To Love You

It feels bittersweet to love you, as though time has

already its ruinous path and everything good is over

before it begins.

It feels perilous to love you, like a dust storm swallowing

up the sky or a comet skimming the stratosphere.

But it is an honor to love you. Like the snow drifts giving 

way to spring, I will hold you for as long as I can.

Your Guide to Styling Walls

 The way you fill empty walls in your home, apartment or office makes a huge impact on how you experience each space. With online framing, you can preserve and beautifully display special artwork, photos and other items that make you feel good.

There are countless creative ways to display framed pieces. In this article, we break down a few of our favorites as inspiration and ideas for dressing up your own walls.

The Grid Pattern

Grid pattern gallery wall designs for framed photos

If you have an even number of similarly sized pieces or framed photos, the grid pattern is pretty fail-proof.

It’s a clean design with low guesswork when it comes to executing the layout, and can transform a bare wall into something much more interesting.

It’s also a great way to showcase pieces by the same artist or with similar subject matter. Displaying your framed artwork or photos in a series of columns and rows will create a bigger visual impact, and works especially well for smaller or medium-sized frames.

Statement Styling

Oversize picture frames to make a statement in any room

When you love a piece of art enough to acquire a large version of it (or have an amazing high-resolution image), you have the opportunity to make it a focal point in your home.

Use a statement piece to tie a room together by hanging oversized framed art or a photo by itself on the wall, centered above a piece of furniture like your bed or couch.

Statement art is a great way to add instant character to a place you are renting, or anywhere it’s harder to make more permanent design changes.

The Line Up

Triptych gallery wall layout with three framed photos

This layout is perfect for custom frames where you have a little less space to work with.

You can go vertical or horizontal, with an even or odd number of frames. They don’t even have to be the same size, just line them all by the top or bottom edge of the frame, or center them to create a stack.

We like this particular style for adding creative flair to homes with minimal wall space, but when you have more room we have a number of gallery wall layouts that fit the bill:

Gallery wall designs for framed photos in horizontal and vertical stacks

Mix and Match

Gallery wall of framed photos and artwork

Don’t be afraid to combine different frame styles, sizes, colors and artwork types. The addition of a collage picture frame or two can be a welcome touch. This creates a more eclectic and organic display that can really reflect your unique taste.

We’ve grouped our profiles into a few different collections of frame styles to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for and create that variety.

You can also experiment with different shapes of your hanging layout to add visual interest.

Lean It

Displaying framed artwork on a shelf, entry table or even your floor is a fun way to dress up your space without any hammering or nails.

With this technique you also get to curate the space around the frame, so you can add other unique touches like succulents, ceramics or memorabilia to show off your personal style.

There are really no rules when it comes to this one! Arrange a cluster of frames together, putting the larger frames in back for a more layered look.

Feeling inspired to create your own frame layout, creative design or gallery wall?

Eisenhower Matrix: How to prioritize tasks

 What is the Eisenhower Matrix?

The Eisenhower Matrix, also known as the Eisenhower Decision Matrix, Eisenhower Box, and Urgent-Important Matrix, is a time and task management tool that helps individuals prioritize their tasks by considering two factors: urgency and importance.

It is named after Dwight D. Eisenhower, the 34th President of the U.S., who was known for his effective time management strategies.

To use the Eisenhower Matrix, first identify all the tasks you need to complete. Then, based on the urgency and importance of each one, place it in one of the four quadrants of the matrix:

Eisenhower Matrix

Here’s what each quadrant of the Eisenhower Matrix represents:

Urgent and important — Tasks that you need to complete as soon as possible. These are your top priority

Not urgent but important — Tasks that are critical but don’t have a pressing deadline. You should schedule time for them, otherwise, they might become urgent

Urgent but not important — Tasks that are pressing but not important. If possible, you should delegate them

Not urgent and not important — Tasks that are neither urgent nor important. You should eliminate them if possible

Who uses the Eisenhower Matrix?

Anyone who needs to manage their work can use this approach. It is particularly useful for project managers because it helps them focus on the most important tasks and avoid being overwhelmed by urgent but unimportant tasks.

If you’re a product manager or a project manager, you might use the Eisenhower Matrix to do things such as:

Identify and prioritize project tasks — Determine what tasks need to be completed for a and place them in the appropriate quadrant based on their level of urgency and importance. This will help you focus on the most important tasks first

Delegate tasks — Identify tasks that are urgent but not important and delegate them to team members or other resources if possible. This will free up your time to focus on more important tasks

Manage project resources — Identify tasks that are important but not urgent and schedule them in advance to ensure that they are completed on time. This will help you manage your resources effectively and avoid last-minute rushes to complete tasks

Monitor progress — Track your progress on tasks and identify any bottlenecks or roadblocks. This will help you stay on track and ensure that your project stays on schedule

By using the Eisenhower Matrix, you can effectively manage your time and resources and ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget.

Eisenhower Matrix example

Let’s see an example of how the Eisenhower Matrix works in practice.

In this example, the project manager has identified the following tasks:

  1. Write project proposal (quadrant 1)
  2. Develop project plan (quadrant 1)
  3. Conduct market research (quadrant 2)
  4. Attend team meeting (quadrant 3)
  5. Write a report on competitor analysis (quadrant 4)

Based on the level of urgency and importance of each task, the project manager has placed them in the appropriate quadrant of the matrix:

Eisenhower Matrix Example

Eisenhower Matrix Example

Here’s how you can read the example Eisenhower Matrix above:

  1. The project manager should focus on the tasks in quadrant 1 first because they are both urgent and important
  2. The task in quadrant 2 also warrants attention because it is important but not urgent
  3. The task in quadrant 3 can be delegated or postponed because it is urgent but not important
  4. The task in quadrant 4 can be eliminated, as it is neither urgent nor important

How to categorize your tasks

Categorizing tasks using the Eisenhower Matrix can be a helpful way to prioritize your tasks and manage your time effectively. To realistically categorize your tasks, it is important to be honest with yourself about the level of importance and urgency of each task.

Before you begin categorizing your tasks, take some time to think about what is important to you and your goals. This will help you prioritize tasks that align with your values and objectives.

