जीने को जी कर रहा है

 While working on laptop in my room at 6.33PM , suddenly my cell buzz with call of person , a familiar one so without a second  second delay I just picked up call. The person ask me to come out so we can go on long drive and at the end we can enjoy coffee and pasta( which is my favorite) .

 But I mention that i will took some time to change the dress, as im in pajamas right now. But in romantic way that person told me that im perfect in every look, and I smiled and without a moment delay just took my cellphone and run towards main door . As I open the door mr. perfect one with perfect smile waiting for me outdoor in car. I just followed his instruction and sit in car. 

Just like my speed , the car speedily run towards main road and within 10 second we left our known living area and now following the path which is complete dark and lovely music is running on recorder with low voice. There is never formality between us, so its never matter that we greet on first look or we are in good looks or not.

 What important is when we want to enjoy outdoor environment, we just come along and drive for hours and hours with very less communication . Only discuss about how we spend our day, like how everything is going on or something challenging or  new. Generally we sit quietly and enjoy music, special prefer to sing together, nothing else.

In all this long discussion in inner me, I have not realize that  we have reach to our regular destination , where first we order coffee and then move towards our regular sitting place. Place which is best , and its difficult to describe that how actually it better than all usual , busy places.

The place facing river on one side and other side busy city lighting look. This place in on my priority as by being here you can make good comparison that why its right choice . The whole day busy schedule , can literally make you fall for this place . 

While sitting on bench and seeing this view with no rush and voice zone , I can clearly see stars and even feel every vibe of passing air. One hand with cup of coffee and one side you can put your head on shoulder of your best buddy, the reason why you are here and can enjoy this beautiful scene. I think this last routine of day complete your each day positively  .

And suddenly I heard the music line , which exactly define this scene.

                                  ख्वाबी ख्वाबी सी लगती है दुनिया 

                                    आँखों में ये क्या भर रहा है 

                                    मरने की आदत लगी थी 

                                   क्यों जीने को जी कर रहा है

      पहले तो बेगानी नगरी में 

      हमको किसी ने पुछा न था 

     सारा सेहर जब मान गया 

      तो लगता है क्यों कोई रूठा न था 

       सजदे बिछावां वे

and than on next moment i realize that this song have other lines too, which exactly define my current situation and i can say LOL to myself. 

                                  एक ख़्वाब ने आँखें खोली हैं

                                   क्या मोड़ आया है कहानी में

Because im still in my room with my laptop on and i feel that i can imagine anything.


 New year celebration and enthusiasm last only for an hour or a day but then everything start acting similar as last any other day. For me i was whole day busy with my system and now at the evening i feeling like alone. 

  loneliness everywhere , that you cant go outside and there is no such person whom with you can discuss about your whole day experience. and specially when there is nothing to share about . It just very regular day ….laptop….laptop…laptop

Have you had the experience of feeling lonely, like there is no one around and no one to talk to, as you sink into a state of sadness or anxiety that you fear you will never get over? Does such a feeling overwhelm you at times? If you’ve had such feelings of loneliness, you are far from alone. Loneliness is one of the most common, if unpleasant emotions that millions of people experience. For some, it may be a passing emotion. For others, it’s a recurring sense of desperation and sadness. But for all of us, it is part of being human.

Loneliness can lead to excessive drinking or binge eating, to suppress those unpleasant feelings. It can lead to depression and rumination, as you dwell on the question, “Why am I alone?” It can also lead to hopelessness. But having a strategy to deal with loneliness can be an important safeguard against depression, substance abuse, or even making bad choices for partners.

If you’re experiencing loneliness, there are some things you can do about it. Below are nine strategies for how to deal with being lonely ( i come across all this while google search).

Join a Class or Club

Whether it’s an art class, exercise class, or book club, joining a class or a club automatically exposes you to a group of people who share at least one of your interests. Check your local library or community college as well as city parks and recreation departments to see what’s available.

