappointed me . 

Dance , my whole survival is because of dance, so i thought this is point where i can feel proud about myself. at least with this activity i can enjoy and for sometime can forget everything what is going on in my life at present . The one activity which can help you heal your inner pressurize person. But with great disappointment i have to say that my friend dont like to dance, so i couldn’t . 

So with full of courage at one thirty of night we decided to get back to our home. That last no made me so powerful that i dont care we were girls and with taking risk with google direction decided to leave  place at this darkest hours of night . 

When we left the place everything was good and with attitude of bold females ever. But soon after we stared driving our whole thoughts get change. Because the road was totally dark and no one was there. and my friend was kept saying that she is scared and asking me how im feeling. But at that time i acted strong and says that whatever would be scene but will keep going , rather than my inner self was so scared and praying to GOD .

  Than after effort of half n hour approx. we find main road to city but again with good luck , it started raining heavily. But we were not in any situation to stop anywhere because of risk and time. So we decided to look for hotel , so in December month we can save ourselves.  

We are girls who never booked hotel in day time but circumstances turned out where we have to find hotel at this hours. Finally we find one hotel , but let me that scene was too memorable because when we reached hotel , even staff was sleeping . So when we knock them they all were glaring us like we had committed any crime.  

   Not even they but my inner soul was also in shock that what i have done. But soon after when we enter in our room i get relaxed because that’s how i am always . Completely messy n confused. 

There was tornado of thoughts, that why i have done this all. Can’t i be more practical to face the situation rather than running away from there. How would explain to mom and dad or its better to hide this all from them. But it wouldn’t be a good choice because they trust me a lot. How would i erase this all from mind . Because this is something which i should not done. This kind risk could end me in bad situation .

  I completely trying to get relaxed at the moment but mind was against that . It kept me busy with different thoughts without any break just one after another.

We are always busy like this. One task after another. One thought after another. One visual after another. The cycle never ends. We never take a pause to reflect on who we are becoming, what we are losing, what we are thinking, or what our thought process is. When you are just taking outside information without thinking about what you are consuming, you end up doing , thinking and becoming like surroundings . And then you complain about why you are like this.


 Let’s just admit it right here, we all get comparison-itis. Yes, it’s a condition where we look at other successful women in our industry and we compare, and we wonder why them, why not me? How did they become so successful? Why can’t I have that level of success? What’s their secret?

We all want to be successful, but comparing your beginning to someone else’s middle isn’t gonna do you any good.

In fact, after a year of following the best in my industry, studying their behaviors, subscribing to their lists, and basically stalking them 24/7, I saw three key things that each and every one of them has. It’s these three skills that have allowed them to become a successful girl boss.

It’s also something that I am trying to practice in my own business. The only person that can stop us from reaching the kind of life and success we desire is ourselves. So, let’s get out of our own way, change our mindset, and just start.

1 // Confidence

This one is the key to unlocking all the rest. Female entrepreneurs that are successful aren’t afraid to put themselves out there and promote their business every. single. day.

Lack of confidence is something I think we all struggle with at one point or another in our lives, and if left unchecked it can absolutely hurt your success as a female entrepreneur.

To put it simply, if you lack confidence in yourself it will reflect back as a lack of confidence in your business.

If you want people to believe in the services and/or products you’re offering, and ultimately hand over their credit cards, then you have to show up, give insane value, and be authentic, so they can get to know, like, and trust you.

Having many ideas and never following through with them because you don’t believe enough in yourself is something I had to overcome in order to find my own success.

You need to believe in yourself, know that you have what it takes to put yourself out there and go after your dreams. Get out of your own damn way and just start.

2 // Self-Discipline

There are times in my business when I am so motivated that I don’t want to stop working. I can’t sleep, and I just work like a madwoman. The passion I have for what I do creates the madness, but then some days I just don’t feel motivated to do anything at all.

Being your own boss is great. There’s no one we have to answer to. But this also means there is no one there to hold us accountable. This is where it pays to have a plan.

So how can you get more disciplined? Set some attainable sort-term goals.