Think about the potential consequences of not completing a task. If the task is important, there will likely be negative consequences if it is not completed. On the other hand, if the task is not important, the consequences of not completing it may be minimal.

Establish deadlines for each task to help determine its level of urgency. A task with an imminent deadline is likely to be more urgent than a task with a longer timeline.

It is important to be consistent in your categorization of tasks. If you consistently categorize tasks based on their level of importance and urgency, you will be better able to prioritize your time and efforts.

From time to time, review and update your categorization of tasks, as priorities can change over time. Make sure to reassess the level of importance and urgency of your tasks regularly to ensure that you are focusing on the most important tasks.

How to get your team using the Eisenhower Matrix

If you plan to use the Eisenhower Matrix, you first need to explain the concept of the Eisenhower Matrix to your team and how it can be used to prioritize work and manage time efficiently.

Have each team member identify all the tasks they need to complete, including both work-related and personal tasks.

Then, have team members categorize their tasks using the matrix, placing each task in the appropriate quadrant based on its level of importance and urgency.

Encourage team members to focus on tasks in quadrant 1 first because they are both urgent and important. They should also give attention to tasks in quadrant 2, which are important but not urgent. Tasks in quadrant 3 can be delegated or postponed, while tasks in quadrant 4 should be eliminated if possible.

Encourage team members to regularly review and update their task priorities. This will help them stay on track and ensure that they are focusing on the most important tasks.


Like any other framework or tool, the Eisenhower Matrix is not a one-size-fits-all solution and has some limitations.

For one, categorization of tasks into the quadrants of the matrix can be subjective because the level of importance and urgency of tasks can vary depending on the individual and the context. This can make it difficult to determine the appropriate categorization of certain tasks.

Stress at work

She woke up with a sense of dread. The stress of logging in to work was weighing her down. She looked around her. The thought of the EMIs, the school payments for her children forced her to get up and moving. Her heart pounded hard as she visualized her day. Her body contracted with frustration at the thought of the pile of work and acrimonious debates. Joy had been replaced by worry, a nagging tension band of a headache and perpetual creases on her forehead. She headed to the medicine cabinet and popped a couple of pills. Her nerves got calmer and she said to herself, “Move! Let’s get it done and over with!”Tips to manage stress at work

Work-related stress ranks high among people and is the biggest cause of absence from work. Almost 15.4 million man-days are lost due to it and inadvertently, affects the productivity of an organization. With mobile phones becoming our mobile office and the recent WFH culture, you are ‘on-call’ and ‘available’ 24×7. There is no possibility of disconnection as the lines between work and leisure are blurring. People are working on 6-7 things with several windows open at the same time. Add to this the ‘house work’ and numerous Zoom meetings. My guess is, it has only gotten worse and calls for immediate redressal.

Work has a way of affecting your mind, body and spirit, leading to stress caused by any or one of the following:

Economic downturn. Unclear expectations. Long hours. Over-demanding supervisors/managers. High pressure working environment. Work overload. Perceptions of an unjust or insensitive environment. Layoffs, mergers or big changes. 

Stress is not a bad thing. However, when it gets persistent, excessive and comes in the way of your daily function, it is an alarm bell.  It can affect your overall mental health, causing anxiety.

Stress and anxiety highly affect your workplace performance, relationship with fellow workers and superiors as well as productivity. This in turn permeates into your personal life with compromised family relationships, lack of sleep, unhealthy eating habits and dependency on substances and even psychological and physiological disorders.

As an employer, how can you help to avoid such situations and prevent productivity loss?

  • Train leaders to set expectations by defining the roles and responsibilities of each member.
  • Inspire them with a purpose not a job. People know what is to be done, the why makes it all the more meaningful.
  • Align job function with employee capabilities 
  • Provide a career growth plan. In the absence of direction, anxiety and resentment may quell their motivation.
  • Promote a culture of transparency and communication. With WFH, it’s important that the lines of communication be continuous. Use check-ins, town hall meetings to share information with parity
  • Create ‘water cooler’ moments to boost positive emotions. 
  • Place a hard stop on work hours – no calls or messages after 8pm and no meetings on weekends unless the earth is collapsing.
  • Create an environment that respects work-life balance, diarise meetings and seek permission for unexpected calls/meetings, especially in the wake of the pandemic.
  • As an employee, how can you help to avoid getting stressed?
  • Stress can never be eliminated, completely however steps can be taken to reduce it as much as possible.
  • Priorities. You don’t have to undertake 5 things at a time. Select what’s important and urgent. Use the Eisenhower Matrix, it’s a useful time-management tool.
  • Perfection is a myth so go easy on yourself. Focus on what is within your control.
  • Acknowledge and celebrate your victories, no matter how small.
  • Do not take things, personally. In case you feel slighted, discuss issues face-to-face.
  • Seek feedback. Give feedback. And, be honest and gracious about it.
  • Leverage the power of hydration. Consume 2-3 liters of water. It’s encourages an alert brain and improves creative thinking. Avoid Caffeine and alcohol.
  • Mind your posture. Switch to a standing desk and have walking meetings. Move around while making or receiving calls. Clock 10000 steps on your fitness band. 
  • Stop eating your emotions. Stress eating makes you worry more. Change the trigger, consume water instead.  
  • Use the Creative Power of 5 – use 5 mins to draw, listen to a peppy track, watch a cat video, speak to a friend or colleague who is motivating or make tea.
  • Speak slow and mindfully. Stop any ‘victim’ talk, it adds more fuel to your stress. 
  • Socialize at work. Have lunch, join a fitness class over zoom, share culinary tales or catch up for an informal evening. Make sure to avoid gossiping and bitching. 
  • Turn off all screens at one-hour intervals and walk towards a window and soak in the day.
  • Sleep well and on time. Use a sleep app to monitor your rest. Take cat naps in between.
  • Use meditative techniques to calm your mind. Doodle, cook, garden, try origami, dance or read. Watch the needle move on the clock and just breathe in and out. Empty your mind and stay in the moment.