Joining a class or club can also provide a sense of belonging that comes with being part of a group. This can stimulate creativity, give you something to look forward to during the day, and help stave off loneliness.


Volunteering for a cause you believe in can provide the same benefits as taking a class or joining a club: meeting others, being part of a group, and creating new experiences. It also brings the benefits of altruism and can help you find more meaning in your life.

In addition to decreasing loneliness, this can bring greater happiness and life satisfaction. Additionally, working with those who have less than you can help you feel a deeper sense of gratitude for what you have in your own life.

Find Support Online

Because loneliness is a somewhat widespread issue, there are many people online who are looking for people to connect with. Find people with similar interests by joining Facebook or Meetup groups focused on your passions. Check to see if any apps you use, like fitness or workout apps, have a social element or discussion board to join.

You do have to be careful of who you meet over the internet (and, obviously, don’t give out any personal information like your bank account number), but you can find real support, connection, and lasting friendships from people you meet online.

A word of caution: Social media can actually increase feelings of loneliness and cause FOMO, or “fear of missing out” so be sure to check in with yourself if you’re starting to feel this way.

Strengthen Existing Relationships

You probably already have people in your life that you could get to know better or connections with family that could be deepened. If so, why not call friends more often, go out with them more, and find other ways to enjoy your existing relationships and strengthen bonds?

If you’re struggling to find the motivation to reach out to your loved ones, it might be helpful to start slowly. Come up with just one supportive friend or family member who you could imagine reaching out to. It’s also reassuring to know that strong social support is beneficial for your mental health.

Adopt a Pet

Pets, especially dogs and cats, offer so many benefits, and preventing loneliness is one of them. Rescuing a pet combines the benefits of altruism and companionship, and fights loneliness in several ways.

It can connect you with other people—walking a dog opens you up to a community of other dog-walkers, and a cute dog on a leash tends to be a people magnet. Additionally, pets provide unconditional love, which can be a great salve for loneliness.

Talk to Strangers

An easy way to find connections in everyday life is by interacting in small ways with acquaintances or strangers you encounter. In fact, research shows that doing so contributes to our social and emotional well-being. So next time you grab a cup of coffee or see your neighbor on a walk, strike up a conversation. You might just find you feel happier afterward.

Do you have a smartphone that you frequently check while out and about? Think about putting it away a bit more. Whether you’re looking up directions or checking the news while waiting in line, research suggests that technology can get in the way of social opportunities.

Practice Self-Care

When you’re feeling lonely, be sure you’re doing what you can to take care of yourself in other ways. Self-care is always a good idea, but especially when you are feeling down. Eating nutritious food, exercising, and getting enough sleep will only make you feel better in the long run. Bonus: Take a workout class or join a running club for exercise and social interaction.

Keep Busy

Distract yourself from those feelings of loneliness and make a date with yourself. Do you have a hobby you’ve always wanted to take up or a home improvement project that’s been lingering on your to-do list? Take some time to invest in yourself and your interests and keep your mind occupied in the process.

See a Therapist

Research suggests that loneliness and symptoms of depression can perpetuate each other, meaning the more lonely you are, the more depressed you feel, and vice versa.

Sometimes just “getting out there” and meeting other people isn’t enough. It’s possible to still feel lonely when you’re around them, which could actually be a sign of depression or social anxiety. If this is the case for you, it may be a good idea to seek psychotherapy to help with feelings of loneliness, especially if you also feel other symptoms of depression.

Some forms of therapy, especially cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), can help you to change your thoughts as well as your actions to help you not only experience less loneliness but have more tools to prevent it. Whatever you do to combat loneliness, know that you are truly not alone, and there are many things you can do to feel more connected.

and im personally trying to implement one of this , as the first one is not working for me, so let see how i can cope with other option. do share your ideas to deal with loneliness.

Reasons why your E-Commerce site should have a blog

 If you run an online-only business or have a brick and mortar business with a sales website—you may be weighing whether or not adding a blog to your e-commerce website is valuable. Even though the primary goal of your website is to drive traffic to your products, there are a multitude of reasons why adding a blog to your e-commerce site is beneficial—10 of which are highlighted below.

