Rank a Blog in Google’s Top 10 Search Results

Are you dreaming of getting 1,000 organic clicks a day to your website?

These numbers are possible, and plenty of websites achieve it , but if you’re going to reach these numbers, then you’re going to have to rank your blog in Google’s top 10 search results.

Mean to “Rank’’ on Google

Ranking a blog on Google simply means getting your website listed in the search results when someone Googles a term or question. This is a fundamental goal for most website owners and it opens up opportunities to gain a large amount of traffic to your site

There’s a catch, though.

How many times have you been to page five of Google’s results? How often do you even make it to page two?

Page two results get well below a one percent click-through rate, so ranking in the top 10 search results (which are the ones that appear on page ones) is essential. If your blog isn’t ranking in the top 10, then very few people see your listing in the search results, and even fewer people are clicking to your website.

Ranking in the top 10 search results on Google is vital because that’s where all the traffic comes from.

Tips on How to Get Your Blog to Rank in Google’s Top 10

Ranking a blog in Google’s top 10 for your target keywords can bring thousands of clicks to your website each day. Naturally, this brings competition, meaning it’s not as simple as putting up a blog and watching it soar to the top of the rankings.

Ranking well on Google takes consistency; it means doing the right things over and over and becoming a reliable source of value for your readers.

It is a process, and when you consistently follow the steps, you’re likely to find your blogs ranking in those top 10 spots.

1. Research What’s Currently Ranking in the Top 10 Results for the Keywords You Want to Rank On

Why should Google rank your blog in the top 10?

It wants to send people to trustworthy websites that answer their questions in the best way.

If you’re writing an article on “How to Take Care of Your Cat,” and the next on “How to Start Your Own Investment Bank,” then Google might wonder where your expertise truly lies. Instead, your blogs need to be focused on your area of expertise and the information your audience is looking for.

This is where your keyword research comes in.

By using tools like Ubersuggest, you can begin to understand how users search Google, giving you ideas about the types of content you should be writing. For example, you might type in “investment banking” and find other keywords people are searching for, such as “investment banking salary,” “investment banking analyst,” and “investment banking jobs.”

How to rank a blog using Ubersuggest

Once you’ve made a list of relevant keywords, then it’s time to check out your competition. Through Ubersuggest, or by typing the keywords into Google, you can analyze the results that already feature in the top 10 to find out what makes them successful:

How long is the content?

What topics do they discuss?

What type of domain are they (if they’re .edu, they can be difficult to beat)?

Google uses a complicated algorithm to decide what pages rank at the top of the rankings, so looking at the competition gives you an idea of what it’s looking for. You can now take the aspects that make these pages successful and add your own personal touches to your posts about similar topics.

2. Optimize for On-Page SEO

On-page SEO refers to the way you structure your page and its HTML to boost its chances of ranking.

I often say the most important part of blogging is offering value to the reader, but you’ve also got to convey that value to the search engines. Google isn’t human so it doesn’t interpret content in quite the same ways as your readers. In a way, it has its own language, and your blog has to communicate properly with it if it’s going to rank in the top 10 search results.

Google’s algorithms have come a long way in the past decade or so, and today, they’re amazingly good at understanding the meaning behind words (semantics). Still, if you want to rank for a certain keyword, then you’ve got to use it and show Google that word is central to what you’re writing about.

You can do this by including keywords in:


meta descriptions

image files

page content

alt text


Before we get too carried away with keywords, though, remember that your user comes first. Just stuffing keywords into your text at every opportunity isn’t going to look or feel natural, and it’s going to put human readers off.

Google understands the importance of user experience, so a big part of your on-page SEO is making sure you tick these boxes. People want a clean and fast user experience, so it’s important to take care of the following as well:

don’t keyword stuff

optimize images

break your page down into easy-to-read sections

avoid thin content

On-page SEO is the nuts and bolts of what you do with your blog, so it’s important to make sure you’re optimizing what you do each time.

3. Optimize for Technical SEO

What’s the number one thing that drives you mad about a website?

Is it that it loads slowly? Buttons move all over the screen when you’re about to click them?

These are common user experience errors and they cause people to bounce from your page without engaging with the content.

Google doesn’t want to send people to websites that annoy its users, so it keeps a close eye on metrics, such as load speed. This means you need to do everything you can on the technical SEO side of things to ensure your pages are performing for the reader.

There are lots of tools out there to help you with this and show you how Google itself views your website. Programs like Ubersuggest and Google Lighthouse can give you important insights into how your site is performing and walk you through how to make fixes.

For many, this can seem daunting and overly technical but it’s an important part of getting your blog ranked.

4. Get Backlinks

If your next-door neighbor tells you to buy stocks in BMW this week, the first thing you’ll probably do is ask why, and then research if other people are saying the same thing.

We want to see evidence that what we’re being told is trustworthy, and when it comes to your blog, Google wants to see the same thing. It wants to see who is backing up what you’re saying, and the way it does this is by analyzing your link profile (the links pointing from external websites to your pages.)

Now, imagine another neighbor chimes into the discussion. He’s a painter and decorator. He says, “I agree, you definitely should be investing in BMW.” Another person is backing up the advice, and he seems like a smart enough guy, so his opinion might carry some weight.

As you’re having the conversation, though, Warren Buffett walks by and says, “you’ve absolutely got to buy BMW stock.” This recommendation is going to carry a lot of weight because, well, he’s Warren Buffett.

Backlinks work in the same way; the more people you have backing up what you say (linking to you), and the more authoritative those people are, the more Google is going to trust your information.

Google’s algorithm has become more and more adept at understanding the meaning behind the content, but backlinks remain one of the most important ranking factors.

5. Create Helpful Content

What is valuable content?

Blogs can offer value to the reader for different reasons: They address pain points, answer a question, entertain, or some combination of the three.

This is where it’s important to understand your target audience and what they’re looking for. If you know what information people want and how they search for it, you can create in-depth content that will delight them.

It’s likely Google pays attention to engagement in some way, and even if it didn’t you still need engagement to turn clicks into something valuable for your website. If you’re offering thin content that doesn’t address people’s questions and help them solve their problems, then you won’t get the level of engagement you need.

If you’re going to make the effort of creating content, and you want to create a blog that ranks on Google, then go the extra mile and make sure it’s deserving of ranking.

Here are my nine ingredients for great content:

Original content: Always put your own take on things, and don’t rehash old ideas.

Headlines are key: Make your headlines concise yet catchy and draw people in.

Make it actionable: Give people the information they need to take action.

Provide answers: Providing good answers to search queries is the reason search engines send people to you.

Be accurate with your reporting and sources: Use reputable sources and check your information.

Be thought-provoking: Encourage people to explore the subject further.

Don’t just rely on text: Use images and video to appeal to more people.

Cut out the fluff: People want you to get to the point.

Keep updating your website and blogs: Keep your information relevant and up to date.

Consistently creating high-quality content isn’t easy, but an editorial calendar is a great way to plan out your schedule.

6. Use the AIDA Model

AIDA is a commonly used marketing model, and it can help when you’re writing blogs. It’s broken down into four stages: awareness, interest, desire, and action, and can be a good way to structure your articles.

how to rank a blog with the AIDA marketing model

The first thing you need to do is grab people’s attention, so how are you going to do this? If someone sees your listing in the SERPs or a link on social media, what attracts them to it?

This could be your amazing titles or some cool images (in the case of social media or on your website itself).

Once you’ve grabbed someone’s attention, you have to create enough interest for them to read on and engage with your content. First impressions are key, and if your early paragraphs aren’t on point, then you will lose people.

Your reader is interested now, but how do you turn that interest into desire?

Now you can talk about the benefits of your topic, and perhaps slip in how your business can help solve the problem. For example, this article is all about answering your questions on how to rank a blog in Google’s top 10 search results, but it’s also an opportunity for me to highlight how I can help you do it and build your desire to take action.

The last part is action, and this is a test of how well you’ve done with the other steps. Can you get people to explore your site further, become a lead, or make a purchase?

How to Rank a Blog FAQs

How do I do SEO for my blog?

There are numerous free resources available for those who want to learn basic SEO on their own so they can incorporate best practices into their blog. If you work for a company blog, you may want to hire a digital marketing agency to help you get started.