Stand against the wall. Slide down and sit as though you were in a chair. Be in that position for 30secs without looking down. Keep your spine against the wall. Focus on your breath.  Breathe in, deeply through your nose, breathe out, through your mouth. Plant your feet on the floor and visualise the stress flowing out of your body. Slide and stand up. Shake your arms and legs. Jump up and down, 3 times and get to work.

This technique allows me to reframe my thoughts and change my state, physiologically as well.

Under normal circumstances, you would be able to see the tell-tale signs of stress. However, with remote working, you are relegated to a small window and most often the window is shut. So, take care of your well-being and those of your co-workers for you spend the most time at work. Be mindful of your triggers and, importantly choose to be around people who lift you up instead of those who kill your vibe. If there’s something that you do that hasn’t been listed, I’d love to hear from you.

10 Eating Changes You Should Make When You Turn 30

 30 may be the new 20, but the age milestone is also a good reminder to start taking better care of your body. Here are 10 ways to tweak your diet to help keep you aging healthfully as you enter a new decade.

Aging is inevitable, but you can age more healthfully, especially if you start now. While you can’t control everything about the aging process (think genes, environmental factors, etc.), you do have control over lifestyle factors like diet, exercise, stress and sleep. And these play a bigger role than you think in warding off chronic diseases and increasing longevity. The earlier you start making changes, the better, because small changes every day add up for better or worse.

While your 30s may seem like a big decade, embrace it and take advantage of this time. The body is no longer growing, but now is the time to continue nourishing it so it can thrive in the coming years and you can feel just as good at 50 years old and beyond.

Here, we share the most important eating changes to make after you turn 30, according to experts and the latest research.

1. Fill up on fiber

Fiber does more than keep you regular. A meta-analysis in The Lancet found that eating more fiber reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and colorectal cancer. In addition, the research showed that for every eight grams of fiber consumed, the risk of chronic diseases fell by 5-27%. The most protection was seen when people ate 25-29 grams of fiber per day. The 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines recommend that women aged 31-50 consume 25 grams of fiber per day and men aged 31-50 consume 31 grams of fiber per day, but most Americans only get 11-15 grams.

Fiber also lengthens telomeres. Telo-what? Let us explain. Telomeres are DNA-protein structures found at both ends of chromosomes. They protect our genome and fight off diseases. Telomeres naturally shorten with age, but stress, smoking, obesity, poor sleep and poor diet lead to shorter telomeres. To simplify, longer telomeres mean a longer life and shorter telomeres are associated with a shorter lifespan. Your 30s are a crucial time to lengthen those telomeres, and eating more fiber is one of the best ways to do it. A 2018 study found that every 10 gram increase of fiber per 1,000 calories would correspond to 5.4 fewer years of biologic aging. So load your plate up with fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes because these high-fiber foods will give you life, literally.

Think about getting 8-10 grams of fiber per meal. One cup of cooked oatmeal for breakfast has four grams of fiber. Pair that with fruit, like raspberries (one cup has eight grams of fiber) or diced apples. Don’t be scared of carbs at lunch and dinner. Make half your plate colorful vegetables and ¼ of your plate whole grains. Toss ½ cup of cooked farro on your salad for 6 grams of filling fiber. Not only will you lengthen your telomeres, you’ll also stay full longer and prevent carb cravings later in the day. (Take a look at our high-fiber meal plans for more healthy, fiber-filled meal ideas.)

2. Incorporate more omega-3s

“Focus on getting more omega-3s in your diet,” says Sarah Anzlovar, M.S., RD, LDN, owner of Sarah Gold Nutrition. “While it may seem premature, your 30s are the best time to think about putting in place healthy habits that help you age well. Omega-3s are linked to both short-term health benefits such as better mood, improved cognition, and reduced inflammation, as well as longer-term health benefits like reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and better brain health as you age. And if you’re planning to start a family, omega-3s are incredibly important to a baby’s brain development. The best source is fatty fish such as salmon or sardines, but you can also get them from plant-sources like walnuts, chia seeds and hemp seeds.”

“Omega-3 fatty acids may also preserve telomeres,” says Nicole Stefanow, M.S., RDN, registered dietitian in New York. “As telomeres get shorter our cells can’t do their jobs properly causing the cells to age. Eating foods high in Omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish, can slow the pace of aging by preventing the shortening of telomeres.”

Focus on food first to get omega-3s. Have salmon for dinner once a week. Sprinkle flax or chia seeds into oatmeal, yogurt or smoothies and snack on walnuts or pecans.

3. Stop fad dieting

If you spent your 20s dieting, there is no better time than now to stop. “Swap fad diets and eating trends for an enriching lifestyle,” says Dr. Lisa Leslie-Williams, PharmD., Natural Health & Holistic Food Expert, and Founder of the Domestic Life Stylist. It might sound cliche, but hear us out. Fad diets lead to rapid weight loss, followed by gaining the weight back and then some. This is called yo-yo dieting or in the scientific world, “weight cycling.”

“Weight cycling has long-term detrimental heart health effects including increased risk of diabetes, heart disease and depression,” says Anzlovar, who helps women ditch diets in her virtual private practice. Overall, yo-yo dieting tends to lead to a higher weight. Research shows that up to 95% of people who diet to lose weight end up regaining what they’ve lost and up to two thirds end up at a higher weight than they started each time they diet. Yo-yo dieting and weight cycling can also lead to a slower metabolism.”

“Pick a healthy eating lifestyle that will work for you and then stick to it,” says Dr. Leslie-Williams. “Whatever dietary changes you make, adapt them, not just on weekends. Not just when your class reunion is coming up. Not just for the wedding, not for a milestone birthday, not just when it’s convenient, but year-round for wellness that is long lasting way after your 30th birthday.”

4. Cut back on booze

“While it’s nice to kick back and unwind with a beverage socially, this pattern gets ingrained in our college-aged years and can have health implications down the road! If you’re approaching your third decade and looking for better sleep, more energy, and an easy way to cut calories, reducing alcohol consumption might be the answer for you,” says Caroline Thomason, a registered dietitian who helps women recover from yo-yo dieting.