 #1 Search Engine Optimization

You are sure to be investing both your time and resources into driving more traffic to your e-commerce website—and a blog is one of the most effective free methods of doing so. Adding a blog to your e-commerce site will drastically increase the amount of content your website contains. The more content you have, the more your website will index—and the more prospective clients will organically find their way to your website. For best results, infuse your blog posts with both trending keywords.

As you share your new blog posts on your social media profiles, you will create more backlinks to your website, which will further boost your SEO.

#2 Brands You As An Industry Experts

Many e-commerce websites utilize their blogs as a method of branding themselves as industry experts. Your blog posts can contain tips and tricks that your target audience is searching for, tutorials, and the latest breaking industry news. While you can add blog posts that contain sales information, for branding purposes—focus more on adding value to your customers.

#3 Engages Your Customers

Instead of beginning a website your customers only visit when shopping, you can utilize your blog as a method of engaging your customers on an ongoing basis. This can be achieved a variety of ways, and below are a couple of ideas to get you heading in the right direction.

For example, if you sell weight-loss products you could share client success stories.

Tell A Story—The story you tell could be anything from inspirational stories relevant to your industry, inspiring stories your clients have shared, or the story of how your business came to be.

Post Photos And Videos—While your e-commerce site certainly contains images of the products you are selling, your blog is an additional place in which you can utilize visuals to engage your clients. This could be a quick video of how to assemble a product, different methods of using a product, or photos and videos of that are non-product related—yet relevant to your target audience.

For example, if you sell pet supplies you can share funny pet videos and images.

#4 It’s The Perfect Place To Make Announcements

Even if you utilize opt-in email marketing for your announcements, or have an area on your e-commerce website where you share announcements—your new blog will be an excellent place for your customers to learn your latest news and updates. This could be anything from new products, answer to your most Frequently Asked Questions, seasonal promotions, or anything new about your company you would like to share.

 #5 Boosts Your Conversion Rates

Your e-commerce blog will not only drive more traffic to your website—but it will increase your conversions too. Your blog will make you feel more credible and relatable, which will provide new clients with a greater sense of confidence in their purchases.

 #6 Creates An Online Community

Many blogs allow customers to comment on their posts, which makes your customers feel as if they are part of a larger online community. Just as with social media, ensure you actively respond to all comments and private messages.

No worries of questionable comments or spam being added, because you can set up your blog in a manner in which you can approve all outside comments before they go live.

 #7 Builds Brand Loyalty

You can have the best products or services in the world, but if you do not build brand loyalty, your number of repeat customers is likely to be low. As an online-only business or a business who sells online to clients from around the nation or around the globe—you must find a way to build brand loyalty.

While your blog alone will not build brand loyalty, it plays a key role in the process. As long as your posts are an appropriate balance of professional, fun, relevant, and informative—they will help to build loyalty. Don’t forget to highlight your community and charity involvement in your blog posts, as customers like to support businesses who are connected to something larger than themselves.

#8 Provides The Potential To Go Viral

Your blog posts must have buttons that allow readers to quickly and easily share your posts on social media and/or email them to friends. Whether you post a blog with an inspirational story, or engaging video—the ability to share it with the masses, provides the potential for it to “go viral.”

Even if you do not achieve millions of shares, you can reach a much larger portion of your target audience by consistently posting engaging and relevant blogs.

#9 Supports Your Social Media Marketing Efforts

Each blog post you create has a unique URL, that can be added to your social media posts—and linked back to in your other online marketing efforts. You can add buttons to “like” or “share” your blogs posts, which is an essential part of expanding your reach on social media.

Don’t forget to have buttons on your website and blog that also link back to your social media profiles, which will further help you achieve more fans and followers.