How long should my blog be?

Experts have found that to rank well in Google, your blog posts should be about 2,000 words.

When is the best time to post a new blog article?

Research has found the best time to post a blog article for maximum traffic potential is late Monday mornings.

How many blog posts should I write before going live?

It’s probably a good idea to have about 5 posts ready when you go live with your blog. That way, people can get a fuller picture of the kind of content you’ll be publishing.

How to Rank a Blog Conclusion

There’s no silver bullet to get your blog ranking in Google’s top 10 search results. Instead, it’s about consistently doing the right things and offering the reader value.

Ask yourself what Google wants to achieve by ranking your blog in the top 10, and you have a pretty good idea of what you need to do.

Creating amazing content that’s optimized for your target audience and presenting it through a fast, clean user experience will give you a great shot at bringing in traffic. It takes commitment and hard work, but it is possible.

Optimize Blog Post For SEO

 If you have a blog, chances are you already understand the importance of business blogging and its SEO benefits. But do you know how to optimize your blog posts to make them more search engine friendly?

The truth is, many bloggers fail to take advantage of the enormous marketing potential of their blogs. In fact, a recent study by blogger.com shows that although roughly 60% of businesses have blogs, 65% of those blog owners haven’t even updated in the past year! By providing fresh, relevant content and performing basic blog post optimization, you can take advantage of the many benefits blogging offers.

Here are six easy search engine optimization (SEO) tips to help get your blog noticed.

1. Do your research

Keyword research is essential for on page optimization. Chances are you are naturally including keywords without realizing it simply by providing valuable content on a topic. However, there are a variety of tools and techniques for finding related keywords relevant to your blog post that you may not have considered. The Google Adwords Keyword Tool and semrush.com both offer great tools that allow you to find keywords related to your topic and even spy on your competition to see what words and phrases they are targeting to bring traffic to their sites.

2. Utilize keywords throughout your post. Once you have targeted a couple of valuable, relevant keywords, it is important to place them where they will have the most impact for humans and search engine crawlers indexing your content. Try to include them in the following places:


Headings and subheadings

Introductory sentence

Concluding paragraph

Anchor text (text you hyperlink to other related pages on your site)

Title tags and meta descriptions

A word of caution: Don’t engage in keyword stuffing, which is the act of filling your content with so many keywords that it becomes difficult to read. Not only will this irritate your blog followers, it will also get you penalized by Google. A couple of strategically placed keywords will do the trick.

3. Optimize your images. Whenever you upload a photo to your blog, be sure to include keywords in the file name and fill out the alternate text field with a brief, keyword rich description of the photo.

4. Reference others with links. When you mention another blogger or article in your blog post, include a link to the information you are referencing. Not only is it good blogging etiquette, but you may also get lucky and receive a link back. Quality links are a valuable commodity for any site looking to rank higher in search engine results pages.

5. Give readers the opportunity to subscribe to your blog. Include prominently placed RSS or Feed Subscription Buttons and offer viewers the ability to subscribe to your posts via email when possible. This allows your blog followers to have instant notification of your latest posts without having to periodically check your site for new content.

6. Use social media to broaden the reach of your blog posts. As a small business, you may be utilizing Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or other social media sites to create connections with potential and current customers. Why not promote your blog content on these sites for even more web exposure? Free programs like Hootsuite make it easy to post links to your latest blog post on all of your social media sites with just a couple of clicks. You can even schedule your posts ahead of time!

By following these simple SEO tips, you can encourage higher rankings in SERPS, increased web traffic, and higher customer conversion rates.

sometime Im Happy

 Saturday morning , everything started as i wanted always to be, morning tea on bed and peak a boo with my cellphone. My three friend are on holiday enjoying their trip and one more ready to go on trip with her husband . Five on contacts are celebrating their wedding anniversary and seven of random contact celebrating birth day of their sibling or spouse. Remaining updated their status with casual city outing picture with family friends and finally some with status of motivational quote and good morning wishes.

Then come to those chat section of whatsapp , total thirteen messages , but all are for  work related. Not a single message of any friend, how even can be possible because i even never texted to them, so there is zero probability of any known one , friend one, relative one and family one message.

Its very normal routine for me, and with same i proceed to meet my best buddy , that is my work seat. Which is always ready to meet me with same enthusiasm , just like me. Im with this my normal mood , which is i think better than last two days. Bit easy for me, specially because its Saturday today. But i have to look full of energy , because it make my family happy , by seeing me happy.

Sometimes it feels like society says you should be always happy, and that showing your sadness is a sign of weakness. This is far from true – if you were to hold in all your sadness or anger you would explode. We all have good and bad days. No one can be perfectly happy all of the time, that is not human. One day you feel on top of the world, the next you are down. While I am still trying to accept this myself, I know that it is part of life and whether or not others choose to show it, it still happens.

For those who are struggling with mental illness and/or grief, dealing with this pressure to always seem happy can be even more challenging, as a lot of days are low. Sometimes when we are feeling down, we put on a mask to hide the darkness that lies behind the smile. Getting out of bed can be a major task by itself. With depression at times there is no apparent reason for why you are feeling this way. When it feels as though a cloud is hanging over our heads, those are the days we push people away the most. We do this because it is easier to try and forget about what is going on and not bother others with our problems. But getting through your problems and ignoring your problems are two completely different things.

Whether that is talking to someone about what is going on, finding answers to what is causing that emotion, or using coping skills such as drawing, yoga, mindfulness, and so many other healthy ideas, there are ways to help you get through the bad days. It’s okay to feel down.

Here are 3 tips for those days when you feel trapped:

Try to be social: This can be very hard, especially if you don’t want others to know what is going on but it can help. This could be as simple as starting a small conversation with your friends, teachers, family, or anyone else. I tried to implement this, but it wont work out for me.

Use coping skills: The list of coping skills could go on for pages and they are unique to each individual. Some healthy coping strategies include journaling, coloring, playing a sport, going on a run, yoga, deep breathing, and so many more. Once you find a few or maybe even just one it can help tremendously. Painting is definitely my type of skill.

Let yourself feel: When a low day hits that doesn’t mean you have to shut out what you are truly feeling inside. While this may be uncomfortable at times, acknowledging your feelings can help you move through them.

Remember you are not alone and you are not bothering others: Everyone in life has problems. That doesn’t mean you are adding to another person’s own problems if you share how you are feeling. You are not a burden. I have found that when I do share those thoughts and feelings a weight is lifted off my shoulders and a sense of relief comes over me.

The journey of life is filled with ups and downs, which is what shapes us into the people we are. When you’re having a bad day or a good day, remember that people do care about you, you are here for a reason, and the world would not be the same without you.

Create Branded Amazon Store

 Being one of the most renowned eCommerce retailers with a massive seller and customer base at its marketplace, Amazon is indeed the best place to highlight your unique value proposition. Yes, of course, you can become a seller anytime there, but learning how to create an Amazon Store and set up your products there helps you to take your business to the next level.

Besides Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) & Amazon A+ Content being the norm (which you should have already implemented), your business can reach greater positions with Amazon Stores.

Through Amazon Stores, customers can unveil and learn about more brands as well as their product selections. A “Store” enables a brand to create a dedicated & rich shopping experience and increases engagement.

A brand can enhance its customer experience by enhancing its business-related metrics like traffic, sales, and engagement over time.

So, what exactly is Amazon Store, and how can it help you increase sales?

Let’s understand them in detail.

Quick Guide:

Why Should You Create An Amazon Store?

What Are The Key Features Of the Amazon Store?

How Do Stores Work?

How Do Amazon Stores Look Like?

How To Create An Amazon Store?

How To Get The Most Out Of An Amazon Store?

Other Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Amazon Store

Amazon’s in-store is one of the key features for brands to drive sales and increase shopper loyalty.

Amazon Stores is the new DIY (Do-It-Yourself) solution, which allows sellers & vendors to set up their own brand stores on Amazon.com. The feature is exclusively designed to provide customers with an immersive and rich virtual shopping experience.

In short, it is a free self-service product, which enables a brand owner to create and design multi-page stores to highlight their products, value proposition, and brands on Amazon.