List your goals for the next 90 days. Choose one main goal to focus on. For example, my goal was to get more subscribers on my list. Everything I focused on was list-building. I created my free Pinterest course to give value while building my list. I created blog posts and was active on social media.

We can only achieve the results we desire if we buckle down and do what needs to be done, even when we don’t feel like doing it.

Self-discipline is the fastest way to success  .

Another trick I found is by setting deadlines with my audience. It holds me accountable and keep’s me from putting things off.

3 // Get Visible

The only difference between you and the other people in your industry who are crushing it… They’re all in. They put themselves out there, every single day. They pushed through their doubts and fears, and just went for it anyways.

This is where your self-discipline and confidence need to come into play. You have to show up and be consistent every. single. day. And you have to have a plan.

Visibility Tips:

  • Post in Facebook groups, and offer your help to those who need it.
  • Consider starting a group of your own on Facebook and invite your email subscribers to join.
  • Post daily on 2-3 social channels. I like Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram. Do live broadcasts with Facebook live or Periscope.
  • Host some webinars, do guest posts, and whatever else you can think of to get yourself in front of your ideal audience.

I hope this post inspired you to become the best version of yourself. Go after those dreams ladies, and don’t ever give up, just adjust.


 Many different documents are required for international transportation. The most important documents include the shipper’s export declaration, the bill of lading, the commercial invoice, and the packing list. These documents are used to track the shipment, calculate customs duties, and provide information about the contents of the shipment. A packing list is one of the terms that are used a lot in the business world. Undoubtedly, the correct understanding of these terms can be a good guide for us in commercial affairs. In this article, we are going to talk about an international document called a packing list.

Packing list in international trade

Table of Contents

Types of International Transportation Documents

What is a Packing List?

How to Prepare a Packing List

Tips for Creating an Effective Packing List


Types of International Transportation Documents

In international trade and transportation, there are documents that specify the features and requirements of the cargo. Shipping documents are the most important documents during international sales and purchases and are considered to be the identification documents of the goods. Shipping documents are crucial at the time of a purchase since, after satisfying financial commitments and clearing accounts with the seller or bank, the buyer can only finish customs formalities and complete the goods clearance by providing international shipping paperwork. International shipping documentation and their various types are described in this article. The most common of these documents are:

Bill of Lading

Certificate of Origin

Commercial Invoice

Packing List

It is important to follow the instructions on all international shipping documents carefully. Failure to do so could result in delays, damage to the shipment, or even legal problems.

What is a Packing List?

Packing list is an international critical document in which important export or import information is mentioned. It provides important information about the shipment that can be used for customs clearance and to ensure that the shipment arrives safely. This document should be accurate and complete to avoid any delays or issues in the shipping process. If you are shipping goods, be sure to include a shipping packing list with your shipment. This document can save you time and money by ensuring that your shipment arrives safely and intact. This list typically includes the following information:

  • Shipper and consignee information
  • Details about the contents of the shipment
  • Packaging and labeling information
  • Weight and dimensions of the shipment
  • Shipping and handling instructions

In general, this document can be utilized in at least three situations:

  • It is required by officials and evaluators when inspecting the contents of boxes or cartons.
  • It is used by storekeepers to issue invoices and check the quality and quantity of products imported to customs.
  • A packing list is also used as a supporting document if there is a disagreement between the carrier and the exporter over the cargo’s measurement and weight.

How to Prepare a Packing List

As mentioned, packing lists are an essential part of the transportation process, whether you’re shipping goods domestically or internationally. A packing list is a document that itemizes all of the products being shipped in a single transaction. It is used by the carrier to verify that the products being shipped match the description on the this list. This document can be created manually or with the help of shipping software. When creating a packing list, be sure to include the following information:

  • A description of the products being shipped
  • The quantity of each product
  • The weight of each product
  • The dimensions of each product
  • The value of each product
  • The origin of the shipment
  • The destination of the shipment
  • The name and contact information of the shipper
  • The name and contact information of the consignee

Packing lists can be simple or complex, depending on the nature of the shipment. For example, a shipment of books might only require a description of the goods and the quantity. However, a shipment of electronic equipment would require a more detailed list that includes the weight, dimensions, and value of each item. Once the packing list is complete, it should be attached to the outside of the shipment so that the carrier can easily verify the contents. In some cases, this list may also be used as the commercial invoice.

