Love with Life

I want you to know what it feels like to
be in love with the life that you are living.
I want you to know what it feel like to
wake up in the morning and be grateful
for another day, every day. I want you to
have all of the energy you need to live
the life you want to live. I don’t want you
to be scared of the unknown–I want
you to see the unknown as a beautiful
puzzle that you will be able to build on
your own. You are capable of building
your dream life–one that you look back
on in the future and are completely in
awe of. I don’t want you to look back
and regret not making the move you
doubted you could do. You can do
anything. Start by believing in what you
don’t believe you are capable of. Start
by letting go of the strings attached to
your past. Start slowly. It won’t happen
all at once but it will happen as it needs
to. Please, don’t doubt yourself and
remember you don’t need anyone else to
believe in you for your dreams to come
true. You deserve to believe in yourself
and let that energy carry you through.

Save yourself

They say that happiness will find you,

But I think sadness finds you too,

It sneaks up on you in darkness,

Just when you think you’ve made it through,

It opens holes in what was solid ground,

The kind you never know are there,

Until you go to take another step,

And find you’re standing over air,

The world around you passes by,

In blurs of colour and sound,

Nothing around you making sense,

As you continue your plummet down,

You can’t remember how it started,

And you don’t know when it will end,

But you know that you’d give anything,

To stand up on your feet again,

Sadness is that feeling,

When the falling doesn’t stop,

And it saps your life of meaning,

And all the good things that you’ve got,

So when you finally hit rock bottom,

And you look back up at the sky,

What you once had seems so far away,

The only thing left to do is cry,

People all yell out ” save yourself”‘

Calling things about ” happiness” and “hope”,

But they’re too busy with their lives to realize,

It’d be a lot quicker if they let down a rope.

When it is right

Trust me when I say- when it is right, everything that you love ruthlessly will love you back with the same conviction. Trust me when I say – when it is right, the things you reach in life, the things you deeply hope for, they will reach back, And I promise you, when that happens you will understand that all of the things

you ached for that did not work out, all of the hearts that failed to appreciate the home you made for them inside of yourself, they were not there things that broke you, or ruined you, or made you less worthy. No,

instead, you will see that they built you. They taught you about yourself. They led you to the person you

were born to be, and they guided you to the person you were meant to be with. They shaped you. They challenged you. They grew you.


Love a girl who writes

       and live her many lives;

       you have yet to find her,

       beneath her words of guise.

Kiss her blue inked fingers,

       forgive the pens they marked.

       The stain of your lips upon her-

       the one she can’t discard.

Forget her tattered memories,

       or the pages others took;

       you are her ever after-

       the hero of her book.


I have many sides but which one is the


I go by many different names but which 

                       one is mine?

I hear so many voices my own was lost in

               the echo’s years ago

My memories feel like that of a stranger’s

 I can’t seem to remember people I’m

                 supposed to know

I feel like I’m going crazy yet to others it’s

                    all just a show

My heart is going numb from all the pain

                   it feels constantly

And it seems that the more I’m searching,

 The more I’m losing myself entirely.

Knock on my Heart

If you knock on my hear once

You’ll hear the hollow cries

And the echoes of the whispers

Of a girl who used to fly

If you knock on my heart twice

You just might hear the story

Of a girl who loved the ones

Who stripped her of her glory

If you knock on my heart thrice

You’ll find out crumpled soul

But do not be too upset

If you cannot make it whole

For there are so many people

Who’ve torn me inside out

And the ones who try to heal me

Have there eyes etched with doubt

I’m like a broken doll

My only sounds are tinned

And the badges of my solitude

Over my chest they are pinned

I know that I’m almost gone

That my heart is like a grain

But there’s something you can do

That’ll make music once again

Knock on it ten times more

You’ll hear the tune of a song

Of a girl who loves to soar

Future Self

I want you to be different than yourself now, but not the same as everyone else you see. Tell yourself to be better, but not because you want to be better than someone else. Mold into your own shape. but not in the same mold everyone else uses to grow. Aim in the direction that your path follows, but not what your friends follow. Allow your self to have setbacks but do not be scared of what set you back in the first place. See the same goal that I have today, but not in the same spot that I am looking at it from now.

I want to recognize you, but not feel as if I am looking in a mirror once again. I know you will be humble, but not crumble under the pressure that your past self has put on you. You will thrive at your own pace as a winner of your own race, but not win to gain glory or fame.

I will see you, but not physically or in present time. In that time you will exceed what i have dreamed for years. But do not forget me because I am where you started and the voice of encouragement in your ears.

The Light of Stars

The night is come, but not too soon;

And sinking silently,

All silently, the little moon

Drops down behind the sky.

There is no light in earth or heaven

But the cold light of stars;

And the first watch of night is given

To the red planet Mars.

Is it the tender star of love?

The star of love and dreams?

Oh no! from that blue tent above

A hero’s armor gleams.

And earnest thoughts within me rise,

When I behold afar,

Suspended in the evening skies,

The shield of that red star.

O star of strength ! I see thee stand

And smile upon my pain;

Thou beckonest with thy mailed hand,

And I am strong again.

Within my chest there is no light

But the cold light of stars;

I give the first watch of the night

To the red planet mars.

The star of unconquered will,

He rises in my chest.

Serene, and resolute , and still,

And calm, and self possessed.

And thou , too, whosoe’er thou art,

That readest this brief psalm,

As one by on ethy hopes depart,

Be resolute and calm.

Oh, fear not in a worls like this,

And thou shalt know erelong,

Know hoe sublime a thing it is 

To suffer and be strong.


You think you can define me,

That I’m a tick in just one box,

Like my being is a door,

That a single key unlocks,

But let me tell you something,

I have the universe inside,

I hold an untamed ocean,

With a constant changing tide,

I’m home to endless mountains,

With tips that touch the sky,

Flocks of grand migrating birds,

And deserts harsh and dry 

I house the wildest rivers,

And a host of weeping plains,

I feel in waves of sunshine,

Or in unrelenting rains,

Don’t tell me that you know me,

That ” this right here is what you are”,

I am the universe in motion,

For I was born from stars.

She places her hand on his chest – this, I Know.

I barely know you , she says, voice heavy with sleep. I don’t know your favorite colors or how you like your coffee. What keeps you up at night or the lullabies that sing you sleep. I don’t know a thing about the first girl you loved , why you stopped loving her or why you still do.

I don’t know how many millions of cells you are made of and if they have any idea they are part of something so beautiful and unimaginably perfect.

I may not have a clue about any of these things but this- she places her hand on his chest – this, I Know.