Why Should You Create An Amazon Store?

The main purpose of creating an Amazon Store is to drive shopper engagement. Since it is a created destination for buyers to learn about different brands and shop different products in one place, it makes it ideal as all as convenient for them to shop.

A “Store” provides an excellent brand-centric shopping experience on both Mobile and Desktop platforms.

Amazon Store elevates the experience of shoppers by:

Giving an enhanced mobile experience.

Capitalizing on both internal and external sources of traffic.

Boosting organic rankings on Amazon SERPs (Search Engine Page Results) and thereby, increasing the sales volume.

Providing an opportunity to popularize your brand to newer audiences.

Promoting your products to all the preexisting customers.

Amazon Stores is a perfect way to build customizable pages by showcasing a small or single group of items. You can include a slideshow containing photos, texts, videos, and other types of content. This makes it great for new product launches.

Why Are The Key Features Of Amazon Store?

Key features:

Unique Design: With Stores, you can pick your design from a wide range of templates with different store layouts as well as customizable features just to ensure that your brand looks its “best” to the shoppers.

Custom Curation: You can feature or highlight a handpicked/dynamic collection of products with optional and impressive multimedia content to improve the shopping experience of your customers.

Integrated Promotions: You are free to use its inbuilt social features such as social sharing buttons, connected with various promotional extensions like Headline Search Ads. This drives store awareness & traffic.

Multi-Pages: Amazon Stores lets you create multiple pages (3 levels maximum) for showcasing your brand as well as products. You can customize the shopping experience depending on what your business needs.

Self-service Builder: With Stores, you get a simple and intuitive builder, which inspires you to set up as engaging as it can be. The templates are simple and easy to use. They are available for free and can be simplified to create an extraordinary experience.

Rich Media: It helps in elevating the shopping experience by including rich media & content like images and text. A vendor can create his or her Amazon Store just by logging in to his or her Amazon Marketing Service account and select the Stores tab.

No coding required: Since it has a set of templates to choose from, you don’t have to know coding or programming to create one. You can use text, images, and videos to promote your brand and items for free on Amazon without writing a line of code.

How Do Stores Work?

The way Amazon Stores work is not rocket science. It is simple and easily understandable.

1. Showcase your products and brand story.

You can help shoppers to locate your product portfolio and its related items on Amazon easily.

Here is a good example of it:

2. Design your brand store the way you want. No coding skills are required.

With the help of pre-designed templates or drag-and-drop tiles, you can create a fully customized, enriched, and multi-page store, without coding skills.

3. Get your own web address on amazon.com.

You can drive shoppers to visit your Amazon Store via ads and other marketing activities outside Amazon by using an easy-to-remember and unique Amazon URL.

4. Utilize Store Insights for optimizing your ad campaigns.

Amazon Store Optimization

Insights give you a clear understanding of your Amazon Store’s traffic sources and sales. When you have these metrics, you will know how to perform better and excel in them.

How Do Amazon Stores Look Like?

Amazon Store has multiple pages and every page comprises a header & footer surrounded by different content tiles.

The picture shown below is an example of how your products can look on the Amazon Store.

Amazon Store Basics

Every Amazon Store can have up to 3 levels with various pages at every level.

Note: When you drive traffic to any new storefront page through Headline Search Ads, you can easily send shoppers to your home tab or any other category directly. Every page includes a unique link or URL.

Amazon Store enables you to select from 3 different templates (which are default tiles):

Product Grid



Amazon Store Manager involves 4 sections:

Page Manager: This allows you to select, move, create, and delete the pages from Amazon Store.

Tile Manager: This allows you to add, move, edit, and delete the tiles from Amazon Store.

Preview Window: This shows how your current page looks like when it is life.

Status Bar: Gives the Amazon Store’s current moderation status and shows the error messages.

How To Create An Amazon Store?

Creating an Amazon Storefront is not a simple task but also free, given that you are had enrolled with the Amazon Brand Registry program.

Here is the step-by-step process to set up an Amazon Store:

Step 1: Create a professional seller account

Everything begins by signing up for a professional seller account. Once you give your basic details like name, password, email address, payment information, and business contact details, Amazon allows you to pick the web store items and buy your online store.

To ensure that you are a real or legitimate business, Amazon will verify by calling you on the business contact number that you have provided. Therefore, always double-check if you have typed everything correctly.

Amazon is selective when it comes to the approval process and letting you sell on its marketplace. It has strict documentation and verification requirements. This protects the sellers and the customers by removing counterfeiters as well as sellers who try to manipulate organic rankings with several accounts.

To create a professional seller account, these details are required:

Your name (as per the income tax return)

Your full address

Your contact number

Your email address

Your business structure type (LLC partnership, sole proprietor, corporation)

Registration state

Your FTI (Federal Tax Identification) number

For identity verification, you need to keep these handy:

First & last name

DOB (Date of Birth)

Government-issued ID like driving license number

Country of issue

A high-quality image of the front and back part of your ID

Your bank account statement

For fee:

You need to give your credit card details so that Amazon uses it to charge your monthly fee, which is $39.99.

For payment:

You need a U.S. bank account number

Step 2: Register with Amazon Brand Registry

Now, once Amazon approves your professional selling account, the next step to create an Amazon Store is to apply for ABR (Amazon Brand Registry) program.

The ABR program offers different tools to guard and improve your brand on Amazon. This also includes:

Professional presentations

Access to even the “gated or restricted” selling categories

Enhanced marketing & advertising features

Note: Brand Registry tools aren’t accessible to resellers.

So, once you register your brand, you can create enhanced content for every product page like lifestyle images, brand messaging, and many other assets.

Remember that only a registered brand can control all its product pages. The Brand Services of Amazon will help eliminate counterfeit sellers/sellers who disobey your brand’s trademark.

Though a tool like Brand Analytics provides detailed insights and metrics on Amazon’s shoppers, one of the primary benefits of Brand Registry is its ability to create a branded storefront.

To apply for the ABR program, you need to provide these details:

Your brand name, as registered with the United States Patent & Trademark Office

Your brand’s serial number (USPTO registered)

List of countries where your products are manufactured as well as distributed

Your brand name’s image on your product

Your product label image

Your product image(s)

Step 3: Create your store’s homepage with an appropriate template

Once your brand is registered with ABR (Amazon Brand Registry), login to your Seller Central account or from Ad Console, go to Stores > Manage Stores. 

managing amazon store

Managing Amazon Store

Once you do this, you will be shown a list of your brands that qualify for a Store creation.

Choose from the list and follow the additional steps that Amazon prompts you to do. This mainly includes designing your homepage by choosing a template.

Amazon Store Product Themes

Amazon will show you four different themes to choose from. Pick the right one based on your business needs.

Step 4: Build your store pages

After you establish your store’s homepage, it is time to create additional pages depending on your best-selling products, catalog categories, deals, discounts, and more.

Amazon Store Settings

You should build your store pages much similar to the one if you had your own eCommerce website.

Pay attention to even the tiniest detail while building the page. Ensure that the navigation is easy enough for shoppers to find exactly what they are looking for without much effort. A convenient shopping experience is key here. So, make sure that your pages are designed that way.

Step 5: Add the content tiles to every page

Once you have established a proper hierarchy of your pages (keep in mind that they should be customer-friendly with easy navigation), the next step is to add content tiles to every page.

So, content tiles are basically the content that a customer can interact with on every page of your store. These include:



Product grids (example: bestsellers)




Step 7: Upload your products

Once you have the design layout of various pages ready, it is time to add your products. In each store, there is a product inventory, a wide collection of items for buyers to pick from.

So, your store is no exception. You will also have to stock your store with items that you want to sell.

However, unlike other stores, the perk over here is that you can upload your entire product inventory in one go.

You just have to assign ASINs (Amazon Standard Identification Number) or UPC Codes to every product. Then, it is only a matter of copy and paste.

Amazon makes this task straightforward because you can easily search the ASINs that you are selling on their Marketplace already.

Amazon Product Grid

Step 8: Submit your created store pages for review and then, publish

After you have designed all your pages properly, you do a quick review of them so that there aren’t mistakes. Click on the Store Preview option to check how your designed page is like.

