Coyote : Clever Animal

 A coyote is grayish- brown in color with white fur under its neck and belly. It has pointed ears and a long muzzle. A long bushy tail hangs from its backside. Coyotes belong to the dog family and have a lot of the same traits. They typically weigh between 15 to 25 pounds and measure about 35 inches long, with another 16 inches for the tail.

Coyote pairs mate between February and April. Two months later, the female will give birth to 3-12 pups in the den. Within about three weeks, the pups will come out of the den. After they are weaned at the age of 4 weeks, the parents will feed them regurgitated food. The male pups will leave their family in the fall (5-6 months after birth), but the female pups will stay in their mothers pack. The lifespan of a coyote in the wild is between 10 and 14 years.

Very popular in Native American folklore, highly adaptable to the environment, and cunningly smart, the coyote knows how to make the most of bad situations.

The Coyote (Canis latrans) is found over most of North America, in various environments such as grasslands, deserts, and forests. These clever animals belong to the dog family (Canis). 

Coyote Facts

Coyotes normally hunt alone or in pairs.

Dogs run with their tails up; coyotes run with their tails down.

These animals are very vocal.

The coyote has few natural predators. They include bears, mountain lions, and wolves.

In captivity, a coyote can live up to 20 years.

Coyotes are very good swimmers.

Coyotes will eat just about anything.

Coyote litter size varies from 3-12 pups.

Coyotes have excellent vision and a great sense of smell.

Coyotes can run about 40 miles an hour.

Coyotes make noise at night to communicate with members of their family or pack and to keep track of them.

Coyotes are monogamous, which means they have one mate their whole life.

Coyotes rarely build their own dens. They usually take over an abandoned one.

Coyote pups are born blind.

Coyotes are nocturnal.

Coyote Habitat

Coyotes are found in most of the United States and Canada and some of Mexico. They are not picky with their habitat because they can adapt so well nearly anywhere. They live mainly in deserts, grasslands, and forests.

Coyotes are primarily carnivorous, but will also eat fruits and berries on occasion. They hunt at night for mammals, birds, mice, and snakes. Most of the time they hunt alone, but when they hunt for large prey such as deer, they will hunt in packs.

Author: Vaishnavi P

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