Baobab: The mighty and iconic upside-down tree

 The iconic baobabs are trees like no other. A thick trunk rises to support thin branches. They are deciduous, which means during the dry season, their bare branches look like a gnarled root system, and make these trees look as if the tree was growing upside down.

Baobab trees in fading light, sillouetted by an orange, glowing skyline.

Why are baobabs important? 

The baobab is a key species in an ecosystem. They play a key role in helping to keep soil conditions humid and also promote nutrient recycling. They also prevent soil erosion. And the baobab is an important source of food, water and shelter for various birds, reptiles and insects. 

A mature baobab tree will create its own ecosystem. For example, monkeys and warthogs are fond of fruit and seed pods, birds can make a home in the cavity of the bark or make their nests in the huge branches. Bush babies and fruit bats will drink baobab nectar. And other wildlife like elephants sometimes eat the spongy baobab bark, which provides moisture during times of drought.

After a long walk through the summer’s heat, this tree will be your best friend. You find shade and a drink – as the cavities in the tree act as reservoirs for rainwater. The seeds within the fruit from the tree can also be sucked to relieve thirst. And who knows, if you stop for a drink, you might even get lucky and spot something exciting. 

Where can you see baobab trees?

There are nine different species of baobab trees. One is from Australia, six from Madagascar and two species are native to mainland Africa. All these species are situated in low-lying, arid regions. 

In Africa, you find baobabs growing above hot, dry shrublands. In Madagascar, baobabs are pioneers of the dry deciduous forests in the western side of the island. In Australia, they live in open savanna woodlands. All these regions go through a short wet season and long, hot, dry season. Most trees would not survive in these conditions, but baobabs can grow.

What beliefs exist about baobabs?

The baobab is surrounded by many superstitions. Here are some of my favorites:

  • Many cultures believe that an evil spirit lives in the tree’s white flowers. If anyone plucks these white flowers, the evil spirit will cause a lion to them.
  • In Zambian culture, women are not allowed to eat baobab fruit during the beer-brewing process, as it is believed that this will cause the beer to go bad.
  • Baobabs are considered to be a fertility tree.
  • For the East African people, it is believed that Resa, the lord of rain, stays in the top branches of an enormous baobab in order to support the sky.
  • And my favorite is a Bushman legend. In the beginning, the creator decided to hand out seeds and plants to the animals of the world for them to cultivate. The baobab was issued to the hyena, but because she was upset about being last in the queue, she decided to plant it upside-down.

Nutritional uses of baobab: 

  • People can eat almost each part of this tree, including roots and small sprouts. 
  • The baobab’s fruit has a citrus flavour and is enjoyed by monkeys and humans. 
  • The leaves can be boiled and used as spinach, and even the flowers are edible. 
  • You can mix water and powdered fruit pulp to create a refreshing drink. Some people snack on roasted seeds or use them to brew a coffee-like drink. The pulp can be used in juices to add flavor. The pulp is rich in vitamin C – about 10 times that of oranges
  • Baobab seed powder is sprinkled on food for added nutrients and as a natural preservative.

Medicinal uses of baobab: 

  • Traditional beliefs said the baobab have been used to treat almost any disease including malaria, tuberculosis, fever, microbial infections and dysentery. 
  • The leaves and fruit pulp can be used to stimulate the immune system and fight against fever. 
  • It is said to have a lot of healing properties : antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, antimalarial, antidiarrheal and antiviral. 
  • The leaves can also be useful for treating anaemia and asthma.

Others uses of baobab: 

  • The hollow bark of the baobab tree can provide homes for a lot of animals like reptiles, insects and birds. Foliage sometimes can be eaten as fodder for livestock.  
  • The bark is harvested extensively for its fibrous qualities. Strips can be rolled into a tough yarn and used in many different ways such as sacks, fishing nets and also clothes. 
  • Bushmen also used the bark to create traps.
  • The twine is also used occasionally for the strings of musical instruments. Its wood is used for fuel and timber. 

The landowners of The Sunland Baobab decided to build a pub inside the hollow centre of this tree. It was around to be 22 metres tall and 47 metres in girth. The landowners decided to close the pub to prevent soil erosion around the tree and The Sunland Baobab unfortunately died in 2017.

People walk along a dirt road between baobab trees.

Are they protected or endangered? 

In 1941, the baobab was included in the list of protected trees by the Forest Act in South Africa. However, the six Madagascar baobab species are both on the IUCN Red List, three as endangered and three as near threatened. The African and Australian species are not assessed but may become a problem without surveillance.

Global climate change may be playing a role in the loss of these trees. A rapid increase in baobab deaths in southern Africa have been noted. Of the world’s 13 largest baobabs, 9 have collapsed and died. For such ancient trees, their death and breakdown is remarkably rapid. Baobab trees simply crumple into a pile of papery fibre when they die. If a hot fire passes through, it would probably remove any evidence of the tree’s existence. This devastating loss reminds us of the impact of climate change on biodiversity.

Wildlife of Patagonia

 Peerless Patagonia is striking in grandeur, yet humble in character. As Andean spires rise to the sky, glaciers wind their way down to turquoise lakes dotted with floating icebergs. Condors, guanacos and elusive pumas live unhindered in Torres del Paine National Park, while king penguins waddle freely in a private reserve. A place this staggering in its mountain landscapes and so rich in wildlife could surely boast, but Patagonia quietly woos nature and animal lovers from afar.

Today we’ll meet some of the almost 500 animal species that inhabit this mountainous region. From the soaring Andean condor to the lesser rhea, get to know the creatures that call this majestic landscape home. You’ll find it illuminating, whether you’re departing soon on our Patagonia Wilderness & Wildlife Explorer trip or simply have a fascination with this rugged jewel at the bottom of South America.

Where Exactly Is Patagonia?

Part Chile and part Argentina, Patagonia covers approximately 400,000 square miles. Most tourism centers around the northern lake districts, Los Glaciares National Park (Argentina) and Torres del Paine National Park (Chile). While no one would call these areas tamed, they see considerably more visitors than the expansive ranching country of Argentina and the islands and inlets comprising Chilean Patagonia.

Argentinian Patagonia extends south of the Rio Negro. Chilean Patagonia extends more than 1,000 miles north to south over the regions of Araucania, Los Rios, Los Lagos, Aisen and Magallanes. On a Nat Hab journey to the area, we introduce you to both of Patagonia’s major national parks, as well as Tierra del Fuego and Francisco Coloane Marine Park.