Check for:

Grammatical errors

Spelling mistakes

Branding or image inconsistencies

Issues with navigation, product images, and content tiles

Now, submit the created pages to Amazon so that they can review them.

What metrics can you see through “Amazon’s Store Insights”?

Amazon Store Insights offers clear metrics related to your products, which include:

Daily visitors: This is the total number of unique devices or users who viewed your store page(s) in a day.

Views: This is the number of views that a page received during a specific time period. However, this also includes repeated views.

Views or Visitor: This is the number of unique pages (on average) viewed by a visitor on a daily basis.

Sales: This is the total estimated sales that your products received from the visitors within 14 days of their last visit.

Units sold: This is the total estimated units that store visitors bought within 14 days of their last visit.

Tip: Use the brand analytics tool from your Store’s main page.

Apart from the metrics mentioned above, there are 4 other sources of traffic that Amazon also measures, which include:

Organic Traffic: This refers to the traffic that you get within Amazon such as the brand’s detailed page links or search results (by ranking on page #1 of Amazon results page).

Traffic from Headline Search Ads: This is the traffic that your store pages receive through headline ads.

Tagged Sources: This is the traffic that is tracked via custom source tags. You can create your own source tags for multiple traffic channels.

Others: Other sources of traffic that aren’t categorized.

Additional Tips:

1. Use the Brand Analytics tool to measure your sales performance

Once you have published your branded storefront, you can start using the Brand Analytics tool to measure your performance.

Many resellers & brands tend to buy third-party tools to gain insights into Amazon’s conversions, sales, search terms, and other different metrics.

But the problem with those tools is that besides paying so much, they fail to give you the exact data. They are rather “estimates,” and not actual data.

On the other hand, Brand Analytics is a tool from Amazon, which is exclusively designed to provide real data to all registered brands. It shows the information on:

Top keywords or search terms that can help you get more conversions for respective products & categories.

Keywords of your competitors’ products.

Also, you can see the metrics of the top-performing keywords along with the top 3 items, which have converted to sales for every search term. Now, this is an important piece of information, which no third-party tool will be able to give.

It enables brands to know the exact keywords that customers are searching for and which can convert into more sales.

Brands can leverage this information to optimize their product pages as well as build better and creative ads.

Besides this, Brand Analytics provides data for product comparisons. It also shows the items that potential buyers compared to yours, and further shows if a compared product made a conversion.

This is brilliant information to build targeted ads and analyze your competitor’s ads. Undeniably, customer demographics (gender, income, age, education level, etc.) is one of the most vital data because it gives a 360° view of your product’s performance.

These details help brands to comprehend their customers better, which is important for targeting ads both on & off Amazon.

2. Target Amazon Ads to increase your product sales

Ads are one of the ideal ways to enhance your product sales. With an enhanced ad platform, anyone can give an ad on Amazon but the question is how optimized the ad is, to create better sales?

3. Highlight your products and reflect your brand’s story

It is important to follow a few best practices educating, helping, and inspiring potential shoppers to locate your brand as well as your products.

When it comes to your Store’s messaging, visual identity, and tone – be consistent.

Use engaging and rich content to highlight brand differentiators.

Make sure that your Store’s navigation can be easily explored and discovered.

If you’re stuck, in this video you’ll learn 6 Strategies to Build your Brand on Amazon:

How To Get The Most Out Of An Amazon Store?

These are a few tips that are important to make the most out of Amazon Stores:

Customize your store’s space

Just like no individuals are the same, no two stores can be the same— so, design yours creatively and make sure that the layout you design suits your brand.

Once you have set up your branded storefront, it is time to share it with your customers through a unique store URL (which is: https://www.amazon.com/your-brand).

Note that Amazon’s Store Builder tool helps brand owners to build their stores in a few minutes and get them live in 72 hours.

While designing, make sure that the design is simple and has easy navigation.

Use various templates for product categories, featured products such as new releases or top sellers, and sub-brands. Include impressive multimedia content to add colors to your brand.

Start an eBay Store

 Until recently I thought that it was common knowledge that you can sell on eBay without creating an eBay store.

Then I started reading some posts from eBay newbies and realized that the “eBay store” feature is seen by many newbies as a must rather than an optional feature that is relevant only to some eBay sellers depending on various parameters.

So for this post I decided to create the ultimate guide on how to start an eBay store:

Right time to open an eBay store

Subscription type to choose

Guide to setting up your eBay store

Features to implement in your store

Which 3rd party tools are recommended, if any?

When is the right time to open an eBay store

For most entrepreneurs, a store is a natural step in the growth of your online business. 

Some would argue that setting up an eBay store instead of your own webstore is a mistake , the main reason being that when you sell on a marketplace where you are a guest, you are essentially on someone else’s platform and must abide by their rules or else you run the risk of being suspended and losing your livelihood.

Going back to talking about the right time to open an eBay store, to me this is equally a cost based question as it is a branding issue, here are a few points to consider before setting up shop on eBay:

Building your brand name – having a strong brand is a key factor when selling products. Even mega brands like Coca-Cola spend tens of millions of dollars a year in brand retention. That is exactly what eBay does and that is why it attracts millions of shoppers the world over. The question you have to ask yourself is: Do I have the knowhow to build a strong enough brand to do it independently?

Cost efficiency – eBay makes it beneficial for sellers from a certain level to pay for a store subscription versus selling without a store. It mainly depends on your monthly revenue and the number of listings you post. I wrote a complete guide explaining all types of eBay seller fees including how to choose the correct eBay store subscription, please read this on order to understand the whole picture.

Promotion – Where will my products get more exposure ? eBay has millions of shoppers but also millions of sellers. But traffic is traffic and you can run relatively low cost advertising campaigns on eBay and on social media. When you have an independent web store you need to start promoting yourself from the ground up and are likely to begin with very little traffic – it will take time and money to build your customer base.

The ultimate question you ought to ask yourself though is on which platform will I be most successful and profitable?

For those of you who believe eBay is your best bet, read on and I will walk you through the process of starting your very own eBay store:

Step-by-step guide to setting up your eBay store

Keep in mind that in order to open a store on eBay, you need to first open an eBay account and it is recommended to have first sold a few items as an individual as eBay restricts new sellers, forcing them to use training wheels before they can fly.

Here is a four step guide to starting a store for the absolute newest of newbies:

Step 1: Opening an eBay business seller account

In order to sell items on eBay, you need to register for an account. At the top left hand corner click the register button:

Keep in mind that you will have to accept eBay’s user agreement and that:

It is totally free to sign up for eBay but when you do sell an item you will pay eBay seller’s fees

Be sure to be up to date with the latest eBay seller policies so that you don’t break any rules. The most recent update is the 2017 Fall seller update

If long term you are planning on making a business out of this then opt for the business account option and not the personal account. Do keep in mind though that you have to be a legally registered business for this.

register ebay business account

Once you have registered you will need to decide what to sell on eBay. If you already have a bricks and mortar store then you will probably want to sell those items online otherwise I would recommend focusing on selling one type of item such as men’s shoes or one category type such as men’s clothing. This will make you seem like an expert in your field to potential buyers. And of course you can always check out the “Trending on eBay!” page to see what is hot right now:

Start by listing a few individual items for sale on eBay. Remember that eBay will charge you once you have sold the item and try to:

Write a title that real buyers would search for. See my my previous eBay Title builder blog for more on this

Include high quality photos

Write a thorough description or consider using a high generating eBay description template

Step 2: Qualify to open a store

I recommend you gain 3-6 months of experience before opening up your store. This will allow you to:

Learn about the buying and selling process

Allow you to hopefully receive positive buyer reviews and feedback

Do away with eBay restrictions for new sellers

Make sure you are generating enough monthly sales in order to make it worth your while to open an eBay store. I recommend you be moving $500-$1,000 a month in merchandise.

eBay recommends that sellers have at least 25 active eBay listings at a time so make sure you have that many and that you can handle that level of inventory management.

Make sure you have a payment method on file – eBay requires this so that they can automatically charge you seller fees when items are sold.