The Dietary Guidelines recommend men consume no more than two drinks per day and women no more than one drink per day. One drink equals 12 ounces of beer, five ounces of wine or 1.5 ounces of liquor. In addition to being a source of “empty” calories, in other words, containing calories but no beneficial nutrients, drinking alcohol can increase your risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, stroke, liver disease and cancer. (Here’s what happens in your body when you quit drinking.)

5. Limit processed meats

“Consuming processed meats such as bacon, sausage, hotdogs and bologna may increase your risk of developing cancer,” says Christie Gagnon, RD, LD, registered dietitian at Hoorah to Health. “With colorectal cancer on the rise in young adults, I would caution people from eating too many of these foods in their diet.”

Since the 1990s, the rate of colorectal cancer (cancers of the colon and rectum) has more than doubled in young adults under the age of 50, says the National Cancer Institute on their website. And more younger people are dying from the disease. Eating 50 grams of processed meat daily, the equivalent of one hot dog, is linked to a 16 percent increased risk of colorectal cancer, according to a report by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund. Two alcoholic drinks per day, being overweight, eating more than 18 ounces of red meat per week and lack of physical activity also increase risk.

The good news is that eating three servings of whole grains daily can reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 17%. This may be due to the way fiber positively affects the gut, giving good bacteria food to flourish and producing compounds that reduce inflammation and keep chronic diseases at bay.

6. Choose more calcium

Bone density is formed in our younger years, and by age 25-30, new bone formation is completed. Your 30s are the time to focus on preserving bone density to prevent loss, and getting enough calcium is the best way to do so. “Because we start to lose bone mass in our 30s, it is so important to be consuming high calcium foods such as yogurt, cheese, broccoli, spinach, kale and almonds,” says Gagnon. The recommendation for calcium from ages 31-50 is 1,000 milligrams (mg) per day. Eight ounces of yogurt provides 415 mg of calcium, 1.5 ounces of cheese delivers 307 mg and if you don’t eat dairy, reach for salmon, tofu, soybeans or fortified foods and drinks like oatmeal and non-dairy milks.

After the age of 50, bone density decreases substantially. In addition to getting enough calcium, lifting weights also helps preserve bone density as you age.

7. Start the day with breakfast

While intermittent fasting may work for some, the majority of people benefit from starting the day with a balanced breakfast. “Whether it’s because they don’t make the time, aren’t used to eating in the morning (old habits from missing breakfast hours in college) or think it’s better to save the calories for later, skipping breakfast is one of the most common things I see my younger clients doing,” says Anzlovar. “But skipping breakfast often sets you up for sugar cravings and overeating later in the day. Prioritize protein, fiber-rich carbs, and healthy fats at breakfast to give you the energy you need for your day and keep your blood sugar stable until lunch time.” Eating breakfast will also decrease snacking after dinner and lead to fewer swings in hunger, energy and mood. 

8. Power your plate with plants

If vegetables were more of a side dish when you were growing up, it’s time to make them the main dish. Think about filling most of your plate with non-starchy vegetables and adding protein and whole grains on the side. “I can’t stress enough the importance of focusing on eating more plant foods (fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, beans, oils) and less animal products (meat and dairy),” says Gagnon. “A plant-based diet is rich in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber, all of which will help decrease your risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease, inflammation and cancer.”

This is exactly how people in the Blue Zones eat—the five regions of the world where people live the longest. Their diets consist of mostly fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes and seafood with very little animal products and minimal alcohol. They also stay social, physically active and keep stress low.

Try swapping meat for beans a few times a week. “Beans are rich in polyphenols, antioxidants that may help decrease inflammation, cancer risk and aging. Beans are an excellent source of soluble fiber, which can help decrease LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, and stabilize blood sugars,” says Gagnon. She also encourages eating more cruciferous vegetables like, “Brussel sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, turnip, collard greens and kale. They are low in calories (25 per serving), and rich in folate, vitamins C, E, and K and fiber. Glucosinolates give them their unique flavor and smell and may help prevent cancer from forming and/or spreading.” (Try our tips for starting a plant-based diet.)

9. Work with your hormones, not against them

“Eat for your hormones!” says registered dietitian and certified aromatherapist, Amanda Liptak, RDN, CA. “Progesterone begins to decrease as early as your early 30s and one of the most magical benefits of this hormone is calming your nervous system, making it easier to cope with stress. So aim for nutrient-rich, mood-boosting foods high in omega-3 fatty acids and Vitamin B6. You can find them in salmon, whole eggs, walnuts and flax. Foods high in magnesium also support mood and help boost progesterone, so make sure to include pumpkin seeds, dark leafy greens, black beans and lentils.”

10. Exercise smarter, not harder

Last but not least, and not technically an eating change but just as important, focus on exercising smarter, not harder. Muscle mass decreases 3-8% per decade after age 30. So while your metabolism doesn’t “break,” it does slow because you lose muscle. Muscle is metabolically active, meaning it burns calories even when you’re sitting at a desk all day. The less muscle you have, the fewer calories you burn at rest.

Add strength training to your routine 2-4 times per week to build muscle. No, you will not get bulky. Instead, you will burn fat, get lean and boost your metabolism. If you’ve been trying to lose weight unsuccessfully, and are not strength training regularly, your 30s is the time to get started. Strength training helps people not only lose weight but also maintain weight loss.

“Create an exercise routine you enjoy,” says Anzlovar. “Exercise offers so many benefits—from stress relief and mental health to cardiovascular benefits and feeling strong and confident in your body (independent of your body size!).”

Those who exercise also live longer and have reduced risk of chronic diseases, like heart disease, diabetes and cancer. “If you haven’t found a type of exercise you like, experiment with different forms from studio classes to dancing or even walking. While it’s never too late to start moving your body, the longer you go without creating an exercise habit, the harder it can be to start,” Anzlovar says.

Finally, don’t forget to eat enough protein to support muscle growth. Daily protein needs from ages 19-70 years old are 0.8-1 gram per kilogram of body weight, but depending on your goals, you may need more.

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When you can’t sleep, what do you do?

Just fret and worry, toss and stew?

That is a foolish thing to do!

It only makes blue things more blue.

Why don’t you lie and just relax?

Forget about your income tax!