Hiker at Mirador Condor enjoying the breathtaking view of Los Cuernos rocks and Lake Pehoe in Torres del Paine National Park.

Patagonia Wildlife

Wildlife lovers are in their element in Patagonia. Known particularly for pumas, penguins and whales, you’ll also find the world’s smallest deer, ROUS (rodents of unusual size), flightless rheas, massive Andean condors, armadillos, fox and slender guanacos. So, yes, if you’re into animals, put Patagonia on your bucket list!

Southern pudu

Now for our favorite part: showing off a little for a region that may not care to toot its own horn. We’ll introduce you to the “Big 7” of Patagonia wildlife, plus a few more besides.

Prowling Pumas

Also known as cougars or mountain lions, pumas are one of the largest subspecies of the Felidae family. They’re also the largest predators in Patagonia.

On a Nat Hab trip to Patagonia, you’ll spend three full days searching for pumas from our base at EcoCamp Patagonia, backdropped by the sheer spires of Chile’s Torres del Paine National Park. Follow the sendero de la fauna (the animals’ trail), which was named for the guanacos often seen here. These llama-like animals also happen to be ideal prey for pumas. Look up as we explore, perhaps glimpsing one of the stealthy cats high on a rocky crag. 

Soaring Andean Condors

It’s tough to miss the Andean condor. the males are one of the largest flying birds on the planet and the largest vultures in South America, weighing between 18 and 33 pounds and boasting a wingspan anywhere from 8.1 to 10.6 feet. Watch for them soaring over open grasslands and mountainous alpine regions, as well as foraging in beech forests, as we make our way through Torres del Paine National Park. The range of the Andean condor used to stretch from Venezuela to the Tierra del Fuego at the southern tip of the continent but hunting and habitat loss has led to a sharp population decline.

While once they consumed guanaco and vicuña carcasses, the condors must now scavenge livestock remains and introduced species such as the European hare and red deer.  Observe and photograph Chile’s national bird without intruding on their habitat.

Great Guanacos

You’re bound to see a good number of guanacos as we explore Patagonia. There are more than 1,500 of them in Torres del Paine alone! But, as with all wildlife, don’t get too close. They’re very protective of their young, so watch from afar as they chase each other energetically and playfully. Don’t be fooled by the slender limbs and long neck—these camelids, endemic to South America, are one of the continent’s largest mammals, weighing between 200 and 300 pounds and standing approximately 3.5 feet at the shoulder. We’ll find them in the forests, grasslands, deserts and shrublands of the Andean foothills, in areas ranging from sea level to 13,000 feet.

Fun fact: The guanaco can run nearly 35 miles per hour—faster than any other Patagonian animal except the puma!

P.S. Like the guanaco, the vicuña (another member of the camelid family) has pale cinnamon fur and a white belly. They’re shyer than the guanaco but can also zip along when necessary, running up to 29 miles per hour at high elevations. They’re able to reach such speeds because their hearts are twice the size of similar-sized mammals!

Diminuitive Deer

Andean deer (Hippocamelus bisulcus) crossing a river

Elusive and currently under threat due to changes in their natural habitat and predation by puma, the short, stocky huemul may show itself as we hike through Torres del Paine, especially near Lago Grey. They’re adept climbers, living on rocky terrain and traversing mountain passes easily. Also known as the south Andean deer or southern guemal, you may recognize them as one of the two animals found on Chile’s coat of arms, alongside an Andean condor.

Remember when we mentioned the world’s smallest deer? Meet the Southern pudu. Listen for the soft “moo” sound of a female as she calls to her young, or the more bleating call of a male.

When the pudu senses danger, its hair rises, its body trembles and its eyes fill with tears (actually, its lacrimal glands open). Doesn’t that make your heart melt? The Southern pudu is currently a protected species but continues to be hunted for its hide and meat.

Little Lesser Rheas

Also known as Darwin’s rhea, the lesser rhea may have the largest wings in proportion to its body of all ratites (flightless birds with a flat breastbone without a keel), but they’re quite diminutive in height and weight. The rhea has the appearance of a small ostrich (often referred to as the South American ostrich), with brown plumage flecked with white. Juveniles don’t obtain the flecks until they’re 3 to 4 years of age. They’re found in the open scrublands of Patagonia, the Altiplano of Southern America, and across the steppes and Puna grasslands of the Andean plateau.

Playful Penguins

Now, for the cutie you’ve been waiting for: the giggle-inducing, addictively adorable penguin. During our Patagonia Wilderness & Wildlife Explorer nature tour, you’ll meet both Magellanic and king penguins, the latter in the most northerly king penguin colony in the world.

King Penguin Park is a private conservation reserve on Inutil Bay. From elevated boardwalks and in strategic hides, you’ll observe the entertaining antics of the world’s second-largest penguin species. Take your time and enjoy; this is the only place in the world to see this species outside Antarctica and the Falkland Islands. While we’re here, we also hike to Swan Lagoon to see black-necked swans, white-necked swans, flamingos, caiquens and various duck species.

Moving on, we wake early for a full day of whale watching and marine life encounters on Bahia Carrera in the Strait of Magellan. As we cruise past Froward Cape (the southernmost point on the mainland of the Americas), look for sea lions and elephant seals lounging on the rocks. As we enter Francisco Coloane Marine Park, Keep your eyes “peeled” for Peale’s dolphins, humpback whales, orcas, petrels, cormorants, skuas, albatrosses and Magellanic penguins at close range.

The Magellanic penguin rookery on nearby Isla Magdalena is massive. The penguins nest here from September to March.

Peale’s dolphin (Lagenorhynchus australis) is a small dolphin found in the waters around Tierra del Fuego.


Traveling is a magical feeling. Getting up, packing your bag and heading towards your destination; there is a rush of sudden excitement or a gush of happiness, as I can say.

Spiritual or a yoga follower or you are entirely different and worship nothing but adventure? Whatever your type is, Rishikesh is the place for you.

Getting to Rishikesh, Uttarakhand

In the morning when you woke up to this mystical land.  I had my entire schedule planned; I had pre-planned it, as I wanted to see every nook and corner of the city, of which I have heard so much.

Thanks to ‘the lonely planet’, everything seems too easy when you have this guide backing you up.

So, it was day one and what could have been a better beginning than going to Laxman Jhula, and later experiencing the spiritual Ganga Aarti at Har ki Pauri.