Also make sure that you have a verified PayPal account as many buyers prefer this method of payment. Typically you will need to provide:

Bank account information

Credit card information

Tax ID number such as your Social Security

choose payment method for ebay store

Step 3: Choose the right eBay store subscription

First off you need to choose what type of subscription you want and need. Before choosing I recommend you start simple as you can upgrade at any point in time (eBay recently announced on a lower store subscription tier called ‘Starter’ which costs $7.95/mo so you may consider this plan at first). Choosing a plan means you will not be paying individual listing fees rather one flat fee for a specific predetermined number of listings. The more items you sell on eBay the better the offer will be. Here is the official eBay pricing chart:

As you can see eBay has divided its store subscriptions into three simple categories (we did not include the ‘starter’ and ‘enterprise’ plans as they are not live yet):

Basic – 250 fixed price listings per  month at a 20 cent insertion fee and 250 auction style listings per month at 25 cents as well as 5,000 off-eBay promotional emails per month  

Premium – 1,000 fixed price listings per  month at a 10 cent insertion fee and 500 auction style listings per month at 15 cents as well as 7,500 off-eBay promotional emails per month

Anchor – 10,000 fixed price listings per month at a 5 cent insertion fee and 1,000 auction style listings per month at 10 cents as well as 10,000 off-eBay promotional emails per month

Choose your store name

Next, Choose a name for your store – this name will ultimately become your store’s URL so make sure to choose wisely and think about how real people will be able to find you or more accurately your product on a search engine. Try to be precise over being cool or humorous: try ‘Men’s Clothing & Accessories’ over ‘Mike’s Shoes & Belts’, for example.

ebay store name url

Once you have chosen your subscription type and your store name you simply have to agree to eBay’s terms and conditions and officially subscribe.

subscribe to an ebay store

Now your store is active you can start selling like a pro and you can work on other aspects of your business such as:




Just to name a few.

Step 4: Design your eBay store

By now you are well on your way to becoming a successful eBay shop owner. Don’t forget to:

Constantly add new items to your store

Offer promotions

Pay attention to which products are selling and which aren’t – ditch the ones that aren’t profitable and increase the variety of your top sellers

Don’t forget to try out both ‘auctions’ and ‘buy it now’ and see which one works best for you

Oh ya, don’t forget to have fun – shopping should always be fun and believe it or not shoppers can sense sellers who are positive and believe in their product, your shop window (or homepage in this case) is your facial expression and smiles sell more than frowns 🙂

Setting up the 2 most valuable eBay store features

#2: Creating store categories

Creating ebay store categories

Be sure to create categories for your store. eBay gives you the option to divide your products into categories as a store owner and this makes it untellingly easier for customers to find your items which ultimately makes it easier for you to move your merchandise. If you are selling men’s clothing consider putting each item in its proper category such as:












store categories for clothing

#2: Building an email list for newsletters

Building an email list of your shoppers is critical for repeat business. Over time it’s one of the most effective tactics to generate more sales. The idea behind this is very simple: think about it from a shopper’s view, if you bought something and you’re happy with the experience, would you buy from the same retailer again?

eBay allows its store owners to dabble in email marketing via newsletter and shoppers can sign up by:

adding you to their list of saved sellers

or clicking ‘sign up for store newsletter’ which appears on your store homepage

Sellers typically create these messages in order to:

Promote their store

Update customers regarding sales

Inform shoppers when new items are added to your store

And to generally touch base with customers and remind them that your store is there for them whenever they should need to make their next purchase

eBay provides ready made templates under ‘marketing tools’ > ‘email marketing’ (I also recommend reading X-cart’s expert guide about email marketing templates).

Your email will be comprised of:

Subject – This appears in people’s inbox and is the first thing they see assuming your email hopefully did not end up in their spam box. Try and make this short, catchy and simple, for example: ‘Hot new men’s outfits’ or ‘winter sale: 20%off all items’

Header – This will appear at the top of the message and might be something catchy like ‘50% off all electronics’ or ‘buy one get one free’

Personal message – You want to keep this message professional but friendly and let people briefly know what you are selling and why they should buy from your store today

Items to showcase – here you can highlight items that you want to push or that are particularly popular, on special offer or new arrivals. These items appear as large images at the top of the message

Item list – eBay allows you to display a list of up to 50 items so that shoppers can browse your wares without leaving the comfort of their inbox

Seller feedback – you have the option to link to your feedback. Positive peer feedback and high ratings consistently account for consumers choosing whether or not to buy from one seller or another so make sure to include this line if you have great ratings. If your feedback or ratings are not so high maybe avoid displaying this link altogether.


Having a store on eBay is definitely not a must, it should be a financial decision first and a branding decision next.

Amazon SEO

 When a buyer arrives at Amazon, he/she has only one goal: buy a particular product. But the ultimate question is: who will he/she get it from?

Now, if you want the answer to be “you,” it is important to comprehend how Amazon SEO (Search Engine Optimization) works in the current scenario and how to crack Amazon’s A9 algorithm.

With millions of active sellers in the Amazon Marketplace, you HAVE to keep your product listings optimized, clear, and appealing to potential buyers.

Considering this, here is comprehensive guide that not only unveils how the Amazon product ranking algorithm works but also highlights the key strategies and tools to outrank your competitors.

So, let’s get started.

Understand How Amazon Search Works

Like Google, Amazon evaluates the search results through its algorithm, which again involves a plethora of factors.

The underlying search engine is called A9. The algorithm employs multiple parameters to compute the relevancy of millions of products stored in its database with the search queries entered by the users.

Before we get into the various tactics to optimize your Amazon product listings, you need to have a basic understanding of how Amazon search works.

This usually includes the Amazon search results page, the different categories on the search result page, sponsored products, and search filters.

1.Amazon’s Search Result Page

The Amazon Seller Central has a comprehensive system for categorizing its products. Check out this comprehensive guide to know more about Amazon Seller Central.

When a user or buyer or shopper (however, you call it) searches for something on Amazon, there are two ways the products are displayed on the result page:

List View: This layout type features about 15 – 16 products on every result page.

Gallery View: This layout type has about 24 – 25 products on every result page.

This understanding is necessary to categorize the product correctly using these views and filtering.

2.Amazon’s Sponsored Products 

Another imperative category in Amazon’s search results is the Sponsored Products. They can be seen in different pages scattered at different places. Typically, the sponsored product results are seen on the top part of a product page or sometimes be combined with the organic results.

Along with the right keyword bidding strategies, you will have to optimize the sponsored product listings for Amazon SEO too. By following the right Amazon SEO strategies and PPC campaigns, your product will be listed on the First Page of the sponsored products.

3.Amazon’s Search Filters

Then, on the left-hand side, you will have filter fields. There are various filters like the product category, seller rating, shipment method, brand, color, product condition, etc. Amazon’s algorithms are smart.

They are designed in a way to understand if a product is black or brown, provided that it is mentioned in the product listing copy. Only when this piece of information is included in the listing copy, it qualifies the product to be displayed in the subset of the filter query. No wonder, an “optimized listing” plays a key role.

Say, for instance, you are selling a red straightener from XYZ brand, and you want your listing to come up in the category “hair straightener” as well as in the “XYZ Brand” filter view, then you should specify these characteristics as precisely as possible while categorizing in the Seller Central.

If you fail to do these settings, your product is never going to be listed in those filters. So, think from every angle, especially from a shopper’s perspective.

The Connection Between A Search Query And A URL

During search result filtering, Amazon considers a listing’s URL. Consider the following parameters into account.

Keyword: This signified the keyword entered by the user. This addresses the generic requirement of Amazon. In our example, this would be “red flat straightener.”

Node: Every Amazon category has a specific number (ID). This ID is addressed via the “Node” parameter. To figure out the correct ID, look at the URLs of the categories on Amazon. For the category “hair straighteners,” this would be the number “1464599427”.

Brandtextebin: The “Brandtextebin” parameter is helpful when comparing the performance of different products from its own range. For example: “Grey hair straightener from XYZ brand” vs. “Red straightener from ABC brand.”

Learn About Amazon Search Engine Ranking

The Amazon Sales Rank is an inverse ranking system. This means that a product generating the worst sales ranks last whereas a product making the best sales ranks on the top.