Then jump aboard your memory ship

And , back to childhood, take a trip.

Play once again the ages you played;

That causes fret and fume to fade.

The swimming hole, the rippling brook,

The funny story, cowboy book;

The fun you had, while just a boy,

Will prove that life has lot of joy.

Go tramp the field and woods again

Get lost once more in drenching rain.

Remember, when the bull chased you,

The fence you had to struggle through.

Or think of dolls that made you glad

And how you loved the neighbor’s lad.

Go back to school or Sunday school

The pranks you played; the Golden Rule.

Repeat the prayers your mother said

Each night when you were tucked in bed.

Then, if you’ve taken my advice,

You’ll find that life is pretty nice.

Perhaps you’ll laugh, perhaps you’ll weep

Then, in sheer gladness, go to sleep.


 Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life

Reading new books is a regular part of my life therapy. It is said that everything happens for a reason.  For me, the purpose of book reading is to reset things- a reset for nature and a reset for our life too. Well, it has been for me for sure.

It has been few days when I am reading this book Ikigai – The Japanese Secret to Long and Happy Life. This book is all about the purpose of one’s life, and how it can lead to happiness. The authors Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles when learned about Ikigai, decided to find the real meaning and how it works. They decided to visit Okinawa, the island with most centenarians in the world, who believe that their Ikigai is the reason to get up every morning. Just like the authors, Ikigai was a mystery for me too. Reading about the island and the community, centenarians, left me puzzled and curious to know and understand more about it. Now reading this book was not just a pass time activity, it was a mystery to be unfolded.

In simple terms, Ikigai means the purpose of your life, the reason why you are born. Everybody has a purpose in their life. Without a purpose to fulfil, or a goal to chase, life would appear meaningless. Ikigai is a combination of what you love, what are you good at, what world needs, and what you can be paid for. A compound of your passion, profession, mission and vocation. In Okinawa, everyone has a purpose, if not, they help each other as a community to find the purpose.

The Logo Therapy

If there is a meaning, a purpose in every life, there has to be a way to find it too. There are various ways through which you can find the purpose of your life. It requires patience as your search for your purpose is not time bound. Some find it quickly, some take time, although everyone carries it within themselves. In this book they have explained about Logo Therapy by Viktor Frankl. This therapy is based on the idea that we humans are most motivated by a search for meaning, showing that the meaning of life is the biggest quest in our minds. This therapy can help you to find your purpose. Exploring this therapy, I soon realized that I was not just reading it. I was trying to apply this therapy to find what my purpose is according to the therapy. This therapy makes you think about all the things you have done till now, recall the life you have been living and that is how you see the purpose that is hidden deep within you.

As I finished the chapters about the centenarians and purpose of life, it got me thinking how can just a purpose help a person to live a life that is 117 years long. There has to be some other secret too. The following chapters not only answered my curiosity but also left me astonished- how small things in life can make bigger differences. It is not just the purpose but the way of life and our thoughts that help us chase the purpose and lead us to a happy life. The way of life includes our health, our thoughts and our attitude.

The 80% Secret

Hara hachi bu” is a common Japanese saying which means something like fill your belly up to 80%. We should stop eating as we start feeling full. This helps to prevent long digestive processes and accelerate cell oxidation that helps to live a happier life for a longer period. This was about one’s health but can also be applied to the ‘purpose’. Whatever we achieve is always the 80% of our actual purpose. There is always a scope for betterment, there is always a chance of doing something more. This 20% can be our next 100% to achieve.


In Okinawa moai means the informal groups formed by the people with similar interests that look out for one another. These moai can also help people find their purpose or through them, serving others in the community becomes your Ikigai. I find this moai an excellent practice to create great team bonding and also for the overall development of a team or community. When there is such a community bonding, one will never feel left out, or worthless in their life. I loved the fact that in Okinawa, they believe in growing as a community rather than as an individual. This is another secret to a happy life.

Whatever you do, don’t retire.

Among all the things I discovered in this journey, this was the most fascinating thing for me. In Japanese, there is no word that means to retire. When someone retires from work, it is like discarding the purpose of your life and hence this idea of retirement simply doesn’t exist in the Japanese culture.

It is important that your mind stays young and healthy like your body. As we do physical exercises to keep our body healthy and look young, our mind also needs exercise. Our mind also needs a regular workout to stay young and healthy.

My journey from a mysterious word to My Ikigai

I would say it a journey, because while reading this, I feel like I have travelled to the island of Okinawa in my mind with the authors. Started with the purpose of just reading, it took me on a journey to discover many secrets to happiness. Every life has a purpose, all we need to do is find it. If you haven’t found it yet, do not stop, carry on the search for it.

Perhaps this search of purpose is itself a purpose because in this process of searching one might come across or fulfil many smaller purposes. I am happy to realize my purpose of life. And even more happy that unknown of my Ikigai until now, I have been working in the right direction. I have learned that it is not necessary to have one big purpose. One can have numerous smaller purposes that collectively contribute to one big purpose of life; being happy.

What we must do is follow our heart and do things that make us happy. It can be as big as a great invention or as simple as talking to someone. What matters is the smile on the face and peace of mind that we get. Like me, I hope you guys too find your Ikigai soon.

The Ultimate Guide to Off-Camera Flash

 It is a myth that working with off-camera flashes or a detachable camera flash is only for advanced and professional studio photographers. Nature and macro photographers should use external flash units from time to time, even if they take photographs outdoors and benefit from natural light. Portrait photographers should learn to use flash from their very first photographs, regardless of the environment they use. Flash is also an essential requirement for product and food photography, interior design pictures, and still-life artworks. That’s why I’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to working with off-camera flash to get you started.

Although having an off-camera flash can come in handy, the price for this type of equipment is high enough to make you think twice before buying it. Therefore, make sure you get one that suits your needs but most of all, learn how and when to use it.

Why and When You Need an Off-Camera Flash

An off-camera flash is any flash unit that is not the built-in flash of your camera. An off-camera flash can be mounted on the camera or lens, or placed anywhere around the subject. Typically, an off-camera flash is better than the built-in flash and provides more features. However, this isn’t the main reason for which you buy one.