I kept my luggage in my hotel room and took a quick yet refreshing shower. Later, I had my meal of the day and I was ready to walk and explore the city. Well, if you are vegetarian or you are fond of vegetarian food then Rishikesh will not disappoint you. You will easily find both lavish as well as small shops serving you vegetarian delights.

It took almost one and a half hours for us to reach there, and finally I was standing on the one end of the Laxman Jhula. Everything was quiet different than what I had imagined, the Jhula too was a crowed one, and people were taking their scooters/ bikes on it and were honking desperately at pedestrians for the way. Well, what I had imagined was a quiet walkway, where I could stand peacefully and watch the sun set with cold breeze blowing away my long tresses and creating a poetic feel.

To be honest, yes I was a bit upset about it, but then I thought to relax a bit at the beach nearby and wait till this hustle was over. Time flew and so did the traffic on Laxman Jhula. I picked up my belongings and started climbing up stairs to do that the thing which I planned for the day. Finally I was there standing on Laxman Jhula, with the fresh and cold air passing by, everything felt amazing. It was a moment that I wanted to capture. It might not seem appealing to normal people but for a traveller witnessing sunset from that place would definitely be PURE LOVE!

I wanted that moment to freeze but that happens only in fairy tales. No matter how poetic that feels, it was a real life and just like any other day, even this day came to an end.

Pleasant weather, breathtakingly beautiful view, black coffee, candid conversations with random people followed by a decent book and comfortable stay, when clubbed together make a fabulous day. My first stay at Rishikesh was nice, though there were few things which disappointed me initially, but later the evening was accompanied with warmth and beauty.

River Rafting : Must do 

The guide gave instructions for around ten minutes before I put on my life jacket, got into the raft and surrendered myself to the mighty Ganges.

Rafting in Ganges is an amazing experience, especially in when the water is  cold and instantly makes you go numb. You pay utmost attention to every command coming out of the instructor’s mouth, hold on to the oars and cling to the raft for your life. The scare that you get when you enter a rapid and the adrenaline rush that you get after successfully crossing one is mind-boggling. After getting done with the rapids you just float past temples, ashrams and ghats and enjoy the sights of the riverbank life along Ganges.

Also beware as guides will turn your raft upside down when currents !

The cost for river rafting was INR 300-700 per person.

How to reach Rishikesh?

Option 1: Drive down or hire a cab. Takes 4-5 hours. Here’s the route.

You can also use blabla car which will cost in the range of 550 – 1000 per seat.

Option 2: Take a train from Delhi / Ghaziabad to Haridwar. From there take a shared taxi or bus to Rishikesh

Option 3: Take one of the many buses available from ISBT Delhi and Anand Vihar. You may also check . If you fail to get a direct bus, take a bus to Haridwar and switch from there.

What to carry in your bagpack?

Backpack or safari bags only, sports shoes, at least 2 pair of cotton socks, shorts, slippers, comfortable trekking clothes, at least 3 pairs of change since you will spend a lot of time in water.

A jacket and couple of pullovers if you happen to visit in the winters.

A torch, mosquito repellents and vital medicines

Things to know beforehand

Absolutely no electricity or mobile network coverage in most camps.

Don’t forget to buy your alcohol and smokes before going to the campsite in the night because there are no shops in that area.

In December it got extremely cold in the night and we required 2 sweaters, a jacket, gloves, cap and woolen socks to get comfortable.

And of course, a word of caution true for any religious or even otherwise crowded place, be aware of pick pockets and wear minimum jewelry items.

Happy Traveling!

Cabo De Rama, Goa

An ancient fort, an old Portuguese church, a short trek, and the most astounding view of the Arabian ocean flanked by beautiful mountains and palm trees

Does it not sound like a paradise? This is precisely what Cabo De Rama in South Goa is! This article will provide you with all the necessary information and tips about Cabo De Rama. If you like to explore secluded beaches in South Goa. Check this one.

During our latest trip, we stayed in South Goa for three days, and each day we could explore a new destination. Let’s know more about Cabo De Rama.

Cabo De Rama Overview

Driving through the narrow palm-fringed lanes dotted with quaint Goan houses, small villages, and vast stretches of greenery (some golden-brown fields in between), the map took us to the front fort gate. By the way, there was hardly any signal, but somehow the GPS worked. Cabo De Rama fort is located on the hill along the Canacona coast. An impressive entrance leads to open ground. One path takes you to the top of the fort and another to a magnificent Portuguese church. Walk a little further into the wilderness, and you reach the ruined walls of the fort. The moment you enter the door, a breathtaking vista of palm trees and the backdrop of the Arabian Ocean greets you. Somehow the palm trees on the hill form a terrace garden-like view. I am not sure if it is natural or someone planted them like that. Anyways, descend through the stairs to be welcomed by the gorgeous view of the ocean. Pebble beach is a small cove-like rocky beach with round pebbles scattered all around.

History of Cabo De Rama

Spread across 1,80,000 sq.m., Cabo De Rama is the largest and one of the oldest forts in Goa. The fort stands on a cape and gets its name from Lord Rama. The history of the fort dates back way back the Portuguese times. According to the legends, Lord Rama, his wife Devi Sita, and brother Lakshman spent their exile time here. The local Sunda rulers built the fort and ruled it until the Portuguese conquered it and restored it. They also built St. Anthony Church inside the fort. After that, it was a government prison till 1955. Now, this abandoned fort is a popular tourist attraction in South Goa.

What to see in Cabo De Rama – Must visit places

1.         The Cabo De Rama Fort – Explore the architecture of this medieval hill fort. Although most of it is in ruins, you can still admire the structures like the bridge at the entrance, watchtower, iron cannons, and remains of the walls. Admire the architectural wonder.

2.         Chapel of Saint Anthony – At the center of the fort premise is the white church exhibiting the prominent Portuguese architecture. This heritage Chapel built by the Portuguese rulers is still in a good state. The local community organizes an annual feast here to offer their prayers.

3.         Pebble Beach – The uneven stone stairs will take you to one of the most stunning hidden beaches in South Goa. Its a short trek consisting of 80-90 stairs and takes 10 minutes.The beach is covered by pebbles of different shapes and sizes, making this rocky beach a unique one. The mountains flank the beach from both sides, adding further to the panoramic view. Pebble beach is a perfect place to enjoy the gorgeous vista of the Arabian sea. You can also observe tiny mollusks and crabs at the edge of the rocks.