#10 Free Marketing Platform

Regardless of your marketing budget, your blog is a highly effective form of free marketing. While you may choose to pay to promote some of your blog posts, each post will garner an ongoing stream of organic traffic. Some posts will be relevant for months, and others will be relevant for years—but the traffic they draw takes nothing other than an investment of your time to create and post.

Strategies to Improve Sales Performance

 Every business wants to grow and even i wants the same, so all the time my mind is struggling with thought that how i can get better sale performance for my business. 

But what happens when your sales performance has stagnated? A number of factors can affect whether or not your sales team can close deals. Using the tested tips below, you can assess your approach to sales — and ensure your team is set up for success. We’ll be covering:

What factors affect sales performance

What makes a successful sales team

Let’s get started.


Sales performance is affected by your enablement efforts, such as sales training or content management; your customer experience; your cross-functional alignment; and your company culture. Together, these elements determine whether your reps have the training, context, and guidance they need to successfully engage customers.


Successful sales teams result from a company-wide commitment to ensuring reps have everything they need to do their jobs effectively. This means empowering reps with content, training, and guidance — but it also means developing a supportive company culture, building out a robust customer engine, and aligning with other go-to-market functions, like marketing or customer success.

As you think about what your team needs to be successful, a good point to keep in mind is that while an individual seller may be able to succeed based on talent alone, a successful sales team is only possible through collaboration. In short, sales can only succeed when your company is executing key initiatives as one unified organization.


Now that you have an idea of what goes into high-performing sales teams, let’s take a look at how you can put these concepts into action.

1. Hire the right people

First and foremost is hiring. Traditionally, businesses approached hiring from the lens of recruiting top talent. But for salespeople, it’s important to recognize that top talent is the result of great training.

Therefore, as you think about hiring for your team, it’s important to look for the sort of skills and personality traits that make someone receptive to your training and coaching efforts. These might include high emotional intelligence, a can-do attitude, or a deep love of collaboration. As you build out your ideal candidate persona, be sure to maintain a little wiggle room — sometimes applicants will surprise you.

2. Invest in sales enablement

Sales enablement is critical to ensuring salespeople are equipped to engage customers and prospects successfully. Depending on the size and structure of your sales organization, you may have a robust sales enablement operation already in place, or you may just be dipping your toes. Thus, what “investing” in sales enablement looks like for your business will be different from that of your peers.

To ensure you’re optimizing your program appropriate for your current operations, use our guide to identifying your sales enablement maturity stage. This report will break down the four stages of sales enablement — and give you actionable advice to take your program to the next level.

3. Use the right sales structure

How you structure your sales organization has an immense impact on the ability of your salespeople to do their jobs. That’s because certain sales models are better suited to certain types of businesses, selling motions, or solutions.

It’s not uncommon for businesses to start with one structure and move to another as their company evolves, so take the time to evaluate the three most common sales models — the assembly line, the island, and the pod — and determine which one is right for your business.

4. Refresh your sales strategy

Another key element of sales performance is the strategy with which you enable your reps to go to market. Unfortunately, too many sales strategies are developed in January only to remain untouched until December, when it’s time to plan for the upcoming year.

If this approach sounds familiar, it might be time to rethink your sales strategy: Modern markets require organizations to be agile and responsive to changing consumer needs. Don’t shy away from examining your sales strategy bi-annually, quarterly, and even monthly. Though this may seem intensive, it’s important to continuously confirm your strategy is still relevant to the market you’re selling to.

5. Make decisions with data

In this day and age, most businesses know that they should be making data-backed decisions. The problems arise when it comes to examining the data itself: most of us are drowning in numbers. Without clear reporting, it can be difficult to understand where opportunities for growth or weakness you need to resolve to exist.

Rather than taking on more data, it’s important to find and utilize the right data. For sales teams, this means leveraging the analytics within your sales enablement platform. A great platform should offer insights into how your sales strategy, training, and content are landing with both reps and customers. If your current solution doesn’t offer these insights, it might be time to switch to one that does.