You want an off-camera flash because it increases your freedom of expression. With an artificial light source at hand, you can take great photographs in less-than-perfect lighting conditions without compromising other settings such as ISO and shutter speed. Furthermore, you control the intensity and direction of the light, which allows you to aim for more creative compositions.

Instead of always lighting the subject directly from the front — as with the internal camera flash — you can use whatever lighting angle you want: back-lit, front-lit, or side-lit.

The Best Kind of Off-Camera Flash for Your Photography Style

When you choose an off-camera flash, you have to take into consideration your subject matter and photographic style.

Single External Flash

The most versatile off-camera flash is a speedlight flash, which produces a burst of light similar to the built-in flash. You can use flash with any subject matter. However, the trick is to make it look natural and subtle. The easiest way to do this is by mounting the external flash in the camera’s hot shoe and pointing the flash up into the ceiling. You can’t change the direction of the internal flash. However, this simple change of direction of the flash and bouncing the light off the ceiling will evenly illuminate the room with soft light and make your image look like there was enough light to begin with.

It is a very easy way to use flash. However, bouncing light off the ceiling doesn’t work if there are low-hanging lamps in the room. Otherwise, it is a great and simple way to start using an external flash.

If you photograph children or pets, don’t get the flash too close to their eyes. Portrait photographers also prefer to keep the flash away from people’s eyes because it helps avoid red eyes and strange-looking skin tones. The easiest way is to place the flash off to one of the sides to avoid red eyes and create a bit more depth in your subject.

Candid photography (i.e., street photography, photojournalism, event photography, etc.) requires a fast and flexible approach like this with the external flash mounted in the hot shoe of your camera.

A speed light isn’t necessarily attached to the hot shoe of a camera. Furthermore, it is much more powerful than the built-in flash, gives you more control over the light, and has an adjustable angle. You can place it anywhere in the vicinity of the subject and trigger it when you press the shutter by letting the internal flash act as the trigger. However, with this setup, the internal flash will both trigger the external flash and affect the lighting, which might not be what you want.

Using a Wireless Flash Trigger System

A speedlight with remote triggers is useful when you control the scene. Having control means having the time to set up a lighting system and a subject to wait for you. Use it with static subject matters (e.g., still-life, food, products) and human models. Most wireless flash trigger systems allow you to trigger multiple flashes with different settings, so you can sculpt the light as you want it.

There is also a wired option in which you use a TTL flash cable to connect a single external flash with the hot shoe of the camera. It’s a wired version that permits placing the flash at around 3 meters from the camera. But compared with the up to 100 meters of range of a radio-frequency trigger, it’s not so much.

Ring Lights for Artistic Purposes

Ring lights are an exciting option for portrait photography. However, they attach to the front of the lens and thus provide less versatility than a speedlight. Instead, you get a soft and uniform light that wraps around the subject and softly fades into the background. Furthermore, you can create circular catch-light in the subject’s eyes.

Light Stand

If you choose to place the flash off the camera, you will need something to place it on. You can, of course, use anything you have at hand, from furniture to rocks, tree branches, or have someone assist you. The easiest method is to use light stands. Like the camera sits on a tripod, an off-camera flash sits on a light stand. And also, like tripods, light stands provide stability and versatility.

Light Modifiers

You should also consider other flash accessories such as diffusers and light shapers. Diffusers are simple boxes that you place on the flash cap to create a smoother and softer light. Usually they are white, but you can also find colored diffusers that slightly change the color temperature of light.

Light shapers are more advanced accessories that modify the light, making it softer and diffused (e.g., umbrella, scrim, softbox), or, on the contrary, harsher (e.g., grid spot, beauty dish, etc.). They are used often in studios where setting up lights can take as much as you need and it doesn’t change very often.

To change the color temperature of an off-camera flash, you can use color correction gel on your flash. For example, to create a warmer light, you need Color Temperature Orange (CTO) gels. They come in various strengths and change the standard color temperature of the flash (5500 °K) to one between 2900 °K and 4900 °K. You can also use blue-colored gels to create a cooler look.

This is where your lighting can get very creative. Use a flash with one colored gel to light your subject and another external flash with another colored gel to illuminate the background.

Concluding Words

Working with flash isn’t easy, but the results are amazing. Off-camera flashes allow you to take pictures in otherwise impossible conditions, mix ambient and artificial light for stunning effects, and create more interesting compositions. You can use them for creating natural-looking photographs or abstract artworks. Working with flash adds a new dimension to your visual story and enhances the narrative. It isn’t a technical skill — it’s a storytelling skill.

15 Insanely Effective Sales Promotion Examples to Win More Customers

 Successful companies know that sales promotions are among the most effective methods of increasing sales, boosting customer satisfaction, and heightening brand awareness. Sales promotions have been used for decades with great success and, no matter your industry or the size of your business, there are sales promotion techniques that can work for you too.

With so many ways to promote your business with or without money, there is no need to suffer from sluggish revenue. And we’ve written this guide to help you with exactly that. We’re going to cover:

  • The basics of sales promotions, deals, and offers.
  • How your business (and customers) benefit from sales promotions.
  • 15 different sales promotion ideas with real examples for each.

From classic percent-off discounts, to teacher-only specials, to joint promotions with complementary businesses, there’s something in here for everyone. So read on if you’re ready to learn how to attract and retain more customers to your small business through creative and attractive promotions.

What is a sales promotion?

A sales promotion is any undertaking by an organization designed to increase sales or encourage the use or trial of a product or service. Sales promotions take many different forms, but they all focus on persuading a target audience to become customers of a business.

sales promotion examples fall sale

Sales promotions can be announced over free channels like social media, email, or your website; or they can be the focal point of your paid advertising campaigns such as with LinkedIn ads or Google Ads. An effective sales promotion uses imagery, effective copy, and logic to appeal to the needs, values, and emotions of your target audience, and invites them to purchase your products or services with an incentivizing offer.

Why leverage deals and offers for your business?

At first, it might seem that offering promos and deals is a self-destructive behavior that shortchanges your business. That would be terrible…if it were true. In reality, though, your business benefits from sales promotions just as much as your customers:

Minimize risk: A balanced approach to promotions minimizes risk to your company. In other words, so long as you’re not offering endless, outrageous deals that wouldn’t be sustainable for your business, your promos are likely to create win-win situations.