4.         Cabo De Rama Sunset point – Cabo De Rama is known for its stunning sunset view. Enjoy the captivating view of the sunset from the top of the Fort. This mesmerizing view will surely leave you breathless. 

Namib-Naukluft National Park

The Namib-Naukluft is one of Africa’s largest parks. It is home to the Sossusvlei area – an ocean of enormous red dunes and one of Namibia’s main tourist attractions. The desert habitat doesn’t support many large animals, but if you take time to absorb the spectacular scenery and smaller creatures, any visit here will be more than worthwhile.


The park is not primarily a wildlife destination, but quite a few species are easily encountered. Seeing a herd of oryx walking between the red dunes in the Sossusvlei area is an unforgettable sight. To see more wildlife, you need to go to other areas of the park which are less visited. The Naukluft massive is primarily a hiking destination and Hartmann’s mountain zebra are easily spotted here.


Namib-Naukluft has amazing desert scenery. A famous photo opportunity in the Sossusvlei is Dune 45. It is 80m/262ft high and can easily be climbed. Another one is nearby Deadvlei; a white pan dotted with dead trees against a backdrop of massive red dunes. A less visited, but also very scenic landmark, is the much lusher Naukluft Massif; a mountain area with deep gorges and crystal clear springs.

Weather & Climate

You won’t see much rain in this enormous park, even though summer (November to April) is regarded as the region’s Wet season. The only significant precipitation comes in the first few months of the year; those trekking in the mountains should beware of flash floods. Sub-zero temperatures can occur in winter (May to October), but these are restricted to the park’s higher altitudes.

Best Time to Visit

If you want to go searching for wildlife in the Naukluft Mountains, and particularly if you’re tying this in with an Etosha jaunt, visit in the Dry season (May to October). Just be prepared for crazy crowds at Sossusvlei, and early morning chill. The wetter months can get ridiculously hot, though the blooming desert flowers can make the heat worthwhile.

Women’s Winter Fashion in 2022

 Cooler weather is coming, and that means getting prepped for women’s winter fashion trends of 2022. We personally cannot wait for sweater weather and hot cocoa season. Bring on the cozy vibes. From sherpa coats to plaid flannels, what’s not to love about winter fashion? Keep reading for the key trends to reach for all season long. 

Winter Occasions: Dress to Impress in Women’s Winter Fashion in 2022

As we transition from an unconventional year, you may see an increase in invites to in-person events. This thrill of hope allows us to fold up our jogger sets and showcase our winter’s best. Time to dust off your high heels—they’ve missed you, too. Heading to slay at a festive soiree or planning a romantic date night in? We’ve got you covered for women’s winter fashion 2022. 

Women’s Winter Fashion in 2022: Holiday Party Essentials

This the season to be jolly because holiday parties are making a comeback—even if it’s just with your nearest and dearest. And we couldn’t be more elated. Looking to turn heads this season? Velvety, sparkly and silky materials all reign supreme. Fall back in love with dressing up in an emerald velvet jumpsuit paired with dashing black stilettos. Feeling daring? A silver sequin wrap dress will have you shining as bright as the holiday lights. Finish with stacked red heels, and hit the dance floor in style.   

Gone are the days of dreaming about a life outside of sweatpants. Now is the perfect moment to try party pants. Satin, sequin and leather-like fabrications will leave you feeling ready to celebrate all night long. 

We know part of the struggle of winter fashion is putting together an outfit that combats the cold in style. A vegan leather pant keeps the goosebumps at bay while also giving a nod to the 70s fashion revival. To keep this more modern and less Sandy in Grease, opt for a wide-leg silhouette rather than a skinny pair. Wondering how to wear wide-leg pants like a pro? Balance out the fullness on bottom with a fitted top. A microprint mock-neck blouse and sling-back heels make for a dynamic December duo that’s fit for a holiday house party. Layer on a faux-fur bomber jacket and voilà, long gone are the days of sacrificing an elegant ensemble for warmth.

Winter Date Night

When it comes to winter fashion 2022, sometimes less is more. The cut-out craze will still be going strong this winter, and we are here for it. For your next date night, grab a black sweater with unexpected details. Our current crush is asymmetrical shoulder cut-outs. They show the perfect peek of skin without worrying about getting frost-bite. Tuck this edgy sweater into a pale pink pleated midi skirt, and complete the look with sleek black booties. You’re all set for walking in a winter wonderland. Rock a bold lip, and don’t shy away from lingering under the mistletoe.   

Don’t get us wrong, we love winter. But sometimes, it’s just too cold to leave the house. These chilly winter nights may leave you wondering what to wear for a date night at home. Why not pull out all the stops for a romantic dinner for two? Keep in mind that comfort is key—you want room for that extra slice of pumpkin pie. Opt for a flowy dress in a comfy knit fabric. A saucy red dress adds just the right amount of winter cheer. Shoes are always optional when staying in. Reach for a pair of chunky knit socks for a night spent enjoying the crackles of the fireplace. Ready or knit—here you come for a cuddly date night in.   

Lounge & Sleepwear: Gifting Yourself with Women’s Winter Fashions

Winter is the season of gift-giving. While you may have your carts loaded up with items for your loved ones, it’s important to treat yourself, too. There’s no better way to celebrate the end of the year than with a plush pair of plaid pajamas. You can’t go wrong with a matching set in a warm brushed flannel fabrication. Pair them with sherpa-lined slippers, and prepare for an evening of self-care. With all the hustle and bustle that comes along with the holiday season, you deserve to unplug and unwind.  

We are happy to report that loungewear is here to stay. Texture is the name of the game for women’s winter fashion in 2022. Reach for elevated knitwear in neutral shades and the coziest brushed fabrics for a modern flair. Oversized cardigans in chunky knits and soft fleece tunics are in the fashion forecast. Reach for neutrals in warm shades of cognac and camel, as well as cool shades of grey and black. The best part of this leisurewear movement? It’s now blended with workwear to create workleisure to head back to the office in comfort and style. Give this fresh take on business casual a go.

The Cozy Evolution of Women’s Winter Fashion in 2022

There’s something about watching trees move to the rhythm of seasons that gets us excited for the change in temps. Once those spice-colored leaves of autumn descend, it’s time to get cozy. Women’s winter fashion in 2022 is not complete without touching on the current snuggly sensation. From fresh fabrications in loungewear to rocking the seasonal trends, we’ve got what you need to keep comfy this season.     

