That’s her

Find a guy who calls you 

beautiful instead of hot, who calls

you back when you hang up on him,

who will lie under the stars and

listen to your heartbeat, or

will stay awake just to watch you

sleep…wait for the boy who

kisses your forehead, who wants

to show you off to the world when

you are in sweats, who holds your

hand in front of his friends, who

thinks you’re just as pretty

witjout makeup on. One who is

constantly reminding you of how

much he cares and how lucky he

is to have you…The one who

turns to his friends and says,

‘ that’s her”.

I am in love with you

I am in love with you. Nothing is ever going to change

that, you are the most important thing in my life. I love

everything about you from the way you smile and giggle

when I do something stupid, to listening to you talk

about the weather. I want you to feel special. That is one

of the ways that I can truly repay you for being the

greatest person in my life. I couldn’t stop thinking about

you all day. In the morning I woke up thinking about you.

As I was eating breakfast I was thinking about you. I was

even talking about you with my family. With every passing

moment of the day, it is more difficult for me not

to think about you. And that is far from ever being a bad 

thing. It makes me realize how close we are, and how 

great things will be when we can be together. I do my

best to try and keep you happy about us being apart for

these weeks of summer. And it’s hard. I really hate being

away from you. It takes a lot of concentration for me to

try and actually be with other people instead of thinking

about you. It’s really crazy for me. I never knew you could

love someone as much as this.It’s hard trying to be

optimistic about things when we’ve been apart so much

for so long. I want to be with you forever, and I don’t

want to have to go through this again. I feel like us being

apart for so long has brought us closer together. It’s 

made us realize how much we need each other. I always

want to be your side, and it’s difficult to be me

without you. I love you more than I ever dreamed 


You can rely too

The aura of resturant and each lyrics of song make me fall in love with him. He even not have any single glnace over me , but i was keep staring at him. At the time im imagining that he was singing for me and we were all alone in there. I was so lost in moment that i start to feel like that he comes walking towards me and his hands around my waste , but suddenly my dreamy picture shatter as i was pushed my someone, but still i thanks to crowd .

   I cant be angry but to thanks to person whoever pushed me .Because he hold me from side and i just passed smile. Without any further moment I just hold his hand tightly and start leading him to more crowd . He get the idea that i was taking him to dance floor and pull me back and muttered in ears that he can’t dance. But i was badly want to dance at that moment , i the one who pull him closure by saying no worry i can.

And just by saying this words i kissed on his cheeks. This time he blushed and put embraced me tightly in his arms. I can feel his love warmth equally. Than without wasting a moment and specially without paying attention people looks, we started dancing on music.

And this is how my whole Saturday was full package of  surprises but all and all complete love package. 

 Last Saturday night I was damn awesome. Because I fell in love with myself not for some good looks but commendable courage . Courage of holding your hand, to take initiate for the first time in life and im just loving it.

You can still see blush on my face , while I’m  recalling those moments . Moments of the girl with full of courage and lovable appearance. Those moments are like best time of our duo company which i can actually defined as true relationship in our lifetime. 

I dont know how can describe that, but cant stop myself to drooling over it again and again. Even though its already passed but I’m just reliving it again  , love with that moment specially love with myself , that true daring personality who can do anything. Who have no fear of that how people will judge. How they will react but i just did it.

Generally I’m a shy person. Who always run away from everything just to avoid any embarrassing moments. But I don’t know how I get that much courage to hold your hand , and that too in so much crowdy place. 

The coffee sips and raining window scene helping me to remember everything , which was happened that time. Just like any drama i can recall my all day .Generally my all Saturdays and Sundays were so boring but this last Saturday give me beautiful memories and that’s the reason why i cant stop myself to write here.

Saturday started with boring schedule of work , than suddenly i got a call from you. Without any formality you just ask me to go on lunch and i too just say yes. Because there were never a day where we take time to make our call conversation interesting. So in an hour we met at place near lake. But just like my boring life the romantic weather changes to sunny day. We can’t do anything but to run near by restaurant . At least we can spend time with cool environment rather than to stay at humid outdoor.

And thanks to my great luck even restaurant have no privacy due to weekend rush. So we have no other choice rather than to  seat in mid of place where i can see all other people’s family dinner and we in center point of all. 

But this not the only spoiler of our lunch date, but the true one interrupter is his phone . He just get involved with one call after another and i have no choice other than to scroll on social media. I was so odd at that moment that I start regretting our lunch date. And this is how our all day passed , im seeing him with one call after another , and he can see me doodling our tissue papers. 

I was in sure mood that he will now ask me to left for home and he would surely have another plan of meeting with friends at night bar. But somehow i think GOD have some mercy towards me. So without any word he took me to a restaurant where there’s a show of music . So we step out to the car and don’t dare to ask any further question to him, at least i can some spent good time now. 

But my own thoughts impacted my luck . We again have in situation of full of crowd with no space available . But somehow he manage a space for two of us. So now we can enjoy music . 

I cant say about him , for me his presence is everything. Though place is full of so many people but im happy by seeing him around. A nice aura of breezing and lighting a romantic music  . 

I want every night to be like this , where i can see  you. It feel like exhausted when i cant see you . I feel whole world became silent when i can’t hear you. I want you around every moment . I want to say many time, but i cant that i wanted to you be mine always. 