While many Amazon users and experts are still trying to conclude what determines the sales rankings, there are three important things every seller on Amazon should remember:

Like Google, even Amazon features a search engine. This means that there is SEO too.

Potential buyers will certainly look for your product before finding it amongst other similar products. This is when improving your product’s visibility becomes crucial. This is exactly where Amazon SEO comes in. With right Amazon SEO strategies, not only does it improve your rankings but also calls for greater sales.

Just as you are searching for a definitive Amazon SEO guide, your competitors are doing the same. So, it is high time that you start implementing the SEO strategies immediately.

Every Amazon seller knows the prominence of its search engine and how appearing higher on the results page is crucial for a successful business. Products that do not come on the first page of the search results will never be seen by potential buyers. Adding to this, some shoppers never see after the top three listings.

This literally means that a majority of trade is done via the first page, most of which is focused on the top three product listings.

This just proves how vital optimizing a product listing is for the latest Amazon’s A9 algorithm.

Now, you might wonder what A9 is. Here is a quick introduction if you are not aware.

What Is Amazon’s A9 Algorithm

A9 is Amazon’s product ranking algorithm which displays the results based on the queries or keywords or key terms entered in its search box. The results shown are fueled by customers’ past purchases, shopping preferences, and a few other factors.

How It Works? 

The algorithm chooses what products to show in front of potential buyers and how higher those products can rank based on some criteria like:

Relevance to keywords or search queries

Previous customer preferences and behavior

The number of earlier purchases for a particular product

Apart from the above, there are a plethora of factors. Since A9 is Amazon’s corporate top-secret, its functionality cannot be precisely known. The algorithm’s intricacies could possibly be worth millions and millions of dollars. So, the confidentiality as to how it works is well maintained. But with a few experimentations, you can get an idea of how it works and that’s exactly what we are going to unveil here.

What Factors Influence The A9’s Search Rankings? 

Talking about Amazon A9’s factors, they are classified into two important groups:


Price – A bigger price difference than your competitors can turn out to be a disadvantage for you.

Stock Supply – Any product of yours that runs “out of stock” can become a drawback too. Your listing might either be pushed far down or disappear.

Text Relevance – This denotes the way have you optimized your product listing with the right title and description.

2. Inexplicit:

Sales Velocity – When you start selling more products, the higher are the chances of rankings and becoming successful on Amazon.

Now, let’s look at Amazon product optimization in detail.

What You Need To Know About Amazon SEO?

To optimize a product listing on Amazon, a seller should comprehend the key ranking factors for the A9 algorithm. Since you now have a good understanding of the categorization of the products and the definition of the URL, we will now see how exactly the “optimization” part is done.

Besides learning about Amazon’s ON-Page SEO, you will also learn different factors that Amazon takes into account for displaying a product on the top results.

Keep in mind that Amazon wants to provide a good and satisfying buying experience for its customers. Only a happy user will keep coming back to Amazon to buy more and more products.

Hence, Amazon SEO includes optimizing for both the search engine and the users. These two aspects, in particular, take a good weight in its ranking algorithm.

Lets Separates these key factors into two distinct categories:


Discover ability

What Factors Come Under “Desirability?”

The factors influencing “desirability” are primarily aimed at the user and the user experience. Therefore, this aims at how well a user converts once he/she is on the product page.

These mostly include on-page factors like:

Appealing product images

Optimized product title

Competitive product price

Good product reviews and ratings

Describing the product in clear, bullet points

Attractive product title that favors users’ click-through rates

Conveying the message as to how your product is different from the others

What Factors Come Under “Discoverability?”

When compared to the “desirability” factors, the factors featuring “discoverability” don’t aim at a user. Instead, they are primarily addressing the indicators that assess the way a product is displayed and the probability of its purchase.

It is apparent that Amazon places the most profitable product with a good conversion rate on the top, given that they include multiple factors like:

Fulfillment method (FBA)


Stock availability

Shipping cost

Amazon keyword research and optimization.

Amazon SEO: How To Improve Product Rankings On Amazon?

Here are a few tips and tricks that tell how to tackle Amazon’s A9 ranking factors and improve the results systematically:

Step 1: Amazon Product Title

The foremost factor to focus on to boost the product’s visibility and rankings are your product title. Ensure that you incorporate all the relevant information in your title, keeping the product name first.

According to Amazon, a product title should include the following:






Note: A product title in the Amazon search is limited to 100 characters. This doesn’t have that mean that you can overstuff it with multiple keywords. Keep it appealing, clear, and yet optimized.

An optimized product title is one of the most crucial ranking factors for Amazon. Amazon is a search engine like any other, so keyword optimization is important here too. If you have never really cared about keyword research or keyword optimization for your product, you will never be able to go far.

Never overstuff your titles with keywords, as that’s never going to be appealing to potential buyers. Keep the title in a way that not only describes the product clearly but also has the keyword naturally inserted.

On the other hand, extremely short titles add to less area and therefore often have lower CTRs (Click-Through-Rate). The name of the brand appears on the product page, and should always be specified as many users search for specific brands on Amazon. 

Make sure to use 2-3 keywords that not only have a high search volume but also explain the product. Besides increasing the search rankings, the right product title also influences a product’s conversion rates and click-through rates.

Hence, make sure that the initial 5-6 words of the title are clear, concise, and reader-friendly. These little things make the title enticing for the user to click as well as optimize it for the Amazon search.

Step 2: Amazon Keyword Research For Product Keywords

Select the best keywords for the product(s) that you are selling. An ideal way to do this is by looking at the top-selling products in your category. Analyze them and extract their keywords.

Pick the top 4 or 5 products that are highly ranked and the ones that have the maximum reviews. Go through the list and search for the most related keywords matching your product. Yes, this is time-consuming and takes good understanding. So, to save your energy and time, try using this Free Amazon Keyword Research tool instead.

However, once you compile your list, you can even cross-reference it with the above tool to know its search volume. Now, you have the perfect set of keywords to work on for your product listings.

So, looking at the bigger picture, practice Amazon SEO to step up your game and to drive qualified traffic to your listing. This typically includes optimizing for the keywords they are searching for.

With the keyword list, measure their traffic potential. Analyze the popularity of those keywords to assist you in gauging the overall size of the potential online market.

Write effective content revolving around those keywords. By incorporating keywords, you can connect instantly with potential customers and address their needs.

By evaluating the keywords that your customers use, you get an idea of their needs and how to service those needs.

Step 3: Amazon Product Price

Whenever you set a “price” for your product, make sure to check the competition for all the identical products. Bigger price gaps are never going to win. Always try to beat or match your competition’s price. Try to lower the prices to irrational amounts to chuck out the small fish.

Product price is indeed one of the vital performance factors, which helps in deciding a product purchase. When compared to what your competitors offer at the marketplace, you shouldn’t be highly expensive, as that can reduce your sales drastically.

Step 4: Amazon Product Images

They say that “a picture says a thousand words,” and that’s so true when we talk about attracting potential shoppers at a marketplace like Amazon.

Never underrate the strength of the images. It is one of the most essential sales arguments.  Product pictures are key sales drivers. Although they don’t affect Amazon SEO directly, they do impact greatly in breaking the bounce rates.

Moreover, with Amazon’s zoom feature for images, customers can have a closer and better look at products. This means that sellers should be using HD (High Definition) and better-resolution images.

Amazon recommends using larger images – at least that are 1000 pixels in width or height to enable its “zoom” function.

Better quality images have been connected to higher sales. So, this literally means that the images have a great tendency to pull customers to see through your listing.

Keep in mind that images have a larger bearing on the velocity and hence, do a great deal in influencing the Amazon SERPs.  Furthermore, you can try different image tricks to attract buyers.

Say, for instance, Medalia Art took their selling strategy to a whole new level by using distinct image tactics. They saw about 95% incline in their CTRs when they replaced their painting images with the corresponding artists’ pictures.

In e-commerce, pictures create a credible depiction of the product. People are generally visual and an appealing image of course powerfully conveys it. A great image has outstanding effects on a buyer.

Even after he or she sees a few other product listings, an incredible product image can get him or her back to your listing page. This magic is something you can easily create on a user.