The Secrets to Color Matching

 Are you ready for a fashion truth bomb? You may be playing it safe when it comes to wearing color. Pairing hues is a part of everyday life, especially when deciding what to wear in the morning. Don’t restrict your closet to a confined color scheme when there are a plethora of pretty colors you could be adding to your wardrobe rotation. Ladies, have you ever wondered what colors work well together? If so, you’re not alone. Color matching your clothing may seem like a big mystery, but it doesn’t have to be. That’s where we come in. ​​We’ve done our fair share of sartorial sleuthing, and have answers for your most-perplexing color quandaries. So, buckle up—there’s a world of color out there and it’s time for you to explore it.

Did you know that colors have the power to evoke strong emotions? It’s true—color psychology is a real thing. Let’s dive into a hypothetical situation. Imagine you’re preparing to speak in front of a large audience. Now think about the message you’d like to convey to your listeners through your outfit choice. Wearing cool tones can elicit a sense of peace and tranquility, while warm hues can energize a crowd. It’s also important to take into consideration which colors look best on you. With that being said, color is a powerful tool for expressing your truest self. Wondering where to even begin? Keep reading for a no-fail starting point on what colors go well together with the basics of color theory.   

“Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.” — Pablo Picasso

How to Read a Color Wheel

The key to mastering color theory, or the best color combinations, is to understand the color wheel for clothes. Let’s quickly get back to elementary basics. The graphic above illustrates the relationship between primary, secondary and tertiary colors. Primary colors include red, blue and yellow, while secondary hues are the combination of two primary shades. 

Do you recall mixing paint colors for the first time as a kid? Red and blue create violet, red and yellow make orange and blue and yellow produce green. Tertiary colors are a mixture of primary and secondary pigments. Easy, right? This handy guide relies on the rainbow of basic colors in order from cool to warm. Typically, the most flattering color combinations are directly across from each other, hence the term, complementary colors. The science behind color theory goes into much greater depth, but nailing these principles is a solid jumping-off point.

The Color Wheel Basics for Clothing

Curious how the color wheel comes into play when styling clothing? Blue and orange may be an unexpected pairing, but they create the most contrast to one another. In women’s fashion, this rule may not always work for colors that typically go well together. While red and green are complementary colors, it may look like you’re planning a Christmas outfit. Either way, we’re here for the festive vibes. Harmonious colors are those grouped next to one another, such as blue and teal. They offer low contrast but work well together, creating an overall pleasing outfit. While there’s an infinite amount of delightful color couplings, let’s dive into a few of our favorites.

“All colors are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites.” — Marc Chagall

What Colors Go Well Together: Start with Neutral Basics

Black, white, brown, beige and grey are core neutrals for women’s wardrobes. They work tirelessly to blend with literally any other shade under the sun. You can consider them your fuss-free foundation tones when deducing what colors go well together. They even pair well with those trickier statement shades, such as chartreuse. What’s not to love? Take a peek at how we leverage a handful of neutrals to create dynamic outfit duos. 

What Colors Go with Brown?

For easy, achromatic outfitting, try pairing brown with black. We think camels with jet blacks look especially divine. If this duet is a bit blasé for your taste, amplify it with a pop of white or red. Aside from matching colors, you also want to have consistency with tones. If opting for a warm brown wool coat, choose a red blouse with yellow undertones instead of hints of blue. Another way to add sass and spunk to the mix is with leopard prints made of brown and black tones. After all, this feline pattern is a neutral and subtle way to walk on the wild side.

Stylist Tip: A general rule of thumb when building an outfit is to stick to three or fewer colors. FYI, white and black don’t count, so you can always lean into them. 

What Colors Go Well Together: Navy Blue and Who?

When wondering what colors go with navy blue, take a cue from the color wheel. Remember when we mentioned that orange and navy are prime examples of when opposites attract? They’re naturally nautical mates, especially when stripes slide into the mix. For a modern feel, experiment with color-blocking to make a statement. A navy a-line dress with bold orange strappy heels feels fresh and fun. 

On the flip side, this nearly neutral is a close cousin to black, meaning they’re in a similar color family. When you’re deciding what colors go well together, this twosome is a no-brainer. The one caveat being that deep and inky navy hues could create a mismatched look with true black. The trick is to ensure both colors are different tones. Add depth and dimension with textures and luxury fabrics, like silk. Now, kick the “no navy and black” rule to the curb.

What Colors Go with Olive Green?

Olive is a versatile earth-toned neutral color that can be matched with just about any hue. Warm pinksbrowns and dusty blues are good go-to’s with this trend-savvy desert daze star. Are you hoping for a lighter approach when matching colors for clothing? White is a crisp and clean contender when you’re on the hunt for a stellar color mate for olive. A structured white blouse with slim olive slacks and nude flats is chic sophistication at its finest.

What Color Combinations Work Best with Pastels and Bright’s ?

When it comes to adding color to women’s wardrobes, pretty pastels and bold bright get the job done. Typically, these lively hues are what we think of when we’re looking to make an outfit really pop. When deciphering what colors go well together, these striking shades can be the most persnickety of the bunch. Yes, there’s definitely a way to overdo it on the neons and head-to-toe pastels may wash you out. It’s all about balance, and we’re happy to guide you to the ultimate equilibrium of color. 

“I am a believer that color affects people’s moods.” — Lilly Pulitzer

What Colors Go with Pink?

Style alert—all tints of pink and blue go well together as long as they have complementary tones. If you were ever curious about what colors go with pink, there’s your answer. Are you a gal who loves different shades of mauve, blush or hot pink? We encourage you to have fun with this one. For a bold and brilliant combo, opt for a rich cobalt and fuchsia. For a softer feel, try pairing baby pink and cornflower blue. . Lastly, you can’t go wrong by pairing blue jeans with virtually any shade of pink. Keep your look trend-forward with wide-leg denim and square-toe heels. You’ll look pretty in pink in no time. 

What Colors Go Well Together: Shades of Purple and Grey

Are you trying to decide what color matches with purple? Look no further than an expansive range of grey shades. Lavender and light grey is a tone-on-tone color combination that is both smart and serene. Try a sharp sheath dress with lavender slingbacks and you’ll instantly look like a fashionista who knows what they’re doing. For a sparkly twist, add a touch of silver in your jewelry. Do you prefer your outfits to pack a punch? Say goodbye to subdued and hello to standout ensembles with grape and darker greys like charcoal and pewter. The balance of the deeper grey will act as a neutral foundation for bright purple to stand on its own.

