I have many sides but which one is the


I go by many different names but which 

                       one is mine?

I hear so many voices my own was lost in

               the echo’s years ago

My memories feel like that of a stranger’s

 I can’t seem to remember people I’m

                 supposed to know

I feel like I’m going crazy yet to others it’s

                    all just a show

My heart is going numb from all the pain

                   it feels constantly

And it seems that the more I’m searching,

 The more I’m losing myself entirely.

Author: Vaishnavi P

मंज़िल उन्ही को मिलती, है जिनके सपनों में जान होती है, सिर्फ पंखो से कुछ नहीं होता, हौंसलो से उड़ान होती है l

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