Make a profit: The sense of urgency and desire created by short-term offers means that your sales can increase significantly. In fact, you could end up making more profit than you would if you were doing business as usual.

Attract new customers: No better way to catch the eye of someone new than with an exciting offer

Retain customers: Deals and discounts keep your customers engaged and happy; and you know what that means. Loyalty!

Speed up your sales cycle: Promotions are great top-of-funnel offers that can get prospects on your nurture path.

And the list goes on. You can get rid of aging product, increase product awareness, promote a new product, activate dormant customers, and improve your brand reputation.

Sales promotion ideas and examples to increase sales

To get you started with this worthwhile strategy, here are 15 sales promotion ideas, accompanied by real examples, and categorized by the business goals they can help you achieve. We’ll cover promotions to increase sales, to encourage repeat business, and to boost brand awareness.

1. Google My Business offer posts

Did you know that you can run promotions on your Google business listing? Your Google My Business account dashboard allows you to create four different types of social posts: Offers, Updates, Events, and Products.

Using the “Add Offer” post type allows you to announce a deal or offering right on your Business Profile. This allows your promotion to reach customers who find your business on Google Maps and Search—which is often when they have the highest intent. In addition to boosting your conversions, a Google My Business promotion can also drive more traffic to your website.

2. Free samples

Although many businesses temporarily suspended this promotion strategy for customers during COVID-19, it can still be referenced as one of the best sales promotion examples out there. By offering free samples to all in the store regardless of whether they purchase something, this strategy (employed by businesses like Costco and Whole Foods) introduces consumers to products they may not have considered before, and oftentimes cordially encourages them to buy.

Do you have a product that you’re trying to sell? Give out samples! While this works best with food (both in-store and at farmer’s markets), it can also be used by spas and salons—with tester lotions, perfumes, or aromatherapy products. The bottom line is that people like things they can try before buying.

3. Buy one, get one free promotions

Buy one, get one free deals (aka BOGO) are among the most popular types of sales promotions. Offering two of an in-demand product at a reduced price and for a short time creates a sense of urgency that can boost sales. It can also clear stock, which is why, within business circles, BOGO promos are often referred to as “self-liquidating”.

The great thing is that these promotions rarely cost anything. In fact, they’re designed to increase revenue.

For example, let’s say you pay $3 for a product that you sell for $10. If you offer a 50% discount, you’d be making $2 from selling just one at the discounted price. However, running a BOGO discount means you can sell one item at full price minus your cost for two items so, in the end, you’d be earning $4. With more people buying that product as a result of your promo, your profits would soar.

The great thing is that these promotions rarely cost anything. In fact, they’re designed to increase revenue.

BOGO deals work with more than just product-based businesses; they also work for service-based businesses. Fitness studios, spas, salons, consultants, and trainers can offer BOGO deals on their classes or trainings to fill their schedules or get new clients during a slow season. Since service-based businesses are more time- than product value-related, the only cost is time. So especially if you have time to spare, this is a perfect promotion to try.

4. Cashback promotions

Many consumers would agree that it doesn’t feel as bad to spend money when you get some in return. It’s almost like paying less from the start and then having extra money to get other desirable products.

Plus, giving back to customers in this way usually results in more loyalty and business from them. This kind of offer is a win-win for both you and your customers.

5. Lifestyle discounts

Lifestyle discounts are those that apply to a particular profession, age group, or demographic.—usually one associated with an ID. They commonly available for:

  • Teachers
  • Students
  • Veterans
  • Seniors

While you can offer these promotions year-round, there are also months and days of the year dedicated to specific groups of people, so be sure to take advantage of that. For example, back to school discounts are great September promotions, while August is home to National Senior Citizen’s Day. Keep an eye on your calendar for these monthly marketing themes so that you can plan your promos well in advance and maximize their results!

6. Flash sales and discounts

A flash sale creates a sense of urgency among your customer base to buy now. So especially if you have a business that does a lot of online sales, flash sales may be one of the more effective sales promotion strategies for you.

sales promotion examples flash sale promo code

There are at least two ways to go about this type of sales promotion. One, you could do a flash sale once or twice a year. Or, two, you could do one on a set schedule each month so that people are anticipating the event and prepared to make purchases on short notice.

In either case, be sure to utilize social media and email marketing campaigns to announce when the sale will be happening. You can even create a fun branded hashtag to get your audience hyped to buy!

Sales promotions that encourage repeat business

Repeat business is often the best business. Your loyal customers are often the ones to spend the most on your offerings and will gladly spread the word about your products and services. 

7. Vouchers and coupons

You can offer vouchers and coupons via email, your website, or print materials such as product packaging, catalogs, and so on. They are a great way to thank your current customers and to encourage them to continue doing business with you.

One way to really get people excited about their next purchase with you is to offer a mystery coupon. Not only is it interactive, but it also makes customers feel as if they’re playing a game and getting more than just a run-of-the-mill discount.

If you do give this a try, be sure to capitalize on every opportunity with a multi-pronged campaign and strategically-crafted landing page. Even after they’ve clicked through to find out their discount, continue to advertise sale items or your most popular merchandise to further entice them to cash in on their coupon.

Too, you can make use of coupons to recover potential customers who’ve abandoned their carts. As of 2020, around 88% of online carts are abandoned. However, offering discounts to customers who may previously have only been window shopping may be the nudge they need to complete a purchase.

88% of online carts are abandoned, but offering promotions to your window shoppers just may be the nudge they need to complete a purchase.

8. Charitable cause promotions

Why not kill two birds with one stone? Make an impact in your community while attracting more customers with a charitable sales promotion.  Let your customers know that for a certain period of time, a portion of your proceeds will go to a charity you support. Or you can make this an ongoing  initiative as Necker’s Jewelers does in the example below. 

9. Free shipping and returns

In addition to coupons, which we discussed earlier, what’s another cure for a ton of abandoned shopping carts? Four words: Free shipping. Free returns. Free shipping eliminates one of the last obstacles that could prevent people from completing their orders. This is key because hesitation can be present even when a customer has done business with you before and likes what you offer.