What Colors Match with Red and Fuchsia

Fuchsia has already made our list, but we couldn’t leave it out when discussing the colors that match with red. The next time you’re contemplating what colors go well together, opt for this show-stopping fashion duo. You’ll have all eyes on you in a fuchsia and red dress, so it’s perfect for your Valentine’s Day look. Since the main part of the outfit is quite daring, stick to minimal accessories and neutral shoes. Have fun turning heads left and right.

Our Favorite Color Combos for Deeper Tones

There’s no better way to show the world that you’re feeling moody than with jewel tones and rich shades. While you can wear these deeper colors all year long, we especially love them for fall and winter. Think of naturally occurring gemstones such as sapphire, amethyst and ruby, to name a few. The three that made the top of our list today are teal green, burgundy and emerald. These will add a little spice to your nice when you’re searching for colors that go well together. Keep scrolling to find out how we love to style them.

“I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn’t say any other way.” — Georgia O’Keeffe

What Colors Go with Burgundy: Blush for the Win

When you’re wondering what colors go with burgundy, reach for a delicate blush hue. Burgundy and blush are within the same color family, so they’re a harmonious choice. They work so well together because they’re on the opposite ends of the saturation spectrum. Blush has a youthful feel, while burgundy swoops in with a sophisticated spirit. This true juxtaposition balances each color nicely. Blush feels feminine, so if you’d like to lean into that, opt for lace detailing. If you’d rather focus on edgy details, try a burgundy leather skirt instead. 

What Colors Go Well Together: Teal and Blue

Are you scratching your head when trying to figure out what colors go well with teal green? Let’s look at Mother Nature. You can find green and blue in the wild, so it’s no surprise that they’re a coupling that’s meant to be. It’s difficult to look at a clear blue sky and lush green trees and not love what you see. Rain or shine, teal green and various shades of blue go hand in hand. A matching teal green jogger and sweatshirt set accented by midnight or cyan blue puts the fresh in refreshing.  

When styling jewel tones, don’t hesitate to wear shades of one color from head to toe. Yes, when searching for colors that go well together, tonal looks are fashion-forward. Try a light aquamarine blouse tucked into teal trousers. Proportions play a major role as well. Go long on top or bottom, but not both. Not sure what we mean by that? If your long trousers are high-waisted, make sure you tuck in your blouse to help define your waist. This is especially key if you are styling a petite sized frame. Voilà—you’ve conquered tonal outfitting like a pro.

What Colors Go Well Together: Emerald and Metallic

Calling all of our red-haired and fair freckled friends. While emerald looks good on virtually anyone, this gorgeous shade works magic on those with fiery locks. This jewel-toned hue evokes a sense of royalty and vitality. When worn, you can’t help but feel like you’re meant to sit on a throne and rule a kingdom. In order to let this stunning shade shine in the spotlight, pair it with either black or cream. It’s as simple as that. If you want to take it up a notch, a touch of metallic will work wonders as a color combination. Try letting a gold camisole peek through the top of a buttoned emerald blazer. On bottom, go for black jeans or slacks and chunky heeled booties. Don’t forget your crown, queen.

Ready to put your newfound color wheel know-how to use? Take your style quiz and order a Fix to vibrantly revamp your closet. Ask your stylist to send a few color pairings to inject an array of new shades into your wardrobe. Relax as you wait for your five pieces picked just for you. Try your items at home, keep what you like and send back the rest. Looking for one specific style? You can pop into Stitch Fix Freestyle™ to browse and instantly buy items. Either way, shipping, exchanges and returns are always free. 


 Dandelion – the ubiquitous weed – is a flowering plant belonging to the Asteraceae family. There are several fun and interesting dandelion facts that shed light on different aspects of this plant.   

Taraxacum officinale, dandelion’s botanical name, has been derived from some Greek words referring to the medicinal characteristics of this species. ‘Dandelion’, their common name, has been derived from the French phrase ‘dents de lion’, which means lion tooth. The shape of this plant’s leaves resembles a lion’s tooth. Dandelion is known by various other names in different regions around the world, the popular ones being cankerwort, wild endive, pissenlit, yellow gowan, puff ball, blow ball and more.   

Dandelions have around 30 species and can be found throughout the world. They inhabit different habitats which offer them adequate sunlight, like meadows, forest edges, grasslands, lawns, and gardens.   

Dandelion History

Dandelions have been a vital element in the field of traditional Chinese medicine for around a thousand years. Considered as a native to Mediterranean, dandelion plants were known quite well by ancient Egyptians, Romans, and Greeks. The leaves and roots of the plant were medicinally used as a tonic for removing toxins from bloodstream, as they serve as a mild diuretic to improve the digestive system functioning.   

Ancient physicians were not much aware of vitamin and nutrition deficiencies. However, they found that dandelions were beneficial in many problems, including fevers, toothaches, constipation, anemia, arthritis, diabetes, gall bladder problems, heartburn, skin irritations, and liver, stomach and kidney disorders. Modern herbalists now realize that growing dandelions are enriched with Vitamins A, E, and C, as well as iron, zinc, and calcium.   

The beauty of the plants was also appreciated. Making dye was a common application of the plants – pale yellow dye was made from the yellow dandelion flower and a purplish hue was derived from inner ribs of dandelion leaves.   

Botanists state that some dandelion species are originally from North America. However, according to historians, early European settlers had introduced the plant’s two most familiar species – common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale) and red-seeded dandelion (Taraxacum erythrospermum) – to the New World owing to their medicinal and nutritional benefits. Both of these dandelion types have naturalized and are found abundantly across the country.   

Fun and Interesting Dandelion Facts  

Following are some fun facts about dandelions:  

Dandelion makes the only flower representing three celestial bodies during different phases of its life cycle – sun, moon, stars. The yellow flower of the plant resembles the sun, the dispersing seeds of the plant resemble stars, and the puff ball of dandelion plant resembles the moon.   

The dandelion plant’s every part is useful – roots, leaves, flower. Its uses include dye for coloring, food, and medicine.  

Dandelion seeds can be carried away to up to 5 miles from their place of origin.  

The dandelion flower has a yellow-orange hue and comprises many individual, miniature flowers called ray florets. The dandelion flower opens at the time of sunrise and closes at night.   

Animals like butterflies, insects, and birds consume the seeds or nectar of dandelion.  

The dandelion leaves are 2 to 10 inches long. A rosette is formed by these green leaves at the stem’s base. Dandelion leaves appear tooth-like at the edges.  