Tips for Creating an Effective Packing List

When it comes to packing for a freight shipment, there are a few things to keep in mind in order to make sure everything arrives safely and on time. This document is important as it will be used by the freight company to determine what items are being shipped, as well as how they should be packed. Here are a few tips for creating an effective packing list document:

Include all items that are being shipped: This seems like an obvious one, but it is important to make sure that all items that are being shipped are included on the packing list. This includes any items that are being packed in boxes, as well as any loose items.

Clearly label all items: All items should be clearly labeled with your name, address, and contact information. This will help the freight company to identify the items and get them to their destination safely.

Use proper packaging: It is important to use proper packaging when shipping items via freight. This includes using boxes that are the proper size and strength for the items being shipped. Additionally, items should be properly cushioned and secured so that they do not shift during transit.

Include a packing slip: A packing slip should be included with your list. This document should include your name, address, and contact information as well as a list of all items being shipped.

Use a reputable freight company: This is perhaps the most important tip of all. Be sure to use a reputable freight company that has a good reputation for shipping items safely and on time.

By following these tips, you can be sure that your packing list document will be effective and that your items will arrive safely at their destination.


Preparing a packing list can greatly reduce your financial cost and time. By preparing this list, there is no need to fully inspect your goods when entering different countries. A full inspection usually involves costs that are the responsibility of the sender. By making a packing list, you can avoid such problems.

Great White African Pelican Birds

The Great White Pelican (Pelecanus onocrotalus) is one of the world’s largest flying birds that is found in the shallow swamps of Africa.

The Great White Pelican breeds in Southern Europe and in Asia. There are no sub-species of the Great White Pelican.

Great White Pelicans are also known as the White Pelican or the Eastern White Pelican.

Pelicans and their relatives make up the order ‘Pelecaniformes’ and they can be distinguished from other birds by having feet with all 4 toes webbed which is known as ‘totipalmate’.

Great White Pelican Characteristics

Male Great White Pelicans are slightly larger than females. Males measure 175 centimetres in length, and females 148 centimetres in length. Males also have a slightly longer beak/bill which measures 35 – 47 centimetres, while the female’s is 29 – 40 centimetres. The weight of the male Pelican is 9 – 15 kilograms and the female 5 – 9 kilograms. Both have a huge wingspan of up to 3 metres wide.

Great White Pelicans are white in color with black and grey primary feathers. Their bodies are large with long, broad wings attached. They have a short tail, short, pinkish legs and webbed feet. There is a bare pink/yellow facial patch around their eyes. Their spectacular bills are azure blue on the top and yellow underneath where there is a large pouch. The bill has a central red stripe, and ends in a small, red hook.

The Great White Pelican’s chest and throat may have pinkish or yellowish/orange coloration depending on the breeding season. In breeding condition the male has pinkish skin on is face and the female has yellowish/orange skin.

The Great White Pelican’s huge, long bill/beak is used to scoop up fish from the water. The pouch under the beak is stretchy and can hold several litres of water. As the Pelican pushes its bill underwater, the lower bill bows out, creating a large pouch which fills with water and fish. As the bird lifts its head, the pouch contracts, forcing out the water but retaining the fish which are swallowed whole.

Great White Pelican Habitat

Great White Pelicans can be found in the swamps, freshwater lakes, brackish lakes, marshes and deltas of Africa (Asia and Europe).

Great White Pelican Diet

Great White Pelicans feed mainly up on fish such as carp and cichlids but will also eat small invertebrates. These water birds do not have to dive to catch their prey, instead they use their large bills to scoop the fish into their mouths by dipping their heads into the water.

Feeding is sometimes done cooperatively, whereby, several Pelicans will move into a circle to concentrate the fish and dip their heads into the water in unison to catch the fish. This makes for successful fishing. Each Pelican needs about 1.2 kilograms (2.6 pounds) of fish every day.

On Lake Rukwa in Tanzania, there is the largest colony of Pelicans with over 80,000 birds and it needs 35 million kilograms of fish every year to satisfy their hunger.