6. Find a methodology that works

The right sales methodology can make or break your sales performance. Much like sales models, businesses will often find that the methodology that suited them when they were a startup no longer serves them at enterprise scale.

Thus, it’s important to continuously evaluate the efficacy of your sales methodologies and ensure you have the right one for your organization. Because there are so many sales methodologies to choose from, we’ve put together a handy guide to help you out.

7. Train your reps to win

In addition to selecting the right sales methodology, it’s equally important to ensure your methodology lands with your reps. To do this, you’ll need a comprehensive sales training program that not only guides sellers on how to put your methodology into action but enables managers to coach and inspect behavior as well.

Sales training programs have a tendency to sprawl, so we recommend breaking key initiatives down into a simple set of objectives and actions reps and frontline managers can narrow in on to make incremental change. More on this strategic approach to sales training can be found in our Definitive Guide to Training and Coaching.

8. Coach your coaches

As we mentioned above, sales training doesn’t just impact reps: your sales managers also need to be trained on how to enhance rep performance through coaching. Too many businesses assume that because a salesperson was a great seller, they will automatically be a great manager.

However, this isn’t the case. Frontline managers need just as much investment and support as reps in order to do their jobs effectively. To invest in sales coaching, clearly identify what good looks like in sales rep performance. Once those behaviors are documented, you can train coaches to not only inspect rep performance against those behaviors but to offer remedial support if they are failing to take key actions. This approach ensures your coaches know what they are supposed to do and say and when.

9. Tame your sales content chaos

Sales content should be the thing that’s driving deals forward. But all too often, its impact is erased by the challenge of managing, organizing, surfacing, and finding it. Luckily, sales enablement technology now offers truly transformative solutions to taming sales content chaos.

If you don’t yet have a sales enablement platform, let this be your signal to invest. If you do have one, be sure that you are distributing your content effectively. One thing we can’t recommend enough? Stealing merchandising tips from your favorite retailers: when surfacing content to reps, think about how your content is displayed, curated, and marketed internally to drive engagement.

10.  Make personalization easy

Personalization is key to buyer engagement — it’s also a frequently cumbersome process. How can you make it easier? Start by putting yourself in your sales reps’ shoes: with lots of content to share and little time to do it, reps need a simple solution to quickly personalize everything from emails to presentations.

Therefore, enablement teams should focus on preparing foundational content — such as a customer deck — with many pivots for different industries and personas, all in one master asset. This allows for easy re-mixing within your sales enablement platform. Adding templated emails and social content into your enablement solution is another great way to make the personalization process simple for reps looking to quickly distribute thought leadership.

11.  Elevate your customer experience

It should come as no surprise that customer experience factors into the sales performance. When customers have trouble engaging with your business, be it on the web or as a result or certain sales processes, they will be reluctant to buy your solution.

Thus, an investment in exceptional customer experience can only boost sales performance. It’s important to remember that Individual reps can only control one-to-one aspects of customer engagements — elevating your entire customer experience requires aligning with marketing, customer success, and other sales-adjacent teams to drive consistent, easy interactions across the customer lifecycle.

12.  Activate every channel

You never know where your next buyer will meet you, so take advantage of every sales channel available to you. This could mean building and leveraging a partner-sales motion. But it could also mean exploring hidden gems, like hyper-specific industry events or that new social platform you brushed off.

As you explore new channels, be sure to provide reps with training, content, and guidance on how to maximize each one. Customizing messaging, introducing specific sales plays, and tailoring content to these new audiences will ensure your team’s pitches land effectively, wherever buyers encounter them.

13.  Build a robust referral network

Satisfied customers are your best salespeople. They are living, breathing, case studies — and if you’ve built a strong customer advocacy network, you can easily leverage their passion for your product to generate new business.

The key to activating your customer engine is to create happy customers in the first place. So start by investing your customer success and support teams, to ensure they have what they need to deliver exceptional customer experiences. Over time, you’ll build a pool of evangelists that will be more than happy to speak to prospects on your behalf.