Dandelion plants can reach a height of 17 inches.  

Dandelions are pollinated by various types of insects. Yellow flower of the plant becomes a puff ball which comprises many fruits known as achenes. Dandelion seeds have a disk-like extension which serves as a parachute and helps dispersal by wind.  

Consuming or touching dandelion can lead to allergic reaction for some people. However, the pollen of the plant cannot cause allergies as the grains are way too large in size to bother, but the milky sap (latex) contained by the plant may cause contact dermatitis.  

In folk medicine, dandelions are used for treating liver disorders and infections. Tea made from dandelion serves as a diuretic i.e., facilitates urine excretion.   

Dandelions are also called pioneer plants or ruderals – the first plants to colonize any disturbed lands (like land after a wildfire).   

So, dandelion has a fascinating history and several exciting facts associated with it. These dandelion facts reveal many interesting things about the commonly occurring weed. 

Style Artificial Flowers at Home

 Whilst there’s nothing quite like live flower arrangements to brighten the home, artificial flowers are a fantastic alternative. Low maintenance, cost-effective and elegant, faux flowers and foliage provide the perfect finishing touch to your decor. From seasonally-suitable arrangements to uplifting blooms, there’s something to impress even the most enthusiastic botanist. 

But how to style them in the home? Well, it’s easier than you think. To help you create a beautiful bouquet, we’re sharing our top tips for styling faux flowers in the home. You’ll never have to worry about killing your botanicals again. 

Arrange a bouquet of artificial flowers

Real flowers and their stems are often far from perfect. So avoid symmetrically arranging your artificial blooms. Instead, try to place each stem as you would with fresh flowers. Experiment with bending the stems to create a natural look that softly bows over the side of the vase. And always style each one individually before adding to an arrangement. This will help to make your bouquet look far more realistic.

Choose the right vase

Using the correct shape vase will make a real difference to the look and feel of your fake blooms. Choose the correct vase to complement both your interior decor and the flower arrangement itself. From tall, slender shapes to voluptuous open-neck designs, there’s a vase to suit every taste. And always remember the general florist rule. The length of each flower should be no more than two times the height of the vase.

Keep your artificial flowers simple

The key trick with artificial flower arrangements is to keep it simple. Try to stick to one or two colours with fresh greenery for added texture. This will bring an elegant, relaxing feel to a room without being too overbearing. From single stems to bespoke bouquets, stick to a sole theme or colour scheme. You could also incorporate your faux blooms into real floral displays for added versatility.

Add greenery

A wonderful way to add texture and depth to a floral arrangement is foliage. Greenery works to partner and enhance most faux blooms. And it’s often these fillers that complete the look by adding interest and shape. So why not experiment with different types to find the one that’s right for your home. You could try a spray of artificial eucalyptus with wintery whites or purple-hued botanicals for an impactful finish.

Change it up

Faux blooms are malleable, so don’t be afraid to ditch the vase and experiment. Get creative by intertwining stems around the frame of your headboard or favorite framed artwork. Artificial flowers and plants have endless possibilities. They also really come into their own in less frequently used areas. Try putting a bunch of stems on the bedside table or adding a small potted plant to the bathroom.

Complement your decor

Try choosing varieties of fake blooms that complement the room’s decor. Think voluptuous hydrangeas in the bedroom, welcoming blush mimosas in the hallway and dramatic plum peonies in the dining room. And without the cost of buying fresh flowers each week, every room in the house can benefit. Why not try lush green sprays in the bathroom or gorgeous garden roses in the kitchen.



Care for your artificial flowers

Faux flowers are far less maintenance than their live counterparts. But they still need some TLC from time to time. If your flowers become dusty, just use a quick blast of the hairdryer on a low setting to keep them looking fresh. If you prefer a more thorough clean however, take a damp cloth and gently clean each stem. To keep them looking beautiful for longer, try to display them away from too much direct sunlight or moisture.

Ways To Wear A Kurti With Jeans

Kurtis is no longer only ethnic outfits, they are instead a style statement. If you were wondering how to style up your plain Kurti, then here is a catch, pull up your favorite jeans with Kurti and you will be ready to be a head-turner.

Kurti & Jeans Are made For Each Other

This team of pants and Kurti is anything but another disclosure, it’s immortal. Regardless of whether you’re having a bustling road day out, spending time with certain companions or going to a night party, all current design patterns are requiring an astute blend of appeal from the two universes, the old and new. What preferable approach to do that over with a stellar mix of jeans and Kurti!

There are numerous styles to browse. This ground-breaking matching is easily stylish and comfortable. Cosmetics, Accessories and cool haircuts are your passes to a total state of mind fitting look!

Discover your design calling with stylish Kurtis to wear with pants. Regardless of the event, this outfit can make all the difference. Utilize this extensively to put some stylish Jeans-Kurti looks together, and guarantee that you’re continually dominating the style match with your bespoke mix.

Must-Have Accessory To Wear A Kurti With Jeans

If you have been thinking about how you will become an instant fashionista with a Kurti then the answer lies in your pocket, to be precise the pocket of your “jeans”. You can pair up denim with A-line Kurtis, short embroidered Kurtis, straight Kurtis, or even a flowy long one.

Accessorize according to the occasion and you will look more beautiful than you already are! But, how do you know if your attire is becoming “too-much”? Well, here are all the answers for you!

You can always pick up footwear and accessories for your outfit, but when it comes to picking up Kurtis with jeans, we have interesting things in the bucket for you. First of all, you cannot deny the comfort and longevity of the jeans.

Kurtis can be as per your choice, if you want to go bold and sparkly, or you want to keep it cotton and simple, it is up to you. However, the cuts and styles of the Kurtis are important to match your comfort while staying trendy. Here are a few tips and tricks to implement in everyday life and break out of the “boring-Kurti” zone.

The Kurti has become the most loved easygoing attire of ladies across the length and expansiveness of the nation. The primary purpose for this is the solace level that it carries alongside an incomprehensible cluster of plans. Actually, numerous B-town entertainers sport various cycles of the Kurti and every one of them looks entirely cool.

Picking a Designer Kurti is extremely simple however coordinating it with reasonable base wear is maybe one of the troublesome errands for ladies. This article brings to you 8 unique approaches to style your Kurti to look richer.

