The way I see myself

When someone asks what i’m scared of

I play i basic and say the dark.

Sometimes I’ll say heights,

Needles or even sharks.

Maybe I’ll say spiders,

Or flying above the ground.

I’ll say confined spaces,

Or even pain and loud sounds.

But I hide my real fears

And put it on a far shelf,

Cause my biggest fear is that you’ll see me

The way I see myself.


The world is filed with people who, no matter what you do, will point blank not like you.

But it is also filled with those who will love you fiercely. They are your people. You are

not for everyone and that’s ok. Talk to the people who can hear you.

Don’t waste your precious time and gifts trying to convince them of your value, they won’t 

ever want you’re selling. Don’t convince them to walk alongside you. You’ll be wasting both 

your time and theirs and will likely inflict unnecessary wounds, which will take precious time

to heal. You are not for them and they are not for you; politely wave them on and continue 

along your way. Sharing your path with someone is a sacred gift; don’t cheapen this gift by 

rolling yours in the wrong direction.

When I run after what I think I want

When I run after what I think I want

My days are a furnace of distress and anxiety;

If I sit in my own place of patience,

What I need flows to me,

And without any pain.

From this I understand that

What I want also wants me,

Is looking for me

And attracting me;

When it cannot attract me

Any more to go to it,

It has to come to me.

There is a great secret

In this for anyone

Who can grasp it.

Better Alone Person

I am slowly learning what it means to be human.

I am slowly learning how to forgive the past. How to accept that sometimes beautiful things end, that sometimes the timing isn’t right, that sometimes the messiness of life gets in the way, I am slowly learning that endings aren’t something to be upset about, but rather, I am slowly learning how to appreciate how damn lucky I was to experience something real and hopeful and light in a world that sometimes fails to be soft.

I am slowly learning how to be alone. I am slowly learning how to wake up in the middle of the bed. How to make just one cup of coffee in the mornings. How to hold my own heart, how to take up my own space. I am slowly learning how to stop filling voids with other human beings, and instead, I am slowly learning how to confront the void itself . How to heal it.

I am slowly learning what it means to be human. What it means to make mistakes and learn from them. What it means to be both happy and sad at the same time. I am slowly learning how to do damn work. How to stop running from what is heavy and uncomfortable in my life. How to take the easy route less and less. How to grow myself, how to be a better person.

You’re just as important as those you love

It’s time to start putting yourself first and believing you deserve it.

Isn’t it exhausting to always calculate your actions

based on other people’s opinions of you? Isn’t it

exhausting to always put others first while you suffer,

just to please them or to show them that you care?

Doing what feels good to you doesn’t mean you lack

love for other surround you. It simply means you also

love yourself just as much. learn how to invest in you

and pursue all the things that make you happy and 

fulfilled. Even if it’s just taking yourself on a two -day

trip or saying NO to going out with friends because you 

prefer a quiet night at home or working less and taking

some time off for you mental health. Remember that 

you’re just as important as those you love.

do you have the time?

i think you can tell a lot about a person

by the way they talk about time.

if time is something linear or cyclical.

if they talk about their life as though

it goes through seasons the way nature does

or if it is something ever growing,

always moving forward.

if they talk about failure as though

it is several steps back on their timeline

or simply a change of course.

if they describe the day according to

the clock or to the sky.

was it 5am or dawn?

8pm or twilight?

i love to notice whether they speak as though

the hours ahead are on opportunity

or if they are an order.

i love to wonder,

is time something that carries them

or something they are carrying?

i don’t really know what to do

with this knowledge.

i just like having it.

i just like the thought that i can tell


other than the time.

Forever & always

i just wanna go back

back before everything

before all the problems

back to that simple love

yea i was naïve

but i was happy

just you and me

all that i need

i know now

it couldn’t have lasted long

if only i knew then 

what i know now

i would have held you tighter 

i want to find home in you again

i want to find that simple love

if only you would let me

i would run into your arms

and never look back



Hey, I know we weren’t meant to be together

And between us, this might never work at all.

But what love would it be if I wasn’t still happy for you

When you parted from me and between us built a wall.

Hey, I know you don’t feel the same way

And you can never reciprocate this feeling

And you should know I don’t feel upset

In fact, I’m on my way to healing.

Hey, I always knew I might never get you

And we might not have our desired end

So I just look for opportunities to talk to you.

Becauese I’m okay being just a friend.

Hey, I might not be the one

And there’s someone else who’ll meet you in a while

Who has been born with the streak of luck

And who deserves to see your smile.

But hey, when you smile I smile too.

This big, goofy grin on my face.

And I’ll always be waiting at home for you.

If you ever decide to stop by, in case.

Because, hey, you know, love doesn’t always mean being together.

I find solace in listening to your laugh

And I’m fine with us being miles apart yet close at heart.

I might not be yours, but you are my other half.

Your Shyness is A Strength

Who told you that your shyness

doesn’t make you strong?

Who told you that the way you are

is limited and wrong?

Inside you lies a silent strength

that rests behind your eyes.

It can notice people bluffing

and can see between two lies.

Your quiet is a shield with which

you guard a loyal heart,

and in a world full of false-heartedness

the way you guard it is an art.

Shyness doesn’t mean that you

don’t live your life out loud;

it means that you have strength

and for that I hope you’re proud.

she was not the flower

They thought she was delicate

Like a pretty, little flower

But she is so much more than that

She holds extraordinary power

They thought they could crush her

Like a daisy in their hands

Yet there is something about her

That they do not understand

she is wildflower

The type you cannot tame

The girl who brings the sun

There is venom in her blood

and danger in her eyes

But she hides her power well

You couldn’t find it if you tried

They did not believe in her

Because they thought she was weak

But she was not the flower 

She was the snake underneath