14.  Put your people first

Unhappy employees are hardly going to be top-sellers. As you work to increase sales performance across your teams, never lose sight of the people who make it all possible.

From employee recognition to enhanced benefits and perks, whether or not you put your people first will determine your success in the long run. And if you aren’t sure how employees are feeling, simply ask them! Listening to and incorporating their feedback will ensure that as you launch new strategies and enter new markets, you have their enthusiastic support along the way. 

15.  Stay hungry

Say you’ve followed the above fourteen steps and seen your sales performance skyrocket. Though it might be tempting to bask in your success, you must resist. Your competitors are right behind you — and they’re waiting for you to grow complacent.

Always look for new ways to innovate on your product and surprise and delight your customers. In the fast-paced world of modern sales, it’s the only way to win.

Resolutions for a healthier business

 1st Jan 2022

The beginning of a new year is the perfect time to step back and plan activities that will build your leadership skill and lead to a more resilient, profitable and growth-oriented business. Business that is your dream work.

You don’t have to do it all right away. Its about introducing one new activity each month? Just make sure your action plan includes regular, scheduled follow-ups so you can assess your progress and get back on track when necessary.

1. Financial projections 

Projections are the cornerstone of good financial management. Cash flow projections will help make sure you have the money you need to meet your expenses and achieve your goals. Using a spreadsheet, or other planning tool, estimate your cash inflows and outflows each month, including any planned investments and financings. Now, track your cash flow as the year unfolds and make adjustments to keep your business on track.

2. Strategic plan

If you don’t have a strategic plan, it’s time to develop one. A recent survey found that over 70% of the most successful companies had a medium-term business plan compared to just 46% of their less successful counterparts. If you already have a plan, you should update it to take into account changes in your financial situation, important developments in your business or changes in your market.

3. Advisory board

An advisory board is a group of trusted advisers that meets regularly to help you make better business decisions and develop a long-term vision for your business. It’s a proven way to get valuable outside advice on running your business at a very reasonable cost. Yet, just 6% of entrepreneurs have one, according to a  survey.

4. Speed on online marketing

By now, you’re no doubt aware that your online presence has become your most important marketing tool whether you’re selling to consumers or to other businesses. So it’s time to make a plan and get going on upping your game. You should consider getting some outside help because many of the tasks—website design, content generation, social media, e‑commerce, search engine optimization, online ads, mobile compatibility—can be challenging.

5. More technology

Taking advantage of business software can help boost your company’s productivity, capacity to innovate and profits. You can use it to automate your key activities including finances, customer relations, production planning, inventory and human resources. Yet, here again, too few entrepreneurs are benefitting from the technology that’s available to them.

6. Review your sales targets

A sales plan is an essential document for driving your business towards your goals. Within the plan, you need stretch targets that challenge your sales team and keep your business growing.

7. Business processes down on paper

If you’re like many entrepreneurs you hold a lot of knowledge about running your business in your head. But as your company grows you risk becoming a bottleneck and the largest impediment to your own success. One way to avoid that is by getting all that knowledge out of your head and down on paper in the form of standardized, repeatable procedures.

8. Clean up your place of business

All too often a grimy factory or messy office is a tell-tale sign of much deeper problems at companies. Conversely, a clean workplace can get your company running more efficiently and set your team up to tackle other improvements.

9. Performance management system

A sound performance management system is a powerful tool for encouraging employee engagement by linking performance to company goals. It can also help you to identify up-and-coming talent, clarify training needs, shape succession plans and help make more objective compensation and staffing decisions.

10. Regular meetings with your key suppliers

Your suppliers can be crucial allies for your business by going the extra mile on important orders, helping develop new products and managing your cash flow. It’s important that you view them as partners in your business and nurture your relationships with them.

11.. Plan you days ahead

It’s critical for entrepreneurs to organize their days to make sure they’re doing the right things at the right time. A good place to start is to plan your day ahead of time. Before leaving the office, create a to-do list for the next day. When you get in the next morning, you’ll be ready to hit the ground running.