1. Layering Kurti for Cozy Winters

Winters are to curl up in a warm blanket but if you are someone who can’t resist enjoying the cold outside, then here is an expert dressing tip for you. You can wear your summer Kurtis and layer it up with trendy as well as warm jackets. A bomber jacket will complete your funky winter look with jeans. Also, long cardigans can style you as elegant yet stylish in winters. However, you must note that go for longer cardigans than your Kurti to contrast with your jeans.

The winter styles for Kurti with jeans do not end here. Wear a beautiful Kashmiri shawl with all black Kurti and Jeans to look distinct. Contrasting phulkari shawls also go well with Kurti and jeans. Let it flow down on one shoulder for getting a complete look in itself. Embroidered shawls are also a choice for everyday outfits, put them on as a scarf around your neck, or simply let them fall on your shoulders.

2. “Made for each other” Straight Kurti and jeans

Straight-cut long Kurtis and jeans are a perfect match for daily wardrobe styling. You can pick a plain straight Kurti or a fashionable one and pair it with perfect-fit blue denim and leave the glitter of elegance wherever you go. You can make it your everyday office look, wear it at the home, market, or even parties and you will be in the spotlight. If you are going with a detailed Kurti with a high neck or embroidery then accessorize with statement earrings or a ring. Choker necklaces give your Kurti with jeans an oomph for round or v-neck cuts.

Have you ever tried “The Indian look”? No, it is not just the long Kurti and jeans but something more to it. A bindi will add the missing charm to your outfit at any time. Go for a large black bindi with bright Kurtis and blue denim. Whereas, for long Kurtis with heavy embroidery or design, go for a smaller bindi and complementing jeans.

3. Perfect college girl look

I have nothing to wear! Yes, that is what you think every day before dressing up and leaving for college. You do not wear new dresses daily, all you need to do is mix and match your Jeans with Kurtis. Shuffling between different accessories and footwear will be a cherry on the top. You can pick light-colored short or long Kurtis for summers and go bold with vibrant Kurtis in winters. You can wear a small bindi and classy bangles if you want to add the Indian touch to the modern look.

To be honest, the first and best choice for Kurtis as a trendy look would be a peplum Kurti or a short embroidered Kurti. You can not only get away from the dime and a dozen modern tops. If you are wondering if it would look like go with your unique silhouette then shed your worries here. Kurtis with jeans goes with every kind of physique beautifully.

Of all the Kurtis that you could combine with denim, the short Kurtis for pants is a group puller. There’s plenty of short Kurtis for pants plans including a mainstream one that resembles keyhole style, puffy sleeves, Anarkali-style, peplum or coat Kurtis in prints and examples that you can browse. You’ll be spoilt for a decision!

4. Stand out with bold Kurtis and white Jeans

It is high time for you to get out of the “blue-black” life of Jeans and put on something distinctive. Not many will prefer wearing Kurtis with white jeans but it is an uncommon opinion that white jeans bring the pop you need in your outfit. Wear a bright-colored Kurti with bold cuts, like high-slit, bell sleeves, and many more! The best thing about white jeans is you can pull up every colored Kurti with it. For those who want to look picture-perfect, this style is an all-time favorite.

With bright Kurti over white jeans, you not only bring a statement to your attire but you are guaranteed to be the show topper of every party. However, there is one big twist in this stylish look. You can wear a white Kurti over white jeans and carry a colorful embroidered stole or scarf around your neck to complete the look. I go with silver bangles or a slim silver bracelet or watch to add to the elegance.

5. Long Kurti with ripped jeans for a Funky look

If you want to maintain your impression and personality of a “cool” person then you no longer have to go along with T-shirts or funky clothes. Instead, you can now put on the Kurti hidden in the farthest corner of your wardrobe. Pull up your everyday comfy ripped jeans and sneakers and wear a Kurti, spice up your look with your favorite earrings. Besides, if you are going out on summer day then don amazing sunglasses to make your Kurti-ripped jeans look exhilarating.

As for the type of Kurti you should wear, there are no boundaries. Although, wise women will avoid wearing long Anarkali Kurtis and floor-length Kurtis, because who would not like to flaunt ripped jeans! You can go with flowy Kurtis and asymmetric cuts. Long bell sleeves or plain black sleeveless Kurti will stunningly go with blue ripped denim.

Pick a long kurta style with rich enumerating, a high neck and an A-line slice with accomplices to coordinate. On the off chance that your neck is weighty on decoration, downplay the adornments with just articulation studs. A cool pair of shades for a day out is all you would require.

6. Rock the casual look with Short Kurti and Jeans

When I talk about short Kurtis, I talk about the choice of every other woman. Whether it is for chubby women or slim ones, working women or housemakers, short Kurtis look marvelous on all. Although there are no limits for the bottom wear, you can choose with a short Kurti, jeans remain the popular choice.

With Patiala bottoms or dhoti-style bottoms, you will undoubtedly appear perfect. But, it is best suitable for wedding ceremonies or other festivals when you want to go ethnic. Wearing these kinds of bottoms every day with accessories may become over the top.

Jeans come here to the rescue. Put on a short straight Kurti with embroidery on the neck and sleeves with Jeans, and you will be ready for an outing. You can not only wear this look to the market but also the office or family picnics. Short A-line Kurtis is also in trend with Jeans, as they suit any body type and age group.

Whenever you’ve picked a short Kurti of your decision, you can pick some pants to go with it. Intensely designed or weaved Kurtis calls for more restrained denim in light blue, while less complex, straight Kurtis looks extraordinary with dark or dim denim.

7. Pair up Tail Kurtis with Jeans

If someone asks you how to wear a Kurti with jeans, give them this advice straight away. Wear a tail Kurti over Jeans and stun every eye with your beauty. For those who don’t know what a tail Kurti is and what wonders it can do for your attire, let me spill the tea. A tail Kurti is similar to Kurtis with asymmetric cuts. As the name goes, it is shorter on the front and longer from the back. Such Kurtis can be worn with any type of bottoms, leggings, salwar, and cigarette pants. So why should you wear it with jeans?

Jeans give an amazing contrast to the flowy tail Kurtis and emphasize your silhouette. It is best for you if you like going bold and confident with your outfit. Besides, the ease of movement with this look is something that cannot be missed. To add on the beautiful tail Kurti- jeans look, go for bright colors, and for footwear, pick heels.

This type of pants Kurti configuration is easygoing, agreeable so you won’t feel too in a strange spot. Simultaneously, it can make your outfit go from easy to shocking with next to no exertion. What more do you need?

The look is easygoing generally speaking, so pads and a popular Jhola (sack) will look awesome.