Pelicans are not restricted to fish and are often opportunistic foragers. Sometimes, they will eat chicks of other birds. Pelicans from the Dassen Island colony prey up on chicks weighing up to 2 kilograms from the Cape Gannet colony on Malgas Island. Great White Pelicans also eat crustaceans, tadpoles and even turtles. They readily accept handouts from humans, and a number of unusual items have been recorded in their diet. During periods when food is scarce, Pelicans also eat seagulls and ducklings and will also steal prey from other birds.

Great White Pelican Behaviour

Although Great White Pelicans are quite cumbersome on land, they are magnificent, graceful fliers who can fly continuously for a whole day and night covering distances of up to 300 miles without stopping. Pelicans often travel in V-formation groups which is a spectacular sight.

The Great White Pelican is well adapted for aquatic life. In water, the birds are just as graceful as when they are flying. They are fast, strong swimmers who can reach speeds of up to 6 kilometres per hour (3.7 miles per hour) as their strong legs and webbed feet propel them through the water in preparation for their sometimes awkward take-offs.

Great White Pelicans are generally silent apart from when they are nesting during breeding season.

Great White Pelican Reproduction

Great White Pelicans nest in large colonies. During breeding season, adult pelicans emit a low, hoarse display call. Nests are made in scrapes in the ground and are lined with vegetation, grass, sticks, feathers and other available materials. The female lays 2 large, chalky white eggs in the nests which are incubated for 29 – 36 days.

The Pelican chicks are grey and have dark flight feathers. They are cared for by both parents. The chicks become fledglings at around 65 – 75 days. Pelicans reach sexual maturity at 3 – 4 years. The life span of the Great White Pelican can be over 16 years old.

Learn to love your lonely

For Girls Made of Storms and Sadness

You are monsoon wrapped in the skin of girl the say you aunt

       tells you how you must act in front of boys.

       Girls like you must never look them in the eye.

Don’t forget what happens when boys look in the direction of girls

       that carry the sky in their eyes and

      the world weighing down on their shoulders.

Girls who have seen great sadness very young look vulnerable,

  like prey and some men are wolves. They will eat you alive.

You are too hungry inside your own sadness, and when you love,

     you love like torrential rain-heavy and intense.

        you are too soft hearted and hard headed,

and she is afraid how many around you can see that as weakness.

Some people will want to feed on the chaos that you call your soul,

drain the good from it, leave the confusion for you to handle.

Those are the people you need to run from, but like a magnet,

     those are the people that attract you the most.

       It’s as if you are on self destruct mode,

unable to stop yourself from falling in love with damaged things,

      even wild ones that bare teeth to rip you apart

        when you grow closer to touch them.

The first time you have your heart broken, it is in the rain.

      You are so much like a big empty dark room

  full of forgotten things that were once loved too deeply,

      lit up by the lighting of a thunderstorm.

         The thing is, he explains,

    girl like you should be loved completely or not at all,

       and the truth is, even when you are in pain,

           you don’t hate him for this.

Actually, his leaving you also left you with the knowledge that you needed

       before loving him. To walk into that room, turn on the light

  and love those things inside yourself before anyone else can love them.

    The second time you have your heart broken, it is in the rain.

               This time, you stand there,

        letting the water wash over you, and your tears.

You are learning from the rain how she never cries or apologizes when she falls.

  There will come a morning, when you are drinking tea

     and looking out the window at the rainfall,

   that you have been looking for answer in the arms of people

   who want to treat you like you are the sun, but you are not.

                   you are monsoon.

 And you are finally beginning to realize that carrying the rain under your skin,

       and the calm before a storm in your eyes is a blessing not a curse.

One night when you are watching a storm, you will understand what she and you have in common.

     You are both lonely creatures. The difference is that the storm loves her lonely so much

       that she lets it dance and sing as loudly as she wants, whereas you despise yours.

              That is the day you learn to love your lonely.

              That is the day you learn you love yourself.

Because you realize that you are a hurricane trapped in the body of a girl.

           And you don’t need someone who can survive your storm.

    You are simply in dire need of loving the hurricane, the thunder,

        the lighting… the dangerous beauty that makes you whole.