On the other hand, free shipping eliminates the anticipation of the hassle that is paying for return shipping. By getting rid of both forms of friction, you can encourage more repeat purchases from your product-based business.

10. Loyalty program promotions

Rewards and loyalty programs—even those that don’t necessarily pay off immediately—can be a powerful motivator for customers. Here are a few approaches you might consider.

You could double or triple loyalty points for a limited time, which can be a great incentive to buy. You might even offer a “lump sum” of points for signing up for your loyalty program, which could move customers to buy more than they would have initially.

Punch cards are also a well-known option, which makes customers eligible for a special offer after a certain number of purchases. Some businesses even offer a small discount every time customers use their cards.

Sales promotion examples for boosting brand awareness

The more familiar your audience becomes with your brand, the more they will trust and look forward to your business’s announcements and content. Let’s take a look at some sales promotion ideas to build and strengthen your brand story.

11. Joint promotions

Whether your company owns several brands or you partner with companies in similar or related industries, you can make use of joint sales promotions. All you have to do is bundle products or services from each brand into a package and promote it via the other brand(s). Your partners can do the same for you, which means free promotion for both of you.

This type of arrangement can extend the reach of your brand. It familiarizes new potential customers with what you offer and increases the likelihood that they’ll convert in the future. 

Red Robin offered discounts to patrons who showed up for a burger with their Wolverine ticket stub in hand. While they may not have received a discount for the actual movie, the film benefitted from attracting people who were more excited about the burger at the end of the tunnel than the movie itself.

12. Social media contests and giveaways

A contest or giveaway on Facebook, Instagram, or your target audience’s social platform of choice is a great way to get new customers interested in your business and gain more quality followers.

For example, one common method is to require followers to tag a certain number of people in the comments, or post to their stories, to be entered to win.

sales promotion examples giveaway instagram

If you can get your existing audience excited enough about your contest or giveaway, this is basically guaranteed exposure. And not only does it increase your business’s reach on social media, but it specifically increases awareness of your brand among your ideal customer base! This boosts the probability of meaningful engagement and sales in the future.

13. Shopping sprees

One of the most exciting in-store sales promotions you can do is an “enter to win” contest that gives the winner a shopping spree in your store.

Of course, you have to be careful not to leave too much merchandise up for grabs because that could end up costing you dearly. However, allowing for a generous shopping spree can prompt powerful word-of-mouth marketing.

No doubt, the winner will be excited to share their good news and, after the spree is finished, to show off their goods. This user-generated content can put your business on the radar of potential customers and encourage them to check out what you offer.

14. Give branded gifts or bundles

Additional value for less can be very enticing, so you may bundle together your most popular or closely-related services for a reduced price. This is an excellent way to get people talking about your business.

Alternatively, you can offer branded gifts to existing customers and others. The more loyal a supporter of your brand, the more often they’ll use your branded gifts. Who knows how many people will find out about, be reminded of, and check out your brand as a result?

Both bundles and branded gifts can spark a good deal of new interest in your business.

Businesses that give out promotional merchandise increase their chances of getting new customers by 83%.

15. Referral discounts

Bringing new customers into the fold should always be on your radar. One way to keep the new customers rolling in is to offer discounts when current customers refer a friend or promote you on social media.

Alternatively, you could give money that can be put toward a customer’s next purchase. In either case, you’ll need to decide if the referral alone is enough or if the discount is only applied after the new customer makes a purchase. If you choose to offer a discount regardless of whether or not anything is purchased, try to place a threshold on the number of referrals required before the discount takes effect. For example, get 25% off your next visit if you make three referrals.

4 Tips for a Perfect White Background in High Key Photography

A bright, white background creates a high energy, happy, and distraction free scene, perfect for pictures of your friends and family. Known as high key photography, this technique instantly cures problems with ugly backgrounds and focuses the viewer’s attention on your subject.

Besides being a popular for portrait photographers, it’s a more modern choice, rather than traditional (ie., painted muslin). Here are my favorite tips for creating high key photos.

Tip #1 – Use a Solid White Background to Eliminate Distractions

I used a big, white piece of paper as the background for this portrait of my twin nieces because anything natural for a background would have clashed with their colorful outfits. The brightness also perfectly matches their expressions.


High key white background portraits 02

The solid white background eliminates all distractions

High key photography was the perfect choice for this picture of my daughter eating a strawberry because there’s nothing to distract the viewer from her eyes and the strawberry. You don’t need to use an expensive camera or lens for this type of picture, because you can use any camera for high key photography.

Tip #2 – use sunlight as your background

A white background isn’t everything you need to create a perfect high key photograph, however. You need one additional ingredient – light. A white background without light doesn’t appear white in the photo, it appears grey. My flash failed to fire for this next photo, causing an ugly, grey background.

To create a solid white background, you need to completely overexpose your background without overexposing your subject. That means you’ll need much more light on your background than on your foreground subject; about 16 times more light (or four stops of light).

Fortunately, we all share a very powerful and free light source: the sun. 

Tip #3 – use a flash on the background

Another easy way to create a bright background is to light it with an off camera flash. Simply move your model four to six feet away from your background and hide a flash behind your model, pointing it at the background. When you take your photo, the flash will light the background to overexpose it and make it appear completely white.


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Place a flash behind your subject to light the background

An off camera flash doesn’t have to be expensive. Any manual flash with an optical slave will work, including the $60 (US) YongNuo YN-560 that I often use. Simply turn on both the flash’s optical slave and your built-in flash. When you take a picture, your flash will trigger the off camera flash to light the background.

Tip #4 – don’t over, overexpose the background


If you have too much light on your background, it’ll wash out your subject

If you have too much light on your background, it’ll wash out your subject

You can overexpose a high key background too much. If you bounce too much light off your background, the backlighting will overtake your model and wash out your picture. For example, the picture on the left had too much light on the background, while the picture on the right had just the right amount.

To get a perfectly white background without washing out your picture, start your background light at its lowest power and increase it one stop at a time until the background is barely overexposed.