Let’s look at 2 different layouts of pictures of a very simple product. Which one do you think you will purchase from? The top row or the bottom row? Share with us in the comments section.

Understand that every shopper who arrives at Amazon wants to make a concrete picture of the product before making a purchase.

If only a few pictures are available, which are tend to be in bad resolution, it might scare him or her from buying. Therefore, it is vital to offer pictures in high resolution (something between 1000 × 1000 pixels / 1500 × 1500 pixels).

If you desire to push your product to the top results of Amazon search results, build up a new image strategy.

Step 5: Amazon Product Description

Apart from the other key aspects, the product description serves to persuade the customer for a purchase. Therefore, it is important to highlight the positive characteristics of the product.

Though the product description is not as strong a ranking factor as the product title or bullet points, it still has a good relevance for the purchase decision.

Again, the right keywords should be placed here, as well as focus strongly on emotional and positive sales arguments.

Step 6: Amazon Product Features In Bullet Points

Since Amazon offers a lot of space to write for your product, there is a lot you can play out here.

When it comes to “product description,” buyers or shoppers are never going to like it if it has huge chunks of information in paragraphs rather than in neat, clear bullet points describing every feature of the product.

While writing a product description, presenting them in paragraphs can have two drawbacks, which include:

Potential searchers or buyers dislike them because they are unclear, unapproachable, and confounding – meaning that practicing them will only lower your conversion rates or sales and so does your visibility and velocity in the Amazon search results.

The Amazon’s A9 algorithm hates walls or chunks of text in one go. Instead, rather prefers it to be in bullets with a better, easier, and more organized look to decipher and categorize.

So, the bottom line is – use bullet points to write describe your product precisely.

Again, you should be cautious not to fill the bullet points indiscriminately with keywords but to emphasize specific product features such as size, weight, and color, given that the keywords are naturally inserted. It shouldn’t make it awkward to read.

All in all, the bullet points have more space than the title. The position of the keywords is not relevant. It is more important to meet the seekers, to influence them to make a purchase. Non-responsive bullet points can quickly make the user jump off. This affects the “bounce rate,” which in turn, can have a negative impact on the rankings.

Step 7: Product Stock Availability

It is significant to ensure that your product never runs “out of stock,” as this can lose you a huge amount of rankings.

If you happen to use Fulfillment Method or Amazon FBA, you can set reminders automatically to notify you whenever your product inventory hits a particular level where you have to restock.

On the other hand, if you are selling your product on various websites, utilize multichannel sync platforms to assist you to synchronize your inventory so that they never fall at zero. However, if Amazon is your only marketplace, you can use standalone stock management platforms.

Nevertheless, if you are selling independently – sourcing, stocking, and shipping – everything

by yourself, ensure to be on top of the inventory by staying in contact with the suppliers constantly. This will help you prevent future deficits.

Step 8: Product’s Backend Search Keywords

Now, these search terms are hidden from shoppers but usually are indexed by Amazon’s A9 algorithm. Therefore, they can have an immensely positive impact on a product’s search. The important things to incorporate in your backend include the following:

Keywords or search terms that you were not able to fit in your description or title.

A product’s misspellings (which still customers tend to search highly on Amazon) or related keywords for your product.

Translation words of your product into Spanish or French, as there is a bigger Spanish-speaking populace in the United States.

Other synonyms that shoppers might look for.

You don’t have to repeat your keywords too much in your listing, as a higher frequency of a keyword has no effect on ranking. It only has a negative impact.

Step 9: Product Reviews And Ratings

When it comes to Amazon SEO, a product’s ratings and reviews are yet another pertinent components, which are evaluated and considered for better rankings. Simultaneously, they make sure that there is an indirect improvement in the rankings

This, in turn, influences the click-through rates and conversions. The higher the positive reviews, the better is the product’s value. This is also reflected by the ratings of other users and buyers, who can consider the customer reviews helpful or unhelpful.

Like reviews, those little yellow stars play a key role in enhancing the click-through rates. These lead to some higher click incentives with an appropriate figure and some tremendous average ratings overall.

Step 10: Use FBA For Your Product

A Professional Seller Account charges you $39.99 per month. Though this might seem a little high initially, it is totally worth it. It exempts you from paying that $1 fee per product, which you pay while holding an Individual Seller Account.

If you are a newbie and looking to build a successful Amazon business, you can take a glimpse of the list of the best Amazon FBA courses here.

With FBA, a pro seller will not only have a greater probability of visibility on the Amazon SERPs but also helps you win the “Buy Box.”

Conclusion: Amazon SEO and Its Algorithm A9

Optimizing your product listing correctly will get your product’s desirability and discoverability close to 80%. But the process doesn’t end there. Keeping up with the trends, algorithm updates, and ongoing optimization is equally necessary to remain in the top results.

With this article, you now have a strong knowledge of how the Amazon A9 algorithm works and how to optimize so that your listing gains visibility in the marketplace. Even after a detailed post, if you are still finding it difficult, do not fret, as we have the right tools to keep your listings be on track and thereby, increasing your sales to something you haven’t imagined.

Increase Your Product Sales on Amazon in 2022

 For the past some years, Amazon has thrived and earned an ample loyal customer base. Now, it has become one of the largest eCommerce retailers. Clearly, there is no slowing down. As popularity rises, more sellers are growing their businesses on Amazon. As 2022 emerged, it’s time to increase your sales on Amazon, starting today. And, here we are to give you tips on how to boost your product sales on Amazon. 

So, let’s get started. 

Quick Guide – 

Optimize your Listings for SEO

Multi-Channel Marketing 

Get Reviews and Increase Your Sales on Amazon

Maximize Your Advertising Avenues

Amazon Customer Metrics

Effective Inventory Management 

Abide by Amazon’s Rules and Policies

Stay Ahead of the Curve and Win Buy Box

1. Have a Strong Foundation – Optimize Your Listings For SEO

You need to abide by the Amazon SEO algorithm and entice your customers with your product listings. Optimize your listings for keyword relevance. Make sure you specify the brand name, product features, material, color, size information aptly. Images play a major role in impressing a buyer. Professional photography entices your audience and motivates the buyers to purchase a product. Highlight the value points of your product using your image. Aim to provide at least 2-3 high-quality images and cover different angles of the product. Leave no room to imagine the product for your customers. 

Do not forget about Google. Everything you do on your product listings can be indexed on Google. So, optimize them for Amazon as well as Google. This can make a big difference. 

2. Multi-Channel Marketing – For New Opportunities and Insights

If you are doing it already, it’s great! If not, start leveraging multiple channels to sell your products. 

Promote and sell products anywhere your customers can buy. Find the right customer touchpoints such as a mobile application, a social media platform, or a website matters. Do not restrict yourself to Amazon. The cornerstone of multi-channel marketing is to invest in the right channel. You can approach these platforms independently. 

A few of the popular marketing platforms in 2022 are:


Your eCommerce store.




Social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Affiliate Marketing or guest posts on various blogs.

On the other hand, Amazon is making seller-buyer communication more stringent than ever. So, make sure you establish your own loyal clientele with your e-commerce store, social media accounts, or blogs. Attaching a coupon, flashing a deal, and free shipping during the holiday season or on certain occasions would definitely entice your customers. 

Come up with a multi-channel strategy by analyzing consumer choice and purchase patterns. Find out your target audience and harness data to grow your business. 

3. Get Reviews and Increase Your Sales on Amazon

Customers trust online reviews as personal recommendations. Verified reviews improve trustworthiness. Buyers hardly leave reviews for the products they bought online. Using review programs like the Amazon vine program or Early reviewer program would help you boost your sales online. 

Seller feedback and product reviews increase your product rankings and to a certain extent influence your BSR. Constructive feedback helps you improve your product performance. So, try to automate your review requests. You can use the SellerApp review request chrome extension to automate your reviews on Amazon.

4. Maximize Your Advertising Avenues

If you really want to increase sales on Amazon, Sponsored Ads are the way. 2022 is the year of Amazon Advertising. Look beyond keyword optimization and come up with a strong strategy to increase your presence on Amazon. A successful seller strongly balances automatic and manual campaigns by using different PPC strategies. When used properly, Amazon advertising helps you convert at various places in the sales funnel. 