I want to kiss you

all day everyday. I want

to hold your hand when we

go walking. I love looking into

your eyes as you look into

mine. I smile every time

I see you smile.

My god I’m so in love

with you. Each moment spent

with you means everything

to me. I hate when I’m

away from you.

I love the feeling I get when

you wrap your arms around me

and I like how you smile when

I pull you closer.

Being in your arms

cuddling together watching

the world go by is just beautiful

to me, I could do it forever.

I just want to be with you.

Missing you

Missing you is like

Walking out into the pouring rain

And expecting to stay dry

It’s like calling for peace

When the first bullet has already been shot

And it’s like taking back a conversation

That you’ve never had before

Missing you is needing to cry

But not having enough tears

Like screaming at night

With no one awake to hear you

And it’s like loving a memory

With only ghosts to kiss you back

It’s like asking a blind man 

To paint the colors of the rainbow

Or asking the deaf man

To sing you their favorite song

It’s like having a million things to say

But saying nothing at all

Losing You

I used to think I couldn’t go a day without your smile.

Without telling you things and hearing your voice back.

Then, that day arrived and it was so damn hard but the

next was harder. And I knew with a sinking feeling it was

giving to get worse and I wasn’t going to be for a very

long time.

Because losing someone isn’t an occasion or an event. It

doesn’t just happen once. It happens over and over again.

I love you every time I pick up your favorite coffee mug.

Whenever that one song plays on the radio, or when I 

discover your old t-shirt at the bottom of my laundry pile.

I lose you every time I think of kissing you, holding you or

wanting you. I go to bed at night and I lose you, when I wish

I could tell you about my day. And in the morning, when I

wake and reach for the empty space across the sheets, I begin 

to lose you all over again.

 It’s you

It’s you. You’re the one I want. You’re the one I want to come home to after a bad day at work.

You’re the one I want to roll over to inn the middle of the night and wake up next to everyday, for 

the rest of my life. You’re the one I want to go on late night runs with for food just because we

wanted to get out of the house. You’re the one I want to take on cute little dates like to a movie,

or to a nice , fancy dinner, or to an early morning breakfast before we both have to go our separate 

ways for the day. You’re the one I want to take on cute all day dates to things like aquariums,

and zoos, and amusement parks. You’re the one I want to go on fun, exhilarating adventures with, such

as a day at the lake, or a hike through the woods, or even just a late night walk when everything is 

quite. You’re the one I want to stay in with for the night and build a cute little fort while  we 

watch movies under it and eat our favorite foods. You’re the one I want to make happy for the rest of my life. 

You’re the one I want to love, and to hold when times get tough. You’re the one I want to be there

for when everything in your world comes crashing down. All my good days and all my bad days, you’re the one 

I want to spend them with. Its you. You’re it. You’re the one. And I swear to you, I have never been so sure about someone or something in my entire life. Its you, and I say this without a single doubt in my mind.

I want to know you

 I want to know you.

I want to hear about your interests, 

Your favorite things, your problems, your thoughts.

I want to see the pale blue of your eyes up close,

glimmering as you speak softly and carelessly.

I want to be the reason behind your smile,

rendering me speechless as dimples appear upon your cheeks.

I want to be the one to sing along to the radio with you,

laughing as we try to hit all of the notes on key.

I want to hold your hand,

for hours upon hours, never letting go.

I want to wake up to your raspy morning voice,

watching as you wipe the sleep from your eyes.

I want to be the one to touch your soft lips with mine,

hearing your breath catch in your throat as you move closer.

I want to run my hands through your soft hair,

detangling the blond mess and smiling as you close your eyes.

I want to be the one to hold you close late at night,

when your demons come out to haunt you.

I want to wipe your tears away,

when the thoughts become too much to handle.

I want to lay my head on your chest,

listening to the heartbeat of the person who has somehow

enchanted me with their mere existence.

I want to be there for you, with you , near you,


I want to learn every single thing about you.

I want to know you.

Finally Found You

I am not the first person you loved.

you are not the first person I looked at

with a mouthful of forever’s. We 

have both known loss like the sharp edges

of knife. We have both lived with lips

more scar tissue than skin. Our love came

unannounced in the middle of the night.

Our love came when we’d given up

on asking love to come. I think

that has to be part

of its miracle.

This is how we heal.

I will kiss you like forgiveness. You

will hold me like I’m hope. Our arms

will bandage and we will press promises

between us like flowers in a book.

I will write sonnets to the salt of sweat

on your skin. I will write novels to the scar

of your nose. I will write a dictionary

of all the words I have used trying

to describe the way it feels to have finally,

finally found you.

And I will not be afraid

of your scars.

I know sometimes

it’s still hard to let me see you

in all your cracked perfection,

but please know:

whether it’s the days you burn

more brilliant than the sun

or the nights you collapse into my lap

your body broken into a thousand questions,

you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.

I will love you when you are a still day.

I will love you when you are a hurricane.

Beautiful Love

i always thought it would be difficult

to find someone who will love me

when i’m always scattered

in a thousand pieces

it’s like trying to complete a puzzle

when you don’t even know if you have 

all the right pieces

but then you showed me

that every piece

doesn’t have to be place

to create something beautiful

that love can exist

in the most



and broken people

and i promise you

that love will be just

as beautiful.

if you’re in a thousand pieces

or just one.