5. Amazon Customer Metrics – 

Customer satisfaction is an essential metric that brings more value to your business. Amazon gives huge importance to customer communication and satisfaction metrics as it wants to create positive experiences for the customers. In the Amazon seller central account, the Account health section will give a brief overview of the customer satisfaction metrics that need your attention. 

Order Defect Rate (ODR)  – 

In the specified duration, the order defect rate (ODR) gives the number of defect orders (by Amazon) by the total number of orders received. Precisely, it’s based on the number of people who have negative experiences with your product. 

According to Amazon, a guarantee claim, chargebacks, or negative comments are considered as a defect. 

A high ODR can trigger a negative impact on your Amazon account health. 

Pre-fulfillment Cancellation Rate –

The pre-fulfillment cancellation rate is initiated by the seller before shipment confirmation. This is the number of canceled orders by the total number of orders in a specific period of time. This usually happens if the seller doesn’t have enough stock after a customer places the order. So, Amazon wants you to stock up your inventory to avoid the pre-fulfillment cancellation rate. 

You need to aim for a cancellation-rate of < 2.5% to meet Amazon’s pre-fulfillment cancellation rate target.

Policy Violations –

Policy violations on the seller central account page will notify you about your performance if Amazon policies are violated. This can be due to the way of your item listing or can be the nature of the item itself. The policy violation metric will give the details of unread performance notifications.  

A green tick indicates – No unread performance notifications.

Yellow Exclamation indicates – You have unread performance notifications.

Red cross denotes – You need to read the performance notifications as your account health is at risk.

Late Shipment Rate –

This metric will give you the percentage of orders that have been dispatched late. An order is considered to be late if it is overdue by 3 or more days. Amazon suggests you set a target of < 5%.

Buyer-Seller Contact Response Time (CRT)

This is straightforward. The CRT will give you the number of customer messages you have responded to within 24 hours. 

“Amazon suggests that a seller should respond to the buyer within 24 hours. Failure to do so will negatively impact CRT, thereby Account health.”

6. Effective Inventory Management – To Increase Your Business Value

This is something we always talk about. Having your inventory stocked up will boost your organic ranking on Amazon. Warehouse and inventory management is increasing in its value and relevance for the past few years. In the US, the number of warehouses has increased by 6.8% in the past 5 years (U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics). Handling these tasks manually is time-consuming and invokes unwanted errors. So, you need to automate your tasks using appropriate Inventory management software. With an effective inventory management software, you can definitely boost your operations and inventory efficiency.

7. Abide By Amazon’s Rules and Terms of Service

Most of the time, Account suspension is one of the biggest challenges for Amazon sellers. Staying up to date with Amazon’s terms of service and policies is the key to maintain good account health and stay out of suspensions. 

8. Stay Ahead of the Curve and Win Buy Box

If you want to increase product sales on Amazon, you need to analyze your competitors’ strategies and capitalize on their weaknesses. With the competition rising on Amazon, it’s hard to stay ahead of the curve. Although Amazon never gives away the exact metrics that influence Buy Box eligibility, however, it considers:

Seller feedback and product reviews

An efficient and quick delivery system

Refunds and return rates

Inventory volume

And most importantly, competitive pricing

Besides, for an Amazon seller, sales history comes into the picture to influence the Buy Box chances. 


On the whole, focusing on these aspects would not only increase your sales on Amazon but also help you achieve customer satisfaction. Small and medium businesses will gain maximum traction if they leverage technology for business growth. This is critical for Amazon sellers as the e-commerce industry is moving at a fast pace. 

Amazon ASIN

 What is Amazon ASIN?

ASIN stands for Amazon Standard Identification Number. It is made up of 10-characters: numbers, alphabets, or a combination of both. It is a unique identifier assigned by Amazon.com and its partners. This means each product has its own unique code with which customers can identify the product that they are looking for. You cannot find two items having the same ASIN. 

ASINs are only unique within a marketplace. So you may have different ASINs in different marketplaces, for the same product. 

Amazon ASIN use

Amazon’s ASIN is unique and is not only used on Amazon.com but also the other marketplaces such as Amazon.ca, Amazon.co.jp, Amazon.cn, Amazon.de, Amazon.co.uk, Amazon.it, Amazon.fr, Amazon.es, and so on.

Create a new ASIN or use an existing one

For each product sold on Amazon, there will be only one ASIN on the product page.  So this makes it easier for customers to identify them. If Amazon finds any duplicate ASINs, they are merged. 

So, let me give you a few cases where you should consider an old ASIN or get a new one. 

Use an existing ASIN:

Before you sell a product on Amazon, check if an ASIN exists for your product. If it exists, you can sell your product under the same ASIN. By doing this, you share the same product page with other sellers who offer the same product. In general, resellers and retailers come under this category. 

When to create a new ASIN

When you check an ASIN on Amazon, if you don’t find one, you’ll need to create a new one. You need to create a new product in Amazon’s product catalog first. Once you create the product, Amazon will assign a unique ASIN to help you start selling the product. Private label sellers, brand owners, and sellers with exclusive distribution rights follow this path. 

In a nutshell, you need to create a new Amazon ASIN, if you want to sell a product that isn’t listed on Amazon.

How to find an ASIN on Amazon?

You can find an ASIN in three ways.

Product URL

Search for your desired product on Amazon. Click on the product in the search results and open the product details page. 

Product Information

Scroll through the product information section to find the ASIN on the product page. 

 Amazon ASIN important for your business

Amazon ASIN is important both for you and Amazon because it is used to track your inventory, as a reference for catalog data, and to index product catalog pages to search and browse. 

Your Amazon ASIN number is the bedrock for the catalog’s structure, as it allows shoppers more room to search through multiple product categories. Customers can also type the product description or ASIN into the search box and find the exact product they are looking for. 

A product’s ASIN helps Amazon to display the exact product in the search results. Therefore, as a seller, it is important to add the right ASIN identifier for your products. If not, Amazon won’t show up your products in search results.

Make sure to match your product with an existing ASIN or create a new one if you can’t find it in Amazon’s catalog.

Amazon ASIN requirements for your product

Amazon has a few restrictions when it comes to adding an ASIN. 

If you want to sell a product that already exists on Amazon, you cannot create a new ASIN. You need to match your product to the existing ASIN in seller central.

Depending on the sales history, listing details, and other factors, Amazon may limit the number of new listings you can create. Amazon also suggests you prioritize the product you are listing. This is to increase your sales quickly.

Winter Season and Rainfall Free Free

 O man of my dream , have you lost your address note or something bad has happened to you. Even GOD has increased the timing of love season here, we are enjoying lovely rain in winter season. But still there is no clue for your arrival. 

And im here as being good person, completely dedicated to GOD plan, sitting in window and focusing on road that anytime when you are visible to me,  just flare my duptta for affirmation. Rose petals are ready to fall, dreamy snowfall ready to show , with beautiful touch of rain and I’m too ready in white beautiful glittery outfit to say yes . Please come soon so GOD can set all season to their exact location.

The weather outside my window just perfect for those person , who have availability to cuddle with their special loved one, just like it shows in movie or in tv drama. Where love scene or romantic mood create after perfect setting of weather outside.

 Like in snowfall environment , a hut on top of cliff of mountain with girl inside sitting on couch with a winter outfit (just for name) . She is looking outside and suddenly two hand embrace her from back, obvious not ghost but her beloved one. They start seeing each other eyes without any blink and we have to change the channel , as this a moment  scene is not acceptable when you are member of joint family.

But why this romantic look I can see outside now and not only see but I can feel it , as its too much cold environment . I know that its winter season and its normal , but why its raining . Rain in winter is not like extra toping on cake, but it added extra chill to environment . Its complete a romantic weather but only for those who are dating or newly married. Either  for each and every individual person its mess, they find it difficult to work and for person like me , who spend whole day on one chair and laptop, is complete big obstacle.

After seven in evening , I have nothing to do. Neither movie nor anything else . The only thing that I prefer is walk , as much I can. But with this rain you cant even dream to go outside. So just roll and roll on bed.

You cant even think to eat something good,  your stomach wont support this decision of you and than what . Just stare outside of glued to your cellphone.

Just dream…….